Trump, inject yourself with Agent Orange....

Drinking water has fluoride added. and in very small amounts to prevent tooth decay.

Not chlorinated.

Chlorine compounds not recommended for Wuhan virus prevention or treatment. Anyone taking those compounds risks severe health complications.

Don't do it!
Then again - natural Selection and the internet. Originally Posted by oeb11

As a halogen, chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant, and is added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs, on the walls of water mains and in storage tanks.
  • oeb11
  • 04-26-2020, 06:58 AM
EL - thank U - chlorine is used in public pools and I stand corrected.

Some water districts may use it - but in very small amounts.

It is not to be used to kill Wuhan virus via internal consumption.
Jacuzzme's Avatar

It’s frightening how blatantly political the media sites have become. This company did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. They created and promoted a promising product in cooperation with one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world, but since the product justifies the President’s statements they are banned by social media giants. Their pettiness is a danger to the country.

It’s frightening how blatantly political the media sites have become. This company did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. They created and promoted a promising product in cooperation with one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world, but since the product justifies the President’s statements they are banned by social media giants. Their pettiness is a danger to the country.

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So this company is advocating a technique to administer a high concentration of Ultra Violet Light into the body at the site of infection to eradicate the Virus responsible for Covid-19? The Sun emits Ultra Violet light but yet the Government has us quarantined inside minimizing our natural exposure to it.
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, maybe they got their account suspended because they're just as batshit crazy as Trump is.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
during the spanish flu, doctors found that putting sick patients outdoors with sun and fresh air did wonders.
Well, maybe they got their account suspended because they're just as batshit crazy as Trump is. Originally Posted by Lapdog
No it's because they are Quacks.
during the spanish flu, doctors found that putting sick patients outdoors with sun and fresh air did wonders. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's because sunshine activates Vitamin D in the form of D3 which is essential for good health. Most people are a little deficient in that vitamin. Although you can get D in your diet nothing beats the outdoors. Get outside associate with your neighbors if they venture out. Quarantine is only for the sick, healthy people should get out doors a little. This quarantine and social distancing order was nothing but a big injustice all it accomplished was to divide and conquer the masses.
Hotrod511's Avatar

sissy chump
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Quacks? Batshit crazy?

Based on what? Looks like a perfectly legitimate, well established bio-med company to me. UV light has been used as an anti-microbial or decades, they’ve just come up with a unique way of doing it.
Lapdog's Avatar
Unique to you, batshit to me, jizzy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So justify your opinion. You won’t, because you can’t. Logic and reason is lost on you, all you’ve got is disdain for the President which has nothing whatsoever to do with the legitimacy of Aytu, who has been around long before he took office.
Drinking water has fluoride added. and in very small amounts to prevent tooth decay.

Not chlorinated.

Chlorine compounds not recommended for Wuhan virus prevention or treatment. Anyone taking those compounds risks severe health complications.

Don't do it!

Originally Posted by oeb11

CDC better update their website, then. lol. Leftards (SMH)....

The only people saying to drink bleach or Lysol are the mainstream (lamestream) media, for some reason. They are saying Trump said it but if you watch the video, he did not. If you are a regular consumer of that type of media then you are at risk if you believe the fake news. Just watch the original videos yourselves and scale back the hate a bit.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump did say that perhaps doctors be involved (as in educated,intelligent,qualified people who are sane)to check out these ideas.
Has anyone seen the mad rush to explore Bleach and Lysol in the body ?
How about Light ? Has anyone seen Harvard Medical School beginning a Light study ?

How about Hydroxychloroquine ? Any Chumpsters taking it ? I hope not.

Remember ; What you hear,what you read,and what you see is not what is happening. Chump's credo !

This is all over by now. Remember what Chump said. Miraculously gone in April. He had a "Hunch".
sportfisherman's Avatar
I cannot believe there are people still trying to defend Chump.

If my boy was out there making such a complete ass of himself I would keep quiet.
Poor Dr Birx said that his comments were a discussion he was having with the man who brought up these screwball ideas in a briefing before the news conference.Acting like it was just private musings.

It was on national TV at the podium. What a fuck-up.