Who's having the worse week -- Lyin' Biden or Granny killer Cuomo?

Speaking of Hitler....

Cuomo's day just got a little worse too.....

Andrew Cuomo will be the subject of an off-Broadway musical written by a political consultant he prosecuted and put in prison

"It's springtime
for Hitler
and Andy Boy".....

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Surprised at the extent to which the cocksuckers at CNN and the rest of the mainstream media are throwing Dementia Joe to the alligators.
News sources have verified people saying before being killed

" I'm so happy we dont have Donald Trump tweeting every day"!!!
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Wonder if any of them are being shot in the neck by unnamed government assailants and left to bleed to death where they lay.
[Sarcasm]Creepy Joe is really uniting the allies!!![/Sarcasm]

How Biden Broke NATO
The chaotic Afghan withdrawal has shocked and angered U.S. allies.

Remember when candidate Joe Biden said America “needs a leader the world respects”? Apparently President Biden forgot. Of the many consequences of his misbegotten Afghanistan withdrawal, one of the more serious is the way it has damaged America’s relationships with its allies, especially in Europe.

Afghanistan was an operation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and America’s NATO allies have invested significant blood and treasure in the conflict. That includes tens of thousands of troops over 20 years, more than 1,100 of whom were killed, and billions of dollars spent on the military operation and reconstruction effort.
Maybe he could share his strategy with our partners....
Oh wait.....

Where’s Biden’s Plan to Stop Terrorism?
He acknowledges the national interest, but his administration has failed to develop a strategy.
But wait!!
There's more!!

A ‘Pitiful, Helpless Giant’ in Afghanistan

President Biden provided an update Friday on the emergency evacuation effort in Kabul, and as usual he was his own worst advocate. The President’s optimistic view doesn’t fit the chaos on the ground or the fact that the mission continues to be hostage to the goodwill of the Taliban.

“We’ve made significant progress,” Mr. Biden said, taking credit for “one of the largest, most difficult airlifts in history.” If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was describing a humanitarian airlift in Haiti rather than the desperate rescue of Americans trapped behind enemy lines.
Time for a NATO military operation to rescue those trapped behind Taliban lines.
In a "well duh" sort of way....
his own party is abandoning him.....

Democrats Run From Afghanistan

Joe Biden handed out plenty of blame for his Afghanistan mess Monday, though he notably left out a core group of enablers. The Democratic Party owns this American humiliation and is already worried about the political fallout.
most of the party is either in hiding or in damage control.
But Andy refuses to give up and continues down his dark road....

This from the New Yorker of all things.....

Andrew Cuomo’s War Against a Federal Prosecutor
A call to the Obama White House that some legal experts say is impeachable fits a pattern of the Governor smearing those who scrutinize him.

Cuomo’s outreach to the White House may have opened him up to sanction for violating state ethics rules and could be relevant in an ongoing impeachment inquiry by the New York State Assembly. “It’s highly inappropriate and potentially illegal,” Jennifer Rodgers, a former prosecutor in Bharara’s office and an adjunct clinical professor at N.Y.U. Law School, told me. Jessica Levinson, the director of Loyola Law School’s Public Service Institute, added, “If he, in fact, called a U.S. Attorney’s bosses and implied, ‘Stop this guy from looking into me,’ that could easily amount to an impeachable offense.” (Shortly after publication time, Cuomo announced that he would resign as governor of New York.)
Cuomo’s vindictiveness, his attacks on officials who defy him, and his attempts to undermine inquiries about him are recurring themes
Actual News: Trump Strikes a Deal... The Trump administration on February 29, 2020 signed a withdrawl agreement with the Taliban. The Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership. Diplomats told the Trump administration they made too many concessions to the Taliban.

Biden delayed the May 1st withdrawal date that he inherited, but the administration was already committed to end the 20-year war.

So yeah, sucks there's actual facts to get in the way. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70
Don't disagree with you those are facts. But if you think for one second if the Trump administration was leading the withdrawal that it would look like this you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

While I am a Conservative I am not a real fan of Trump. A huge fan of his policies but not a fan of the man. There is 0% chance that Trump would have abandoned Bagram Air Base before ensuring all civilians were out of country. There is 0% chance Trump would have left the cache of weapons that are now in the hands of the Taliban. This cluster fuck of a withdrawal is 100% on the Biden administration.

Butt hurt libtards like yourself are responsible for this. Worst part about it I don't think any of it is a mistake. I think this is just the kind of chaos they were hoping for. Anything to divide people any try to destroy this country. Your hatred of Trump above all else has put this country in a tailspin that I am questioning we can ever recover from. Your blind eye to the fact that there are people in this world that are ideologically set on destroying this country and killing everyone in it is frightening. All of this coming on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9-11. You and your friends on the left are destroying the greatest country ever assembled in the history of the world. For what??? Spite, hatred, power??? I have got just as many Democrat friends as I do Republican and they are just as sick to their stomachs as I am. At least the ones with half a brain in their head. The fucking world is upside down and who gives a fuck as long as we can blame it on Donald Trump.

