It seems like he or you is thinking short term to make 50 bucks instead of long term making 1000s.

. Originally Posted by L.A.
I think is very good advice. This is why I don't ask for tips or gifts because I'd rather he just come back and see me. A repeat client is good for safety, security during slow times and it's a peace of mind to know you have a solid client list. If you are upselling for $50 bucks or asking him to tip you - he's not going to come back and this is a stressful life if you are constantly having to hustle up new clients on a regular basis. New clients might ask you for 30 minutes or an hour.. Return clients that you hit it off with might start to ask you for two hours, overnights, trips out of town etc.
And doesn't that sound so much nicer than trying to get an extra $20 or $50 bucks and having negative reviews?

If you're not sure what to do in between intimate times, if the conversation is a little awkward or you are like me and have trouble just sitting still - grab some massage oil and ask him if he would like a massage. It's a great way to relax, and it's a good build up to the 2nd half of your date.

One thing I've learned about Eccie is that the guys look out for each other and they will share information.. Good and bad.
There are thousands of choices here in Dallas so it's really important to be on your best behavior at all times. There is just way too much competition, not to mention some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen!
Everyone makes mistakes and I hope you can move on from this!
When I was new I got a bad review and I was upset about it.. I felt like there was some inaccuracies.. So I mailed a moderator with my complaint and he gave me the best advice ever:
"don't worry about the No review.. Go out there and kick ass and get new reviews so good, they'll forget all about the no.." And that's exactly what happened.

You CAN move past this!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not to dog-pile but the granma line has been beat to death also. Everything from "Granma died, Granma needs surgery to Granma sets my appointments and is senile". Ladies should pick on Granpa or a older aunt to every now and then. Originally Posted by Hercules
LMFAO- it reminds me when Meth addicts would come to the pharmacy looking to purchase syringes- they would always use a line o my gandma needs to take her insulin... I promise you in the 15 plus years as a pharmacist- I never had one to say they need it for their grandfather- it's always the poor old grandma.
while texting and upselling aren't the wises choices....neither is drawing the extra attention to the situation by posting the "in regards to my recent no review" in a forum filled by potential clientele.

The advice would have been, live & learn, move on quietly, build the client base. Seems a bit late for that now. Years ago it wasn't uncommon to see a new provider respectfully asking for guidance from other providers - but times are changing I guess. There's an impetuousness of youth, an attitude of entitlement sometimes. Yes, you're the young hot thing in the room but we hold the $$ It's a sensuous dance of lies. you give the IOP we give the Illusion that we believe it. Pop that illusion, and all we're left with is the real world - and who the hell has time for that?
pyramider's Avatar
Raven just needs to embrace her inner taint and she will understand ...


LMFAO- it reminds me when Meth addicts would come to the pharmacy looking to purchase syringes- they would always use a line o my gandma needs to take her insulin... I promise you in the 15 plus years as a pharmacist- I never had one to say they need it for their grandfather- it's always the poor old grandma. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Now you get off the phone and suck that man's hear me missy!!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Now you get off the phone and suck that man's hear me missy!!!

Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
Now you get off the phone and suck that man's hear me missy!!!

Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
DEAD! Hahahahaaaaa
pmdelites's Avatar

whoever is advising you during your entry into escorting should be fired, period!!

as with most employed positions, they should have given you a brief intro into this business, the dos and donts, the no-nos, etc. apparently they did not.

and they should have given you instruction in how to write an enticing and seductive ad. while your photos are pretty enticing, based on my 14+ yrs of experience in this sub-culture, this is NOT at all enticing or seductive.
Hello everyone my name is Raven Monroe. I am a former dancer/entertainer and was so for a few years. I came to be annoyed by the hatred that the other girls would have toward each other and I also hated the way they would try and force the customer to only spend money on them and no other girl and would try to start fights with whatever girl that the customer would give a dance to. I mean like how can you force a man to spend the money he worked hard to make the way you want him to? That's so unfair. It was like a constant struggling everyday to avoid getting into a fist fight I had to get away from that life. I'm so glad I met Juliana Lauren. She told me about this site and I was like this is perfect thing for me. Doing what you love and making a living doing so. I hope you guy's enjoy me.
i strongly suggest that you rethink why you are in this sub-culture and figure out what you should do to make a stellar impression on prospective clients as well as on clients who come to visit you.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
WOW.... A drama ad like that would seriously turn A LOT of men off.

