$$$$$/HR WTF

Well i have at least 5 atf that are total foxes, for 250 or less, Girls on the road want more for extra expence. Doesnt mean ther worth more. my 2 cents
Well i have at least 5 atf that are total foxes, for 250 or less, Girls on the road want more for extra expence. Doesnt mean ther worth more. my 2 cents Originally Posted by jeep07

if/when i do travel IMHO i think that i should pay my own way for the traveling fees...ill still have my regular rate..thats what i did when i went to dallas a few months ago.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well some ladies charge extra when on the road because they are not only still paying for their incall at their home base but now for one at the city the choose to stay at. I get that.

I normally stick with local ladies anyway as I like to be able to repeat easily....
Randall Creed's Avatar

I don't pay for personality. When I look at a provider's ad and have decided that I want to see her, I'm not thinking, "Wow, she really sounds smart. Because of her superintelligence, I must have her!".

Instead, I'm thinking, "Woooo, look at those thighs!", or "Oooooh, dat booty right!", "Oh, yeah! I gotta hit that!".

I don't need a woman to be smart to want to pull down the panties, and I sure as hell don't take intelligence level into consideration when making a selection. Average brains is more than enough (i.e., she can name most states, at least a couple of presidents, can say her ABC's...without messing up, etc).

Some of my best sessions ever have been from 2 bills and less. Not to take away from those I've seen over that amount. My point is, money doesn't make a pussy tighter, fresher, or wetter or a booty bigger, rounder, or firmer. Everything varies from person to person and encounter to encounter. I believe they call it YMMV.

Besides, ladies, if this was the other way around not all of you would be paying the top rates and many of you would seek every bargain you could. I don't see it much differen than talking down a car salesman or any other situation where prices are not all equal for the same item. Who in here goes to plop down the most cash for everything they buy, NEVER take into consideration how much it cost, and then compare it to like items (or services)?

Only a fool would...and you know they say about fools and money.
Randall Creed's Avatar
As I edit the above post, I couldn't help but wonder, if you're paying say, 8 bills for a session, or even a cool grand, would you want to use a condom in that instance?

I'm just asking...thinking out loud, even. I mean, you can get that (CFS) from a much more affordable lady. But when you're paying THAT much, there's GOTTA be something that separates the 'cream of the crop' from the 'regular' girls, no? Sure, your incall is on the 30th floor of a Hilton. You may even have wine and wearing perfume from France. That's nice, but once we're naked, is there going to be a letdown...of any kind? Not saying there WILL be. But what if there is. At that price level, everything is SUPPOSED to be great, no?

On the other hand, you find that GEM on bp...woooo. You feel like the MAN afterwards!!! You feel like a mountain man, like you just climbed a brand new peak, or an old crafty skipper who just sailed a new ocean. You almost don't want to review her because you know the hounds will come rushing in and benefit off your discovery. Wearing that 3 day smile. You had a hell of a time, and it didn't cost you an arm and a leg.

In many cases in the above scenario, the location becomes immaterial. As long as it's not too ghetto and you're not worried about getting punched in the face or shot at, who cares. It had 4 walls, clean towels and linen, and warm water. She was clean, tight, upbeat, fun to be around. That's what you call a WIN.

I'll even go so far as to say this: A GREAT session with a BP girl is better than a great HDH session. I know, because I've had both.
As I edit the above post, I couldn't help but wonder, if you're paying say, 8 bills for a session, or even a cool grand, would you want to use a condom in that instance?
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Rambro....I see how you seamlessly jumped into another popular tabloid topic famous on eccie. Just remember, a higher cost does not mean it's more enjoyable, fresher, cleaner, tighter, wetter, or disease-free.

Back to the topic.........

Am sure people have heard that "All men are created equal!". However, this doesn't mean all men are financially created equal, and/or get to enjoy a certain variety of lady equally.

That's just how life is....people are of different means & methods. Accept this and you will be happier in life.

My few cents.
Randall Creed's Avatar
That's exactly the point I was trying to make, Max. All the surrounding...nuances of a session, who really cares? Does walking through the lobby of a 5-star hotel make you feel better compared to walking through a Super 8 lobby? Does body spray made in Paris work any better than body spray from Bed, Bath, & Beyond? Because a provider has a degree in basketmaking and knitting, does that make her a better lay than Suzy with just a high school diploma?

Fancy it up all you want. All that [should] matter is how tight and wet she is. When there's scientific proof that one can determine the difference between $150 and $500 (or insert whatever HDH amount you prefer) pussy, maybe THEN I'll consider raising my hobby fund ceiling.

But......to each his own.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Nobody is asking you to raise your hobby cap.
Randall Creed's Avatar

It's like paying for Coke Cola and generic cola.

If it wasn't for the label, most of you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Do what makes you happy, EA.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Look in your checking account. See how much is there. Find a girl that is less than that. Call her up, have some fun and take the leftover money and gets some tacos for the drive home!
Eccie Addict's Avatar

It's like paying for Coke Cola and generic cola.

If it wasn't for the label, most of you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Do what makes you happy, EA. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I do just like you do....

...and believe me I can tell the difference between coke and generic blindfolded lol
We all have our own opinions. I charge what I charge because that's how much I will now see somebody for. Thats that.

And I know I put in way more effort then I should at times, because I want every experience to be a good one. Not that they all will be. But I do know that I've been getting a wonderful selection of clients after raising my rates. I've had no problems with anybody and I'm happy. Do what makes u happy. If seeing an upscale provider and paying a grand makes u happy do it. If paying way less for a Bp girl who ends up being a gem makes u happy then stick with it: all I care about is making u happy so if anybody chooses to see me I will and I say this as serious as can be i WILL try my best.

Jack Flash's Avatar
And with that comment ruby red shoots straight to the top of my list
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
And with that comment ruby red shoots straight to the top of my list Originally Posted by Jack Flash
She's been at the top of my list but we havent been able to make it work yet. Oh God the anticipation.
Awww thanks you guys!