real ife sex for providers after long day at office

RunSilent RunDeep's Avatar
What April and Dallas both describe closely resembles my own realationship with my SO. I think that there are a lot of people that can not grasp the concept because it is outside the realm of traditional thinking.

During one date, a gentleman asked me if I was married....when I replied honestly, he seemed alarmed by it...the more I attempted to explain it to him, the more alarmed he became.

It is not our fault if our love, openess, respect, and honesty with our life partners is beyound someones grasp! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Yes, it's not your fault. You (and your sisters, both the ones who have posted and those who have not) are lucky ladies!

1. "Alarmed" makes more sense to me than "jealous" -- as in, "OMG what if her husband finds out what we've been doing?! I could be in for such a whuppin'!" (and/or such a public scene -- which might get to his home and his wife (if he was married, and most providers seem to say that most of their hobbyists are).)

2. "Lucky" because, as some others have mentioned, not all providers are this lucky. In her blog, Amanda Brooks (based out of Singapore, currently touring in Australia I think) has lamented the difficulty she has had in finding a guy who can be a simpatico SO. Several other providers have echoed her lament in their responses to her blog posts.

In her blog, she also reports having retired for a few years with an SO, only to return to the business (quite abruptly) when he became an intolerable jerk.

So -- lucky. May it hold steady, for each of you.