Sugar daddies?

Naomi4u's Avatar
You can be an escort OR a SB but not both. It is a totally different mind set. Originally Posted by Captain Columbus
London Rayne's Avatar
I am a charter member of & the board sucks. 90%+ of the ladies are looking for boyfriends or husbands. They think it is for the rich & famous. The remaining 10% understand what a sugarbaby is but they are also escorts. You can be an escort OR a SB but not both. It is a totally different mind set.

I have had some nice SD/SB relationships with local grad students. Most were for a year until they graduated and moved on. They didn't want a lot of money as they had full scholarships already. They just wanted a little extra for concert tickets, pizza, etc. One russian sweetie wanted a case [six 1.75 liter] of vodka every visit.
They liked the short 1-2 hour dates 2-3 times a month. It met their physical needs without being forced to develop an emotional relationship they didn't want. Was I a low budget SD? Yes. But it met both our needs so both parties were happy. One can be in a SD/SB relationship for as little as 500 a month to 5k+ per month. Fun times and I am looking for my next lass to drop anchor with. Originally Posted by Captain Columbus
I would not consider such a low rate a SD...sorry but that is what most of us make in an hour...not a month. Saying you're not an escort and being paid to have sex no matter how you look at it, is the same thing. I love the women on those sites who put in all caps, "I AM NOT A HOOKER...DON'T CALL ME UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO PAY ME FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR A MONTH OR SO, THEN I WILL GIVE IT UP."

Good luck with that lmao!
Silly Girl, I can ask you this. How can a Teenager possibly have the skills to make a Woman feel as good as a older Man who has had a lifetime to hone his skills.??

Of course, the older Man still has to be capable, and he has to really appreciate what a great Lady has to offer. But there are a few of us out there.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sugar babies and escorts are not the same in the sense that a sugar baby is not paid by the hour for *** an escort is. Fact of the matter is that most guys have convinced themselves that they are sugar daddies to someone and they aren't. A sugar daddy is someone with a lot of wealth that takes care of your every financial need without flinching. An escort can retire and become a sugar baby and a sugar baby can move up the ladder and become an escort lol. In fact that's what most of them do.

I know sugar babies that DO NOT have sex with their sugar daddies and I know some that do (). There is no one way. It is up to the two parties to determine what works for them but I can tell you now London that I agree with your statement. $500 a month is not exactly sugar baby status. Um I can go and see Scott and Bobby tomorrow and make that in less than 2 hours. LOL!
Naomi4u's Avatar

Of course, the older Man still has to be capable, and he has to really appreciate what a great Lady has to offer. But there are a few of us out there. Originally Posted by Jackie S
London Rayne's Avatar
Jackie S, I have been with a slew of guys obviously, and I can promise you age does not equal experience. Many have just been doing it longer, not better. There are very few guys in their 30's that I have to school on how to kiss and go down on me....can't say the same for many of the older ones. Of course, that applies to different areas as well. I find 95 percent of the men in the country states are fabulous at every age.

Naomi, my point is that eventually all are still considered hookers. If you make a guy wait 3 months but give it up when you know the money will stop, you are still being paid for sex. Makes no difference if he leaves it on the night stand or mails a monthly check. Sex for money is all the same thing IMO. It's a different set of rules maybe, but the basic label still applies. You can be one guy's play thing or hundreds of them, but it is what it is. If you are only with a guy for his money you are one of two things lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If you are only with a guy for his money you are one of two things lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I know married women like this. LOL!!!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Gold diggers!
Gabriella Golden's Avatar
Bahahahha OMG THIS SHIT MADE MY NIGHT!!!!!! Where do I start? Ok, first of all that site is wack, and so are most of the escort sites...WHY? Because men are cheap! In Ca I could easily get minimum $800/hr. Now in Texas it is a much different story. Let's get it straight, I don't care whether you call yourself a "sugardaddy" or a "hobbyist" or a "trick", the fact of the matter is that you pay to play. Don't think that just because you put a label on "sugardaddy" that it makes it more acceptable to call 24/7 365. It's stalking and psycho and I deal with it everyday. $500 a month??!??! AHAHAHAH I QUIT! That is a one hour outcall with tip then. There will be NO calling, texting, emailing 24/7. You are not entitled to call me just to say hi or, the most common ones as of late, "I saw your new pics just wanted to say they are great!" hmmmm OK do you want to set an appointment? NOOOO they just want to play on the phone. I get enough bs emails, texts, calls, and messages all day long that robs me of my regular life I couldn't imagine putting a "sugardaddy" label to it where the guy feels like he has the right to waste your day away with annoying texts and calls. Lets stick to the basics, crawl before you can walk Texas, we first need to get the guys who actually can follow simple directions that are stated clearly in our ads like, "email me first with all references and/or p411. If you don't have that then don't contact and especially don't call." 90% of my calls never amount to anything. I get little boys looking at my ad that call with their dick in their hand and start asking what I'm wearing. It's a joke. It's hard enough when the rate per hour and all services are clearly listed, why add to it some grey area where you have to negotiate some "deal" each month. It sounds like a lot better deal for the guy, think about it, you want to see a girl x amount of times a month for a set rate...Ok well do the math per hour and see how high that rate would be. The provider will get the short end as a sugarbabby I promise, unless she is Anna Nicole Smith. (and she still got screwed) NO THANKS!! Lets stop trying to complicate all this. I'll make it easy....client sees provider ad, clients READS requirements and follows thru with said requirements. Clients sets time, meets provider, pays provider set rate, gets off, gets out. THAT SIMPLE!! Do I sounds callous? Probably. Do I sound like a bitch? Yea. But the fact is that there are too many providers/clients watering down this industry with unprofessionalism. Trying to blur the lines of business gets us where we are now. I run a tight ship, with that being said if a girl can establish a relationship with a sugardaddy that benefits him and her then go for, but I have yet to see one that didn't eventually evolve into the guy trying to steal more time without paying or one of them becoming a stalker/problem.
London Rayne's Avatar
I'm in love!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I had a sugarbaby for a while. It didn't work out so well for me. I never computed the equivalent rate per sexual encounter, but the frequency of sexual interactions decreased significantly from my P4P times I previously had with her. At the same time my out of pocket amount grew significantly. I grew tired of feeling taken advantage of, and ended the arrangement.