Can we say TMI?
pyramider's Avatar
WOW.... A drama ad like that would seriously turn A LOT of men off.

Can we say TMI? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

Taint Much Info?
Gnostalgia's Avatar
what has your question : " SHOULD A NEW PROVIDER BE EXPECTED TO BE AS EXPERIENCED AS A PROVIDER THAT'S BEEN IN THE BUSINESS FOR MONTHS AND YEARS?????" have to do with experience? More with respect for somebody's paying for your time but not getting it. When I'm paying for your time you should be doing something else with your mouth than jawjacking on the phone. You could be directing LE or your pimp. Oh yes, you said grandmama; well maybe. I bet he was polite and kept quiet. You should have stuffed your mouth and hung up.
shooter6.5's Avatar
I think is very good advice. This is why I don't ask for tips or gifts because I'd rather he just come back and see me. A repeat client is good for safety, security during slow times and it's a peace of mind to know you have a solid client list. If you are upselling for $50 bucks or asking him to tip you - he's not going to come back and this is a stressful life if you are constantly having to hustle up new clients on a regular basis. New clients might ask you for 30 minutes or an hour.. Return clients that you hit it off with might start to ask you for two hours, overnights, trips out of town etc.
And doesn't that sound so much nicer than trying to get an extra $20 or $50 bucks and having negative reviews?

If you're not sure what to do in between intimate times, if the conversation is a little awkward or you are like me and have trouble just sitting still - grab some massage oil and ask him if he would like a massage. It's a great way to relax, and it's a good build up to the 2nd half of your date.

One thing I've learned about Eccie is that the guys look out for each other and they will share information.. Good and bad.
There are thousands of choices here in Dallas so it's really important to be on your best behavior at all times. There is just way too much competition, not to mention some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen!
Everyone makes mistakes and I hope you can move on from this!
When I was new I got a bad review and I was upset about it.. I felt like there was some inaccuracies.. So I mailed a moderator with my complaint and he gave me the best advice ever:
"don't worry about the No review.. Go out there and kick ass and get new reviews so good, they'll forget all about the no.." And that's exactly what happened.

You CAN move past this! Originally Posted by Maggie_May
It answers the question and gives some very good advise. The NO review does have an impact but it can be mitigated by good reviews. Read her response and follow it if you are serious about this. There are a lot of young ladies who enter this and do not last long, it is a tough business to enjoy at times, but given the right attitude and approach it can be mostly enjoyable. I have not seen Maggie or atleast can not recall it but then I cannot recall what the hell I did yesterday, but if I were looking to visit someone for a new adventure her answer to you would be a great beginning !!!!

Best of luck, if you are serious, and if you are not then you will not last either !!!!!!
Spikebaby's Avatar
It answers the question and gives some very good advise. The NO review does have an impact but it can be mitigated by good reviews. Read her response and follow it if you are serious about this. There are a lot of young ladies who enter this and do not last long, it is a tough business to enjoy at times, but given the right attitude and approach it can be mostly enjoyable. I have not seen Maggie or atleast can not recall it but then I cannot recall what the hell I did yesterday, but if I were looking to visit someone for a new adventure her answer to you would be a great beginning !!!!

Best of luck, if you are serious, and if you are not then you will not last either !!!!!! Originally Posted by shooter6.5

Words of advice from a TRUE Yoda of the hobby!

Adonis's Avatar
Texting grannie pimp for on the fly instructions is wrong on so many levels.

The total lack of respect, iop or really any attention given to your client towards the end of the session could be a career killer.

Thank You for bringing this to our attention.

I agree with the others who've suggested firing your grannie, pimp, helper, trainer or wtf ever you're calling the person on the other end of that phone.