Another case of a good guy with a gun

Thanks for giving a shot out to hand guns for protecting the public. He didn't need an ak (ima ignorant badazz wanna be) to get the job done

Dah...he saved life's with a handgun. Another reason that fucking morons should not always believe the nra. Just send them mo $$$. Lol n omg n dah
Thanks for giving a shot out to hand guns for protecting the public. He didn't need an ak (ima ignorant badazz wanna be) to get the job done

Dah...he saved life's with a handgun. Another reason that fucking morons should not always believe the nra. Just send them mo $$$. Lol n omg n dah
How about this guy.

PD: 9-year old Houston girl killed as man tries to shoot robber at ATM.

A 9-year-old girl is dead after a man who was robbed at an ATM opened fire to stop his attacker and hit the child instead, Houston police said Monday. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Well that's why training is important. Having a Firearm means nothing unless you know how to use it. Like the previous poster stated, "It's a tragedy".
Gop position is teachers should be trained to shoot guns...not educate USA children. It's not like the highly educated foreigners are not "replacing" the American educated in record numbers...for long long time. Doctors scientists physics all the really smart people because America suks at education. wants n needs. the uneducated votes that don't believe in climate change. The Gop biggest buyers of gob votes

And it's not just the ignorant racist clueless trumpy supporters
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Tranny is lying. The GOP position is that teachers should be allowed to carry weapons IF they get the training and background check of criminal and mental stability.

The best defense against school shooters is an armed person in every classroom. We can't expect that so how about a few armed persons in every school? Seems very reasonable. Anyone against that just wants more dead children.