Dallas Police Officer accused of sexual assault found dead

John Q.'s Avatar
Innocent until proven guilty?

There's too much hate in this thread. Make Love Not War. If that's not an option, I'd settle for a good hand job!

BTW... EZ knows of what he speaks. Much respect sir, and THANK YOU.
pyramider's Avatar
It isn't fear but experience. A small group of well trained, experienced people would decimate a group of amateurs. What was left would run. Originally Posted by EZ.

That was demonstrated in the Mid East and will continue to be...
Never a good policy to jack with people that you don't know or what they or their friends are capable of. Originally Posted by EZ.
Are you saying that it wasn't a suicide? That associates of one of the women administered their own justice and staged a suicide?
Interesting angle.
Let's hope this asshole takes the easy way out too:


It isn't fear but experience. A small group of well trained, experienced people would decimate a group of amateurs. What was left would run. Originally Posted by EZ.
The Walking Dead. Hello!
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 09:13 AM
Not to derail this thread, but I think it's rather comical listening to some of you guys. Yes I agree, often We have more to worry about from the police, than from the folks they're protecting us from. But I think It would be much worse without them. All the folks talking about guns etc.... I got a couple questions for you. Keeping in mind, than I'm a gun nut....and a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment rights...How much time have you spent.....getting to know your weapons. And training, to make damn sure you know how to use it. Secondly, how many of us here have ever shot another person? Or are even capable of doing so? It's a hell of a lot different, than shooting a target. Do we really want to become a society that advocates survival of the fittest? Originally Posted by Crzytxn
Anarchists are against any form of authority.

I also believe in the 2nd amendment but I actually cried when I saw the accounts of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Though they didn't show it, I could imagine the effects of 5.56 rounds tearing into the small bodies of those six year old children.

My grandfather was in the trenches of WWI. He had more influence, over me, than anyone. He cried when I left for Vietnam. He knew. He told me that a war isn't over until the last participant is gone. It has been 45 years and there isn't a day that I don't think about it.
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 09:24 AM
Innocent until proven guilty?

There's too much hate in this thread. Make Love Not War. If that's not an option, I'd settle for a good hand job!

BTW... EZ knows of what he speaks. Much respect sir, and THANK YOU. Originally Posted by John Q.
Thank you. Some pussy would be good about now.
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 09:49 AM
That was demonstrated in the Mid East and will continue to be... Originally Posted by pyramider
That was demonstrated in Paris, this week. You would have to be naive to believe that this isn't coming to a neighborhood near you.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-11-2015, 10:23 AM
[QUOTE=thathottnurse;1056242633]Let's hope this asshole takes the easy way out too:


Why are the bonds Sooo low for these Wolves in sheeps clothing?!?!?
Exactly! Because they are cops and their "power" yields leniency. Innocent until proven guilty is a sliding scale based on how much stroke you or your wallet have. I'm not against cops at all, just against abuse of power. And it's rampant in the "legal" system. As long as you can make it look legal, its legal. And if you get caught you either face the music of you take the chickenshit way out like Kattner did. I'd venture to guess that most legal bullies take the chickenshit way out.

I'm sure someone argued that this Bradford is in more danger in jail so he needs a low bond he can meet to ensure his safety. Or maybe they didn't have to argue that at all and the sorry ass judge set it that low for grins. Let's all be on the lookout for his suicide too. Shouldn't be too long.
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 10:50 AM
Exactly! Because they are cops and their "power" yields leniency. Innocent until proven guilty is a sliding scale based on how much stroke you or your wallet have. I'm not against cops at all, just against abuse of power. And it's rampant in the "legal" system.

I'm sure someone argued that he is in more danger in jail so he needs a low bond he can meet to ensure his safety. Or maybe they didn't have to argue that at all and the sorry ass judge set it that low for grins. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Apparently, criminals are far wiser at dealing with these people than our justice officials.
I think Kattner shot himself bc he is a pussy-ass bully with a badge that finally got knocked off his pedestal. Couldn't take the heat so he bailed - for good. Next!

As much as I love to entertain the idea of vigilante justice, I prefer the justice system we have. It needs reform - badly - but at least there is a chance for organized reform.

Now, if someone ever put their hands on MY child (as with the Bradford case)....I wouldn't even bother with the legal system the way it is now...js.
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 01:32 PM
I think Kattner shot himself bc he is a pussy-ass bully with a badge that finally got knocked off his pedestal. Couldn't take the heat so he bailed - for good. Next!

As much as I love to entertain the idea of vigilante justice, I prefer the justice system we have. It needs reform - badly - but at least there is a chance for organized reform.

Now, if someone ever put their hands on MY child (as with the Bradford case)....I wouldn't even bother with the legal system the way it is now...js. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Make him suck his own dick.
pyramider's Avatar
That was demonstrated in Paris, this week. You would have to be naive to believe that this isn't coming to a neighborhood near you. Originally Posted by EZ.

Bring the shit to me, it will end for them quicker than they can blinck.
  • Louc4
  • 01-11-2015, 02:03 PM
I agree OBSG! What he was accused of was totally WRONG...but that's no reason to wish him dead.
There must be something going on behind the scenes that was never divulged. Being a 26yr veteran of the PD he could have probably taken some sort of early retirement &, excuse the term, 'copped a plea bargain' and done little if any time in prison.
There must have been more felony charges in the works for him to send him over the edge. Originally Posted by planojim
He was only Formally charged.
There was no indictment.
A Grand Jury would decide.
Haven't read the thread beyond the first couple posts, but I know what it's about from the title.

All I gotta say is: Good riddance. One less punk ass bitch trying to overcome a lifelong inferiority complex by wearing a badge and carrying a gun.

Note: though the foregoing words are harsh, they're not not intended as a blanket indictment of all law enforcement officers. Far more good ones than bad ones, and even that's probably an understatement. That said, there are very few professions that do a poorer job of screening out the bad apples. I can think of a couple that come close, but not many, and none of those involve the issuance of firearms as a part of the "uniform."

I recall a verse from an old Concrete Blonde song every time I see a story about a bad cop (and I see a lot of those stories, so I think about this verse a lot):

"They're gonna call me sir, They'll all stop picking on me
Well, I'm a high school grad, I'm over 5 foot 3
I'll get a badge and a gun, and I'll join the PD
They'll see...."

Dangerous mindset. There's gotta be a way to screen those types out. meh, easier said than done, I know, but I'll keep hopin' they figure out a way.