I think Biden is probably the biggest scumbag ever to hold office. And that is saying a lot because I hate all politicians. But unlike yourself and your friends on the left who would like to see this country destroyed I am actually rooting for the halfwit. I am hoping he gets it right. Let the media sing his praises afterwards and give him all the credit. You know why? Because if that happens it means that my fellow countrymen get home safe to their families. It means women aren't raped and murdered. It means men aren't shot in the head. It means kids don't grow up without parents.

That's the difference between the right and the left. Because if Trump were in office every single piece of shit from grandma Nancy, fuckhead Schumer, dimwit AOC, to towelhead Omar would be rooting for his failure regardless of how many body bags were leaving the desert.

Like Trump, hate Trump I could care less. No way, no how this abortion of a strategy would be happening under his watch. Period!!!! And for those of you still dumb enough to believe the media isn't as corrupt as the Biden family or doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Substitute Hunter Biden's name with Don Jr or Eric Trump on video with hookers talking about being extorted or selling finger paintings for a half million a piece. Imagine the southern border and Afghanistan in the shape they are in. Our enemies cyber attacking the shit out of us. Closing down an American pipeline and at the same time approving a Russian one. Not too mention all the other shit was happening under Trump. Could you imagine???? There would be an impeachment trial every week. Where are all of the doctors from CNN/MSNBC that were questioning Trumps cognitive ability and calling for the 25th Amendment??? Joe can't spell cognitive right now. You all make me sick!!!

Trust me folks this gets much worse before it starts getting any better!!! So Yeah, sucks that there is actual reality to think about!!!
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Joe thought it was Gov Andy ????
tbear for president......

everyone else for modtard....
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tbear for president......

everyone else for modtard.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Why you hate him Sir ????
So.... he's going to tax the airlines out the wazoo.... then he's gonna make them fix his mistake.....

U.S. Considers Ordering Commercial Airlines to Help in Afghan Evacuation
The Biden administration is making preparations to invoke an emergency civil aviation program, while adding to the number of U.S. bases that can house Afghan evacuees

So.... he's going to tax the airlines out the wazoo.... then he's gonna make them fix his mistake.....

U.S. Considers Ordering Commercial Airlines to Help in Afghan Evacuation
The Biden administration is making preparations to invoke an emergency civil aviation program, while adding to the number of U.S. bases that can house Afghan evacuees

Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
And since he hasn't consulted a single allie of ours throughout this entire process they will probably all be coming to our shores. Probably being as vetted as the hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border. Not knowing who they are or what health issues they may have.

For you non Trumpers out there. If he were in office there wouldn't be a border crisis. If he were in office he would have consulted our European allies and each country would be bearing the Afghanistan refugee crisis. Each country would be taking a percentage of what there are. Instead we the taxpayers once again get fucked. American homeless get fucked. Americans in poverty get fucked. Disabled vets get fucked. Immigrants who are going through the process of becoming citizens get fucked. But who cares as long as MS-13, Mexican cartels, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban are happy flooding our country to destroy us. Don't get me wrong the shithead Republicans don't seem to care much about our own either.

Haven't even mentioned COVID. Why test all them when we can just put all the blame on Texas and Florida. And how about USA loving bikers at Sturgis. Those bastards and the super spreader they are creating. Give me a break. Meanwhile Obama and his 600 pot smoking friends in Marthas Vineyard for a birthday party are ok because they are social distancing. Never mind it is all those god damn constitution freedom loving Republicans that won't get vacinated. It's all their fault. For those of you that like when facts get in the way. The least vacinated people in this country are African Americans and other monorities. Last time I checked they aren't Republican voters! You probably can't find it on the internet anymore as it has probably been scrubbed. But go back to before the election and see who was telling everyone that they won't get vaccinated by a Trump vaccine. Biden and Harris. That's right more facts. And you wonder why African Americans and minorities are getting the jab?

We have nobody to blame but ourselves. We sit back and bitch, bitch, bitch, and when November rolls around elect the same assholes on both sides. I hate the so called "Squad" and everyone likes to pounce on them but pay no attention to the real problem. The real problem is that there are hundreds of thousands of people that agree with them and voted to put them in office.

Good luck out there folks!!!
i think the Taliban has a secret deal with Biden. The Taliban has plenty of 12 year old virgin girls. Joe could leave his wife, go to Afganestan, marry 10 12 year old girls, they have serve him hot cocoa every night and he can hug and kiss them !