During our SD SB arrangement, she was free to see others, and did. I was okay with that. I saw others also. Sometimes she would bring other ladies over for me. We lived in nearby cities and I didn't try to occupy her life.

She had other issues going on. There is much more to the story, but I'll leave that out.

I still think a sugardaddy/baby arrangement could work out with the right two people.
Captain Columbus, I am with you in terms of my experiences. The grad student or undergrad who wants some extra and wants to be with one man they feel like they can trust are great to be with. I've had two such arrangements and they've both been very comfortable, trusting (and fun) relationships. I am currently using and it works quite well.
I had a sugarbaby for a while. It didn't work out so well for me. I never computed the equivalent rate per sexual encounter, but the frequency of sexual interactions decreased significantly from my P4P times I previously had with her. At the same time my out of pocket amount grew significantly. I grew tired of feeling taken advantage of, and ended the arrangement. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
About the same for me, then I changed my phone number, found the beautiful ladies of and eccie, and realized that was a much better arrangement.
burkalini's Avatar
Keyword: on here. A lot of real SDs are not too familiar with eccie.. just sayin.

Just like most high-end clients aren't found online. Sad but true. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I hope you got a good one Naomi. lol
burkalini's Avatar
Bahahahha OMG THIS SHIT MADE MY NIGHT!!!!!! Where do I start? Ok, first of all that site is wack, and so are most of the escort sites...WHY? Because men are cheap! In Ca I could easily get minimum $800/hr. Now in Texas it is a much different story. Let's get it straight, I don't care whether you call yourself a "sugardaddy" or a "hobbyist" or a "trick", the fact of the matter is that you pay to play. Don't think that just because you put a label on "sugardaddy" that it makes it more acceptable to call 24/7 365. It's stalking and psycho and I deal with it everyday. $500 a month??!??! AHAHAHAH I QUIT! That is a one hour outcall with tip then. There will be NO calling, texting, emailing 24/7. You are not entitled to call me just to say hi or, the most common ones as of late, "I saw your new pics just wanted to say they are great!" hmmmm OK do you want to set an appointment? NOOOO they just want to play on the phone. I get enough bs emails, texts, calls, and messages all day long that robs me of my regular life I couldn't imagine putting a "sugardaddy" label to it where the guy feels like he has the right to waste your day away with annoying texts and calls. Lets stick to the basics, crawl before you can walk Texas, we first need to get the guys who actually can follow simple directions that are stated clearly in our ads like, "email me first with all references and/or p411. If you don't have that then don't contact and especially don't call." 90% of my calls never amount to anything. I get little boys looking at my ad that call with their dick in their hand and start asking what I'm wearing. It's a joke. It's hard enough when the rate per hour and all services are clearly listed, why add to it some grey area where you have to negotiate some "deal" each month. It sounds like a lot better deal for the guy, think about it, you want to see a girl x amount of times a month for a set rate...Ok well do the math per hour and see how high that rate would be. The provider will get the short end as a sugarbabby I promise, unless she is Anna Nicole Smith. (and she still got screwed) NO THANKS!! Lets stop trying to complicate all this. I'll make it easy....client sees provider ad, clients READS requirements and follows thru with said requirements. Clients sets time, meets provider, pays provider set rate, gets off, gets out. THAT SIMPLE!! Do I sounds callous? Probably. Do I sound like a bitch? Yea. But the fact is that there are too many providers/clients watering down this industry with unprofessionalism. Trying to blur the lines of business gets us where we are now. I run a tight ship, with that being said if a girl can establish a relationship with a sugardaddy that benefits him and her then go for, but I have yet to see one that didn't eventually evolve into the guy trying to steal more time without paying or one of them becoming a stalker/problem. Originally Posted by Gabriella Golden

Pay, get off,get out!!! Wow I bet your GFE sessions are something. I just love seeing a provider with alot of anger built up in her. Let's see I have 3 nice and gentle providers or maybe I should see the get off get out girl. Man I can never make up my mind. I guess trick might be the best word.