If a provider is no longer in the business....

tikkler33's Avatar
If you intend to place anyone other than yourself on any publication, this is sort of legally required........

Clever- how can you be clever if you don't know basic law..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Hmmm, someone discussing how something is "sort of legally required" and then dissing someone else for not knowing basic law?
And this from someone who is publicly advertising for what we all know to be illegal activities (even though we pretend that they are not)?
It gets better all the time.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Hmmm, someone discussing how something is "sort of legally required" and then dissing someone else for not knowing basic law?
And this from someone who is publicly advertising for what we all know to be illegal activities (even though we pretend that they are not)?
It gets better all the time. Originally Posted by tikkler33

this is all fantasy.....pretend...but in our pretend forums we have to follow laws no matter what....what you do off the board is not the publications or website's problem....unless they withhold information from a legal authority if asked...
tikkler33's Avatar
Exactly proves my point. We try to pretend this this is all fantasy, and there are a few who are foolish enough to think that no one knows any better.
So, this thread is about you trying to fuck with someone you have a problems with, SOH?

And you want to pose it as a hypothetical scenario painted in a positive light so you can feel validated?


The Internet is still the wild west. If you give out your pics, your info, etc... It may come back to haunt you later. Forget model release forms. If someone didn't sign a model release form and wants to go after the photographer for publishing their pics, it is their problem; not some coin-op manager's with a grudge. Even then, if she knew her pics were being used and didn't complain at the time, the consent is implied.

Take your personal agendas elsewhere.
John Bull's Avatar
From now on, there will be no slamming of other members. Not in this thread, not in any thread!

The rule will be, from this time forward, play nice or don't play.

If you see a post that you feel is wrong, use the Report to Mod icon located at the bottom of your Avatar block. Do not send me or any other mod a complaining email or PM. We have no way of knowing what thread the offending post is in.

If you have questions about what is permitted or what is not, contact a mod via PM or Email.

Thank you

John Bull
simpleton's Avatar
I hope this doesn't become the new aspd. where everything is pc and dull and boring
Twist of Fate's Avatar
Amen, Brother! get'em in check!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
too late
John Bull's Avatar
It's never to late. The only question is whether the membership wants a good, fun informative place to post or whether they want a nasty, mean zoo.

It's really the members choice. I'm just here to help make it what most want it to be.
auknowho's Avatar
It's pretty simple if a provider is "NOT" in the business then respect that and that goes both ways. Discussing her on the boards and outing her personal information is as bad as outing her picture, so I say let's close this thread and move on. We are all adults and should not ruin it for others who want to move on and live a happy life.
Twist of Fate's Avatar
It's pretty simple if a provider is "NOT" in the business then respect that and that goes both ways. Discussing her on the boards and outing her personal information is as bad as outing her picture, so I say let's close this thread and move on. We are all adults and should not ruin it for others who want to move on and live a happy life. Originally Posted by auknowho
Quoting the guy above me but since I am agreeing I just want to make sure in case you edit, LOL

Excellent post! This thread should never of been started because it is outing a girl who the TS claims does not want to be outed.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
By all means John, lets clean up this nasty world. I suggest we plant lots of flowers, make camp fires, and sing camp songs. Or will the iron fist technique be enough?
John Bull's Avatar
By all means John, lets clean up this nasty world. I suggest we plant lots of flowers, make camp fires, and sing camp songs. Or will the iron fist technique be enough? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Well, I don't have much to do with the world, and I think camp fires might be difficult on a forum but from what I've seen, there are a lot of good Texas flowers running around here. Maybe we should concentrate on bedding them and talking about it and the things that surround those activities. I think we can do that without calling people out and I think we can do that without creating a dull board.
Twist of Fate's Avatar
TOF- Stop, we know who followed me online weeks ago...I know it's you... who else has the time, and clever posting skip one then you....Okay we know it's you so stop......DID YOU FORGET THIS IS FANTASY...OR WILL YOUR REVIEWS REVEAL YOU COMMITTED A CRIME?
and HOPE they don't see it ever... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

Is she saying that she will call LE if I write reviews and that we should not write reviews? JB, a little clarification please. I want to be sure that by participating here I am not putting myself in some sort of jeopardy because that is the impression I get form this post directed at me.
John Bull's Avatar
The answer is that you should let it drop or continue it off the Board. She says - you say - others chime in and soon we have uncivility.

So, let it drop.