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You talk all around the point, flighty. The 1%, who you and Odumbo so despise, have been made richer by Odumbo's policies even as the 47%ers became poorer. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama has been the biggest failure as a socialist in history.
Obama has been the biggest failure as a socialist in history. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He's the biggest failure period.

I should have issued a sarcasm alert jim.
flghtr65's Avatar
The 1%, who you and Odumbo so despise, have been made richer by Odumbo's policies even as the 47%ers became poorer. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I don't despise the 1%. Show me a link. If an actor gets paid 5 million per picture, or a baseball player gets paid 275 million to play 3rd base for the New York Yankees or a Football player gets paid 100 million to play quarterback in the NFL, that's great for them.

Having the DJIA reach a 18,000 points is the American Dream. If you don't have time to track individual stocks, there are over 1,500 mutual funds out there. Do some research and pick one. The Vanguard Total Index 500 is good one. Compound Interest is a beautiful thing. The sooner you start the better off you will be.

The 47 per cent were hurt by greedy Wall street bankers participating in high risk transactions and the incompetence of Bush43. The passing of Dodd Frank has put a limit to some the risk that the banks and brokerage firms can take. As we speak the republicans in Congress are trying to rewrite the Dodd/ Frank bill to allow the bankers do go back to taking on more risk and potentially cause another Wall Street meltdown like in December 2008 when Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citygroup and Chase Bank went bankrupt.

Obama and Tim Geitner has cleaned up the mess that Bush43 left behind!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't despise the 1%. Show me a link. If an actor gets paid 5 million per picture, or a baseball player gets paid 275 million to play 3rd base for the New York Yankees or a Football player gets paid 100 million to play quarterback in the NFL, that's great for them.

Having the DJIA reach a 18,000 points is the American Dream. If you don't have time to track individual stocks, there are over 1,500 mutual funds out there. Do some research and pick one. The Vanguard Total Index 500 is good one. Compound Interest is a beautiful thing. The sooner you start the better off you will be.

The 47 per cent were hurt by greedy Wall street bankers participating in high risk transactions and the incompetence of Bush43. The passing of Dodd Frank has put a limit to some the risk that the banks and brokerage firms can take. As we speak the republicans in Congress are trying to rewrite the Dodd/ Frank bill to allow the bankers do go back to taking on more risk and potentially cause another Wall Street meltdown like in December 2008 when Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citygroup and Chase Bank went bankrupt.

Obama and Tim Geitner has cleaned up the mess that Bush43 left behind!
Originally Posted by flghtr65
It was Odumbo's policies that hurt the 47%ers while he made the 1%ers richer, flighty, and what Congress is doing now or planning to do in the future doesn't factor into what Odumo has already done.
flghtr65's Avatar
It was Odumbo's policies that hurt the 47%ers while he made the 1%ers richer, flighty, and what Congress is doing now or planning to do in the future doesn't factor into what Odumo has already done. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nonsense. The greedy bankers/traders and the incompetence of Bush43 cause the economy to tank in 2008. This resulted in job layoffs and wages to remain flat for the people who didn't get laid off. The 47 percent were especially hurt by this. Rewriting Dodd/Frank would allow the bankers to take on more risks and potentially cause another Wall Street meltdown.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nonsense. The greedy bankers/traders and the incompetence of Bush43 cause the economy to tank in 2008. This resulted in job layoffs and wages to remain flat for the people who didn't get laid off. The 47 percent were especially hurt by this. Rewriting Dodd/Frank would allow the bankers to take on more risks and potentially cause another Wall Street meltdown. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Bush hasn't been president these last six years, flighty. During Odumbo's time in office the wealth gap between the 1%ers and the 47ers% has grown wider, and that has happened on Odumbo's watch, flighty; not Bush43's.
I should have issued a sarcasm alert jim. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's alright, I am just giving you a reminder in case you get a brain fart and think this guy is on top of things.

flghtr65's Avatar
Bush hasn't been president these last six years, flighty. During Odumbo's time in office the wealth gap between the 1%ers and the 47ers% has grown wider, and that has happened on Odumbo's watch, flighty; not Bush43's. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Moron, you don't recover from steep recessions like the one Bush43 and the greedy bankers put the USA into in 6 months to a year. Companies are making as much money now as they ever have, thanks to the recovery. If employees at the bottom of the organization chart are not getting promotions and raises, that is not the fault of Obama.

The Bush43 tax cuts were suppose to expire in December 2008 for all tax brackets. The Bush43 tax cuts for the lowest tax brackets are still in effect today. In Jan. 2013 the tax bracket for one percent was increased to 39.6% (the same percentage that it was under Clinton).

Republicans have not done anything to help the 47%.

Republicans in congress have refused to extend unemployment benefits.

Republicans in congress refuse to increase the minimum wage.

Republicans in congress want to rewrite the Dodd/Frank bill to make it easier for Wall Street to participate in risky transactions that caused the Wall Street meltdown in 2008.
flghtr65's Avatar
Moron, you don't recover from steep recessions like the one Bush43 and the greedy bankers put the USA into in 6 months to a year. Companies are making as much money now as they ever have, thanks to the recovery. If employees at the bottom of the organization chart are not getting promotions and raises, that is not the fault of Obama.

The Bush43 tax cuts were suppose to expire in December 2010 for all tax brackets. The Bush43 tax cuts for the lowest tax brackets are still in effect today. In Jan. 2013 the tax bracket for one percent was increased to 39.6% (the same percentage that it was under Clinton).

Republicans have not done anything to help the 47%.

Republicans in congress have refused to extend unemployment benefits.

Republicans in congress refuse to increase the minimum wage.

Republicans in congress want to rewrite the Dodd/Frank bill to make it easier for Wall Street to participate in risky transactions that caused the Wall Street meltdown in 2008. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Obama has kept the tax percentages the same for the 47% during his term. From the link.

The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent.
That's alright, I am just giving you a reminder in case you get a brain fart and think this guy is on top of things.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Don't worry jim the right has a corner on brain farts.
RedLeg505's Avatar
In Jan. 2013 the tax bracket for one percent was increased to 39.6% (the same percentage that it was under Clinton). Originally Posted by flghtr65

So.. Flghtr.. what exactly did Obama do this year different than 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to create the economic good news? The tax increase of 2013? If you can't point to what Obama did, how can you claim credit for him?
You know what the top tax rate was 60 years ago? Between 85-90% depending on the year. 39 sounds pretty good doesn't it?
Moron, you don't recover from steep recessions like the one Bush43 and the greedy bankers put the USA into in 6 months to a year. Companies are making as much money now as they ever have, thanks to the recovery. If employees at the bottom of the organization chart are not getting promotions and raises, that is not the fault of Obama.

The Bush43 tax cuts were suppose to expire in December 2008 for all tax brackets. The Bush43 tax cuts for the lowest tax brackets are still in effect today. In Jan. 2013 the tax bracket for one percent was increased to 39.6% (the same percentage that it was under Clinton).

Republicans have not done anything to help the 47%.

Republicans in congress have refused to extend unemployment benefits.

Republicans in congress refuse to increase the minimum wage.

Republicans in congress want to rewrite the Dodd/Frank bill to make it easier for Wall Street to participate in risky transactions that caused the Wall Street meltdown in 2008. Originally Posted by flghtr65

flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Question for you Iffy, does this mean that Whirly and IBH are failures because they blame Obama for the wealth gap between the 47% and the 1%?