Covid 19 @ the Strip Club

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
We should go to the clubs we always go. Instead of having a lap dances give your favorite girl(s) a drink and a $20. If you do it enough you'll get special treatment when things get better. Originally Posted by kywildcatfan
I have done that before and if you are lucky, it works 5% of the time. If you are a regular and the girls know you, this is the perfect opportunity to get OTC action, which I have done multiple times since the clubs have reopened. Of course, it does help that the strippers I have seen OTC in the past not only recommend other dancers, but also when I let them know I am interested in another dancer, they help by getting them for me to break the ice.
I had the Virus back in mid February and didn't get it in a club or from a lady. I got it while overseas and received a test after experiencing symptoms while living in a foreign country. Luckily my symptoms were no worse than a bad kick ass cold. I have since tested negative 4 more times, doc's say I am extremely unlikely to catch the virus again, and even less likely to spread it but they keep testing me monthly to be sure, they have been sending my results to the CDC or somewhere as part of a study.

I do donate my blood.

Anyway, my point being... I don't think going to a club is any more likely to get someone infected than going to Walmart, or going to a restaurant, or getting McDonalds. This virus is so contagious, EVERYONE is gonna get it eventually, if they didn't already have it and not know it. Just wash and sanitize and enjoy life. You can get the Virus touching a doorknob used by someone who has it. Worry yes, but don't worry too much. Before I had the virus I was worried more about being hit and killed by a drunk driver or shot in a parking lot during a robbery.

Anyway, just my two cents. Originally Posted by haymitch
You are fortunate and it is great to hear you are donating your blood.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You are fortunate and it is great to hear you are donating your blood. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I agree.

but when the talk is about "getting over" the virus, I'm not sure of the certainty.. I'm sure most won't get it again, but some have, from what I read.. and worse than that, many carry symptoms for months, that linger with no treatment. others "beat the virus", but spend 2 months near-death, doing so.
We won't really know the full extent of this thing for at least another year or so. In the meantime, not trolling the clubs/streets has been driving me NUTS!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
If he just got over the virus he should party like a motherfucker because I doubt he will get it a second time. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Wrong. Even after you are cured, you can get the virus again if you expose yourself to an infected person. Just ask this lady--
Bucks Wild FW was open and running wild on Saturday. They had about 7 hot dancers working but most of them stayed busy dancing in the nude in VIP.

I did not bring anything to drink so I ordered a coke in a cup. I was shocked when she returned and said that will be $9. WTH

They had a few dancers working from Bucks FW on Saturday.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
They had a few dancers working from Bucks FW on Saturday. Originally Posted by LookOutNow

I bet the asymtomatic dancers brought the covid-19 virus with them (all it takes is ONE). And from what I heard, Buck's FW was infested with it. When these regular client old, fat guys with health issues end up on a ventilator in the hospital (if they recover), or when the others take it home to their familes, and on top of that, paying for the pleasure for getting the virus, they are going to be kicking themselves.
Bucks FW had some dancers from Vegas working there this past week. Vegas was hit hard with the virus.
TomCollins's Avatar
Reinfection is very very rare.
Chung Tran's Avatar
When these regular client old, fat guys with health issues end up on a ventilator in the hospital (if they recover), or when the others take it home to their familes, and on top of that, paying for the pleasure for getting the virus, they are going to be kicking themselves. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I'm picturing a guy laying in a hospital bed, ventilator attached, flailing his arms, and kicking himself

morbid humor aside, your post is reason to stay the fuck away from Bucks Wild FW!
Sleepy363's Avatar
Reinfection is very very rare. Originally Posted by TomCollins

So far, but we're only a few months into the pandemic here in the US. If they are correct about antibodies only lasting a few months, we'll start finding out soon about how rare re-infection actually is.
So far, but we're only a few months into the pandemic here in the US. If they are correct about antibodies only lasting a few months, we'll start finding out soon about how rare re-infection actually is. Originally Posted by Sleepy363
Already multiple cases of re-infection in US.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Reinfection is very very rare. Originally Posted by TomCollins
There is no immunity.

So the question becomes, do you want to be the very very rare cases (and those cases are becoming more frequent by the day) of getting re-infected once you are cured from your first stint of the virus?
That depends on what you Define immunity as. If you are asymptomatic when you have it and never have any symptoms, then by some definitions you are immune to the effects of the virus. If you mean by immunity, the virus cannot live within your body, then statistically there are going to be some people For Whom the virus will not live in their bodies. It may be very, very rare, but, immunity to certain illnesses viruses and bacteria are not unknown. So a blanket statement that there is no immunity is just hot air, because no one knows at this time.
We're not even a full year into this thing. Who really knows?