GneissGuy's Avatar
The question is how do we keep it that way?

As the site gets popular, the trolls will be attracted.

Lonely pathetic people will stir things up just to keep themselves occupied. Read Games People Play for instance.

Feuds will develop. Lies will be told.

Pimps will try to use the site to their advantage.

Sock puppets will infest the site.

White Knights will joust.

Whenever the mods try to get people to tone down the venom level, there will be cries of censorship. There will be claims of favoritism.

The more popular the site becomes, the more attractive it will be to the forces of darkness.

Don't get me wrong. I like the site. I hope the site stays gneiss. I just think it will take hard work and hard choices by the staff to make it work. It takes hard work by the staff to keep the site flowing smoothly. Sometimes the cancers have to be cut out of the membership or they take over. A lot of the staff members are experienced people I know and respect.

The membership can help, too. DNFTT Do Not Feed The Trolls. Support the staff.
I like eccie better than aspd A refreshed modern look with easy navigation the provider showcase is a nice treat for those who don't have time to look over our websites lookin forward to seeing more people join! happy 2010 the year to win!!
I love the Provider Showcase!!!! that is the best feature since sliced bread!!!
gman44's Avatar
I love it as well
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
See I told you guys that it would be OK, and that we would live happily ever after. I just didn't know how it would happen!! Originally Posted by Amrita Lover
...and it happens for a reason. There was a need for a reincarnation and rebirth in our community. It's like the old money pit car I am finally accepting the need to replace. You don't want to give up cuz you are comfortable w/ the familiarity yet once it's been replaced, the new features are so awesome, you wonder why you waited so long!

There are so many boards out there - thousands of them! - and finding one that keeps the family together like this is quite impressive. I'm very grateful for the security this gives me.

I'm with REB. The showcase is the best idea and will make it faster for me to try and recreate a few of the numerous reviews I lost in the transition. Nice to also see that I'm under Kat (again)
I'm with REB. The showcase is the best idea and will make it faster for me to try and recreate a few of the numerous reviews I lost in the transition. Nice to also see that I'm under Kat (again) Originally Posted by rerun88
another great reason is now I do not have to browse and read Dallas, Houston, and SA reviews to find talent.. I just click and click....

whoever thought of that I applaud you!!!
  • Logic
  • 01-10-2010, 12:26 PM
It moves faster when browsing. Just a better website all together.
That was TBONE and The Original Becky (the site owners)...ain't it cool?

I've finally made the (forced) migration. So far, so good.
In full agreement with the consensus here. ECCIE is great! Clean layout, easy navigation, and none of those work-inappropriate banner ads (no matter how helpful they may be, I could never check my inbox with those ads coming up every time!).

ECCIE is fab! I hope to see everyone here : )
Yssup Rider's Avatar
GG -- I think the "trolls" will stay away once they realize they don't get any traction here. And if the staff lets people play, then everything will be OKAY.

Don't know what do do about the theives, pimps and other ne'er do wells. I guess that comes with the territory. As long as we can tell the difference, we'll be OK.

I for one am delighted to have a fresh board with a new start. The fall from grace probably won't happen for at least three or four years, if things follow suit.

d3s's Avatar
  • d3s
  • 01-11-2010, 08:41 PM
ECCIE is nice! And big thanks to all the users taking the time to repost their recent reviews. All is not lost!
I like ECCIE more than pizza with extra pepperoni, black olives and mushrooms...and that says a lot!...lol

I'm a happy friggin ECCIE camper and have been for a while. It is great to see so many folks here from ASPD. I was never active there, more of a lurker. Happy hobbying to all!