Time to Vent!!!!

Guest091710's Avatar
actually guy 1 is not on this board and i dont see anything on here that would be inaccurate. i also stated the session was otherwise fine. Just be aware, thats all he had to do was inform providers what it is he's doing. i also further more know that other health conditions prohibit him from being on this sight. At any rate when there is a health concern, or a concern or question as to what is going on, that takes priority over his fantasy, and the uncapped needles laying on the bathroom counter does warrant telling my fellow providers. END OF STORY. The mere injection sight right before a session warrants informing others. The chemical taste in Your mouth and wondering if its chloroform, rohypnol? He put on his cock warrants informing others. Not a good feeling wondering if Your just about to go to sleep and or wake up? So yeah, say whatever, but trust isnt affordable in this business, esp not w stranger and matters of safety. I could have been a real bitch and came out swinging, i was actually trying w the first gentleman to be considerate.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Yes, we are all entitled to discretion and privacy, but I have to agree with Cilla in that she did have a right to know his condition in advance especially if he intended to treat himself during the session. I would not have been comfortable seeing someone possibly "shooting up" in my presence and would have terminated the session unless he showed me a doctor's order then and there, and how many people carry their scripts around with them? Perhaps the intimate details might have been more appropriate, and less flamed, in the provider only forum rather than co-ed, however.
dearhunter's Avatar
actually guy 1 is not on this board and i dont see anything on here that would be inaccurate. i also stated the session was otherwise fine. Just be aware, thats all he had to do was inform providers what it is he's doing. i also further more know that other health conditions prohibit him from being on this sight. At any rate when there is a health concern, or a concern or question as to what is going on, that takes priority over his fantasy. Originally Posted by subcilla
Knowing all of the underlying issues for this hobbyist, you still came on here and did this?

But, there wasn't a health concern when you chose to come here and "vent" about his limp dick. As you stated, you did the correct thing and verified that there was no health issue after the session.

Your venting privilage were checked at the door when you took his money and did the session anyway. You made a decision in that moment when you saw him use the needle.

As you said, you are not a newbie and are very aware that this does not go well for providers.
dearhunter's Avatar
Yes, we are all entitled to discretion and privacy, but I have to agree with Cilla in that she did have a right to know his condition in advance especially if he intended to treat himself during the session. I would not have been comfortable seeing someone possibly "shooting up" in my presence and would have terminated the session unless he showed me a doctor's order then and there, and how many people carry their scripts around with them? Perhaps the intimate details might have been more appropriate, and less flamed, in the provider only forum rather than co-ed, however. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Fancy, you would not have come into co-ed and bitch slapped him after taking his money either.
Guest091710's Avatar
The way i see it, is i am a provider, i see clients, and therefore prospective clients are subjected to the same health issues i am, therefore have the right to know the potential risk. Condoms break, shit happens, uncapped needles, not something anyone should deal with, with out warning.
chicagoboy's Avatar
At any rate when there is a health concern, or a concern or question as to what is going on, that takes priority over his fantasy, and the uncapped needles laying on the bathroom counter does warrant telling my fellow providers. END OF STORY. Originally Posted by subcilla
So why did you post this in Coed?
Guest091710's Avatar
Fancy, you would not have come into co-ed and bitch slapped him after taking his money either. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Given the circumstance most would have taken the money and ran, i didnt, i stayed and let him explain and proceeded w extreme caution. But then again i dont expect You to understand what its like to have ingested a foreign unknown chemical, while being 4' 9" and extremely subject to being over powered.
Guest091710's Avatar
So why did you post this in Coed? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
The way i see it, is i am a provider, i see clients, and therefore prospective clients are subjected to the same health issues i am, therefore have the right to know the potential risk. Condoms break, shit happens, uncapped needles, not something anyone should deal with, with out warning.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The way i see it, is i am a provider, i see clients, and therefore prospective clients are subjected to the same health issues i am, therefore have the right to know the potential risk. Condoms break, shit happens, uncapped needles, not something anyone should deal with, with out warning. Originally Posted by subcilla
By the logic, prospective clients' spouses are subjected to those health risks, too. Why don't you just take out an ad in the Chronicle and warn everyone about this piteous man?
Guest091710's Avatar
The mere sight of seeing someone shoot up, was enough for me to run, and if You disagree, then i have no interest in going there w You (EITHER). i am one of the most lenient open minded providers, needles, and unknown chemicals, not so much. And FYI information and being informed is the right choice here. If You dislike my freedom of speech then stop reading. OOOPS a whole new can of worms, and a contradiction all of its own.
Guest091710's Avatar
By the logic, prospective clients' spouses are subjected to those health risks, too. Why don't you just take out an ad in the Chronicle and warn everyone about this piteous man? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
why dont You write a review and actually hobby, and then it might be an actual concern. Just sayin
Guest091710's Avatar
By the logic, prospective clients' spouses are subjected to those health risks, too. Why don't you just take out an ad in the Chronicle and warn everyone about this piteous man? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
A clients Spouse is the responsibility of said client. Get over it!
ANONONE's Avatar
Some poor soul imagines you're worth stabbing himself in the dick ... and you're the one who's bitching? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Sorry, but that is some of the funniest shit I have read in a month on this board!
Guest091710's Avatar
Yes Sir, it is pretty funny to catch scrutiny from ppl who don't actually hobby, but rather sit here all day, LMAO.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Sorry Cilla, but I am with Don on this one. When you saw the shot you had 2 choices: leave the $ and leave or stay and deal with it.

To take the money AND Bitch.....well, IMHO that is a breach of trust and confidence.

As far as the guy sweating in his car, I don't get that one either. Most guys who schedule a session after working or driving or whatever, jump in the shower before the intimacy begins. What was so offensive about someone who admitted they needed to take a shower?

If you were just pissed about the previous change of plans and him being late, that is a completely different issue.

If your intention was to Protect your fellow providers, you have your own private forum for that.

If your intention was to embarrass someone with a medical problem, well, mission accomplished......oops, there I go again, mixing up threads.