Going Clear

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Was there any question that CORNHOLIO would get a tickle in his BUNGHOLIO?

You're a simple study, retard!

But you know, I'll bet your presence in this board that I am NOT The member who goes by the handle of Under Construction. If you can prove that he and I are one in the same, I'll leave ECCIE.

If a mod confirms I am not Under Construction, you leave.

Pretty simple, eh?

I won't miss you.

Put your money where your mouth is, moron! Or STFU when grown ups are talking.
JCM800's Avatar
The e-meter of scientology; measures how clear you are

Only $495.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What a bargain, lol ...is that on Amazon?

I wonder if buying that automatically enters you into the cult?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Waiting, Cornholio...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TICK TOCK, Cornholio!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
TICK TOCK, Cornholio! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You DO know it's Easter morning, right?

  • shanm
  • 04-05-2015, 03:07 PM

What are the principles that Scientology is organized around?

The world's oldest religions, are organized around teachings on how to treat others, how to live a moral life.

What is the equivalent of the 10 commandments in Scientology?

You should know since you have formed the judgement that there is no difference between mainstream religion and Scientology,,,so I am curious. A response would be appreciated. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think the main purpose of any religion, including Scientology, is to answer the age-old questions: who are we, where do we come from, where will we go. Scientology does that very well actually(ummmm), and if you look at it objectively, it is, at the very least, much more original than the same (crock-of-shit) heaven-hell story line. As I've said before, Scientology is a cult. It's secretive, and so it's teachings aren't fully known. Interviews with it's followers do show that Scientology does provide moral guidance as well. You asked what the equivalent of the ten commandments in Scientology is? well that would be their "code of Honor". They also have shit like Auditors code and other stuff, which I can post later if you'd like.

The basic object that we disagree on is the definition of a "cult". I understand your modern "secret society" definition. In actuality it's defined like this:
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

If you go by that definition, then it is hard not to see any religion as such.
"God's everywhere but I gotta go down there to see him....Really??
And he's mad at me down there and I owe you money?! Go fuck yourself!" (Bill Burr)

Answer me this, if you were born in Afghanistan to muslim parents, would you still be a Christian? Most likely, no.
So the mere fact of where you were born could be the difference in whether you go to heaven or hell?
Also, that "loving" "caring" god seems to be a real jolly old chap if he's throwing people (he made) into hell!

"I actually resent the fact that I'm gonna get judged someday … It's like dude, you made me, so this is your f***-up. Alright? So let's not try to turn this around on me … you give me freedom of choice, you make whores, you have me suck at math and you don't think this thing is gonna go off the rails? Like, you set me up to fail, and now you got the balls to question your own work?" (Bill Burr)

I hate to keep beating up on Sha-na-na but he keeps his face in the way of logic. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again, you display your knack for aggrandizing your own irrelevant self. No one is applauding your post but you, as usual. The only thing you're beating here is your dick. You would be the very last person anyone should go to looking for "logic"

Jesus had nothing to do with the Bible other than being a character in it. If you believe the Bible then Jesus was the son of god and could walk on water. You say man, did any MAN in the Bible walk on water?
L.Ron Hubbard took the idea of science and turned it into a religion on a bet. Why science? At the turn of the last century (circa 1900) everything started revolving around science and the scientific method. Hubbard took this which he knew was a winner. No one wants to argue against "science" (see global warming). So the idea is to make something into science that is not. Add some self fulfilling interests (what little kid didn't like to think that maybe he was more than everyone else around him by birth), a few "wise" words and you have a religion. Like Kwanzaa, Scientology was created to snare suckers. HELLO SUCKER!

From wikipedia
It is widely believed that the creation of Scientology was the result of a bar bet between L. Ron Hubbard and Robert A. Heinlein. The story says L. Ron Hubbard dared that he could create a religion all by himself. According to Scientology critic Lindsay[4] this is "definitely not true", no such bet was ever made, it would have been "uncharacteristic of Heinlein" to make such a bet, and "there's no supporting evidence". However, several of Heinlein's autobiographical pieces, as well as biographical pieces written by his wife, claim repeatedly that the bet did indeed occur. Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land is sometimes claimed to be his attempt at winning the bet.

