What would be a fitting punishment for the guy who killed that family?

Well I guess I will take the path less traveled on this one...

Instead of promoting more fucked up methods of dealing with him, I would prefer to keep the constitution in tact and let him have his day in court. After that he can go through sentencing and serve his time.

It's not up to me to decide his guilt, we only know what was told to us on the tv and internet. I am sure he will be found guilty and convicted to die, but it is his, and our right as american citizens to a fair trial.
hourik's Avatar
Not sure if there is a just punishment.

Death would be far to merciful, he needs to suffer.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Not sure if there is a just punishment.

Death would be far to merciful, he needs to suffer. Originally Posted by hourik
Chandara's silence, in Rabindranath Tagore's Punishment, is more painful than death to the two shitbirds who framed her. Read the book, it's a good 'un.
Inverted crucifixion. Or lethal injection with lye or the blood of his victims. Something slow and excruciating, like Bigkotex's posts.
  • Sonya
  • 07-13-2014, 12:20 PM
Gandhi said an eye for an eye makes the whole World blind. I have to agree. He should get life in prison. No amount of pain inflicted on him will change the fact those people are dead.
Well I guess I will take the path less traveled on this one...

Instead of promoting more fucked up methods of dealing with him, I would prefer to keep the constitution in tact and let him have his day in court. After that he can go through sentencing and serve his time.

It's not up to me to decide his guilt, we only know what was told to us on the tv and internet. I am sure he will be found guilty and convicted to die, but it is his, and our right as american citizens to a fair trial. Originally Posted by PipelinerTx
It was those innocent sweet kids right to a fair trial as well. Just thinking about the sheer terror they went through in their final moments brings tears to my eyes. No amount of suffering for this guy is enough.
pyramider's Avatar
Why would the kids be tried?

Let the legal process work it out. Do you remember Andrea Yates? How do you thinck her kids felt?
Why would the kids be tried?

Let the legal process work it out. Do you remember Andrea Yates? How do you thinck her kids felt? Originally Posted by pyramider
You really do have a problem with understanding metaphoric speech. The murderer of those kids didnt give them a fair trial but rather he executed summarily.

Yates got away with murder. Anytime you can stop at taking your own life it means you know right from wrong.
I hope he gets the Jeffery Dahmer treatment in lock up. Raped with a broomstick then stomped to death.
Wakeup's Avatar
Whatever the law says his punishment is, is what it is...the rest of you Nancy Grace types are the problem...
Death by injection assuming conviction.
bytra2121's Avatar
He should get a full trial and then what ever punishment a jury and judge decide.

A society is measured on how it treats its criminals. I do not wish to seen good people drawn to his level. What he did is almost unspeakable but that will never bring those people back.
Whatever the law says his punishment is, is what it is...the rest of you Nancy Grace types are the problem... Originally Posted by Wakeup
The tyranny of evil men is only offset by the tyranny of the righteous man. That's a saying I just made up on the fly. Lol but seriously while I understand your sentiment I also recognize that people like you have always lived under the protections of the American constitution and a flawed judicial system. OJ getting away with murder is a prime example. You've likely never lived or experienced another form of govnt or had the shadow of real evil in your presence. So I can see why it's easy for you to feel that way your perspective is limited.
He should get a full trial and then what ever punishment a jury and judge decide.

A society is measured on how it treats its criminals. I do not wish to seen good people drawn to his level. What he did is almost unspeakable but that will never bring those people back. Originally Posted by bytra2121
We treat animals worse than the lethal injection he's going to get. He gets off easy with a needle. This guy is beyond criminal not even wild animals kill for the thrill. I have no sympathy if torture was on the table.
Wakeup's Avatar
Which is the tyranny you speak of? Allowing someone to be judged by a jury of their peers and sentenced by the guidelines set forth in law, or allowing the general consensus of the public to convict, and sentence someone?

OJ getting away with murder is a prime example. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The fact that you said he "got away with it", when legally, he did nothing of the sort, just proves that you're a Nancy Grace type...you don't care about the law...all you care about is what you "know" is right, and the law, then, becomes wrong...

This guy, if convicted, gets sentenced according to what the law dictates and allows...anything more, or less, is an abortion of the tenets of our legal system and cannot be suffered...

Wait...is this another "the negro has suffered injustice at the hands of the law for years, so you don't know what you're taking about" argument?

P.S.-You can stop with the limited perspective schtick...I've been face to face with "evils" you can't possibly imagine...in countries with governments I wouldn't even classify as anarchies, that could rationalize it...