Car Salesmen - Dealership owner

So did she get her car or not?
jaxson_smith's Avatar
Hasn't responded to me.
I use a DBA, have a business bank account, an EIN, and I pay taxes on most of what I make. I plan to work on an extremely part time basis as a dancer (either at a club or privately). It justifies a sizable cash deposit to my personal account. It's worth it to pay Uncle Sam. Your taxes will help you in a big way for big ticket items such as cars.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Show me your tax form where you filed for hooking and I will send you $1000.00.
No kidding Originally Posted by Gotyour6
If that offer still stands, just say the word. I will, of course, be blocking out my name, social and home address... but some of us have been paying our taxes on our income in this for years. Its the only way to build any kind of future that doesn't involve being a provider.
You file as an entertainer or something similar, not as anything illegal. Silliness....
Grace Preston's Avatar
You file as an entertainer or something similar, not as anything illegal. Silliness.... Originally Posted by Lioness
It is not illegal to be an escort. Semantics, perhaps... but nonetheless, it is not illegal to be an escort.
I grant you that, being an escort isn't illegal, but dude said he wanted to see a tax return with the title "hooker" on it. Personally, I wouldn't even put escort. It's too close and risks inviting unwanted attention.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Not if you live in a state with no state income tax. Being a "hooker" is not a Federal crime....
To each their own. If it works for you, I say go on with your bad self, and to hell with your haters. Blow them all kisses!