Here is something for others to chew on; newspaper publishers are usually rich, CNN's Ted Turner is rich....so why do people think that Murdock being rich is a legitimate attack on the people (yes, you're attacking his people, not him) who work for him. Sheer stupidity.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And, also as per usual, you post a completely irrelevant, ignorant mixture of shit and vomit. You're like a dog distracted by a firecracker. Just because Scientology has the word "scien" in it DOES NOT mean it has anything to do with actual science. The fact that you equate a piece of Alien horseshit FICTION to one of the most hotly debated scientific issues of the 21st century, shows us exactly how qualified you are to be talking about this issue. Quick question, do you think Scientology is the religion of choice for scientists??

Love or hate JD (it''s mostly hate), you can't deny the fact that his countless lunatic posts provide hours of quality entertainment. Speaking of (lunacy), shouldn't you be out looking for your missing plane? Last I heard you had covered 99% of terrain sheltered by "wilted shrubbery". Only a little more to go!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You DO know it's Easter morning, right?

Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Not in my house, Lambchop.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Waiting, Cornholio...

I know how important it must feel to you to be part of anything non-State ordered, but I thought you had the courage of your convictions... At least your indictments!


(Anybody think he'll respond to the proposition?)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The e-meter of scientology; measures how clear you are

Only $495.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

an over priced volt meter. worthless


Chris Reeves fooled this so-called machine, easily at will. any of us could do the same


"He also talked about how he had fooled the so-called E-Meter, a machine that is supposed to detect lies or hidden agendas."

Harlan Ellison on the TRUTH about Scientology

Hubbard was a 4th rate pulp fiction hack. most of "Scientology" was the basis of some of his fiction stories.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not in my house, Lambchop. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you meant pork chop right tinkerbell?

i like mine well done.

of course YOU won't acknowledge Easter Sunday as the betrayal of Jesus at the hands of the old Jews who paid off pontius pilate to crucify him. you are such a suck ass hypocrite.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're just plain dumb, WaKKKo KKKid. I was born and raised in Texas, asshole. I've heard a lot worse redneck bullshit than yours... Just not since 1964.

You're yesterday's fucking newspaper.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Tickety fucking TOCK, ignorant fuck.

The bet's out there.. Where are you?

Why don't you admit you were wrong and apologize? You'd eat less shit and save "face."
I'll suggest that anyone interested obtain and read a copy of "Going Clear" by Lawrence Wright. You'll determine, I'm quite sure, that Scientology could never be embraced by anyone with the IQ above that of the common houseplant. Hubbard was troubled from the beginning and a complete lunatic. More troubled still are those who would follow him.
I'll suggest that anyone interested obtain and read a copy of "Going Clear" by Lawrence Wright. You'll determine, I'm quite sure, that Scientology could never be embraced by anyone with the IQ above that of the common houseplant. Hubbard was troubled from the beginning and a complete lunatic. More troubled still are those who would follow him. Originally Posted by JustCause
Remember when John Travolta's kid died? Like any parent losing a child, he was devastated. But Scientology didn't do him any good in getting through a bad time like that. Family and close friends said he was a total basket case. I even heard of an article where he was even contemplating taking his plane and drilling it into the side of a mountain. If he was so called " clear" he would have been able to mourn in a healthy manner and would have been strong for his surviving family. Instead he displayed just the opposite. I can't believe our country has placed Scientology in the category of a " Religion". They should declare it totally fraudulent and close it down.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Was there any question that CORNHOLIO would get a tickle in his BUNGHOLIO?

You're a simple study, retard!

But you know, I'll bet your presence in this board that I am NOT The member who goes by the handle of Under Construction. If you can prove that he and I are one in the same, I'll leave ECCIE.

If a mod confirms I am not Under Construction, you leave.

Pretty simple, eh?

I won't miss you.

Put your money where your mouth is, moron! Or STFU when grown ups are talking. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Don't think I'm letting you slide on this. This is right up there withen Whir-LIE-turd's lies.

I'm calling you out, moron.

Take the bet or admit your stupid error.

Or take the bet and leave the forum.

You call me a "maggot?"

Ignorant fuck.