Provider wants me to invest in her, Am I a Pimp?

ManSlut's Avatar
A Provider that I know for a long time wants me to invest in her by paying her a Boob Job and a Tummy Job, and she says she will
split her future income with me. is that pimping or investing?

Thanks, Originally Posted by darkmoonmaster
Here's your answer right in your own words: You've known the whore for a very long time, and she hasn't taken care of any of the money she's earned or she has but wants to 'Chump' you into paying for something she can pay for herself...Also, if she hasn't taken care of her money, the most likely scenario, she has squandered a lot of money other dude's have paid her as well, not just what you have paid her...I am curious to know what type of car she drives?...You're already a FOOL for considering her offer (sorry but it's true), don't be her CHUMP, too.
This is a splendid idea. Go for it. Who is this you're talking about? I'd like to invest too. I'll buy her a set of tongs so she can pull your nose out of her ass. Better yet, I'll buy you a set of tongs so you can pull your head out of your ass.

All joking aside, why would you EVER consider this? Fuck her twice a day, every day, until she EARNS your money.
Don't be discouraged. You can do this. A mommy makeover is about 10K with a 2 month recovery before she can get to work again (she'll be sore for much longer).

This is how you do it. She would owe you about 40 sessions. Collect your 40 free fucks in advance. Maybe see if you can get a few multi-hour and overnight sessions in to cut down the large number of sessions required to make up the payment. After you've collected your fucks go ahead and pay for the surgery.

What she'll do during the downtime. You'll have to work out a fuck for free for any money you decide to give her during her downtime.

There you go.
pyramider's Avatar
Do it ... sounds like a hell of an investment ...
I suggest that she work more efficiently. Provide boob job discount to 10 of her favorite clients. Everyone gets a good deal. Otherwise, RUN!!!!!
Medical/surgical and Funerals are two of the riskiest finance situations.
There are a FEW companies that do Surgical finance, but you MUST have EXCELLENT credit.

Basically you can't repossess boobs or caskets. Like someone else said, there is really no recourse in this situation.

She could go to Mexico, Thailand, India or Costa Rica and get it done MUCH MUCH cheaper. Lot's of Information on the net about it. Many of these surgical centers actually have pretty good reputations.
  • harry
  • 10-14-2016, 08:17 PM
Never gets to enjoy them! Kind of a law of nature or physics if you will. Have heard of a lot of guys who buy their wives or girlfriends boob jobs and shortly after getting the work done are divorced or dumped by the gals. Don't be that guy...
whitechocolate's Avatar
How hotttt is she? how gorgeousss?how good a provider? Is she a 9 or10?
Plastic surgery won't make her a better provider!! To invest in her she needs to be a good investment in every way??loaning her the money if she is honest and trustworthy is fine for the consideration of free sessions or a job helping her in her business but not being a partner in her body!! I have loaned providers money and most of the time it works but often doesn't!! A lot depends on her personality and her honesty long term!!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Save your money, ask yourself this question, just how many others fellows is she asking that same thing from. If you were to pay then she disappears or she says that she does want to see you again you are out a boat load of money. Just say that you do not have any money and see how long she sticks around.
I can't believe that I am the 40th post and no one has asked:

Who is this girl? Give us a link.
Before making any financial decisions allow me to rate her butthole.
Agreeing to give her the money would not make you a pimp.

It would make you a "DAMN FOOL"!
mtabsw's Avatar
Don't listen to these cynics. Do it. Reading drama posts is my secret guilty pleasure, and yours will be a doozy in a few months.

Seriously, if you know her and think of her as family - just give her the money as a huge christmas, birthday and valentine day gift - forget any deals. Outcome will be the same - i.e. A total loss - but at least you'll have a warm fuzzy vs an urge to kill.

I've been on this board and ASPD for a long time and can't recall ANYONE posting about a successful financial/car/condo etc experience.
SisterTwister's Avatar
The question you asked is, "Does that make you a pimp?" In the eyes of the law it amounts to facilitation of prostitution if you knowingly aid her in business whether or not you profit from your "investment" or not.

I suggest you tell her most guys hate fake boobs and solve her other issue with a free trial membership at 24 hour fitness instead.
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
I wish I could ignore her, but she knows where I live and all my personal information.She even wants me to have dinner with her parents. We've being talking about this for months, and I always try to delay this conversation by saying that next month I'll take a decision.

She seems to like me alot but I think if I say no to her, she wont never see me again.

BTW, I'm already paying her all her bills including her rent. That's almost $$$$$$$$ per month but I have a session with her at least once for week. I like the current deal im having with her and I dont want to spend more on her. Financing 20K for her makeover will make me spend like $$$$$$ on top of what im already spending on her every month.