Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

TexTushHog's Avatar
I’ve been in that conplex. The fronts are numbingly the same. It may not have gone down exactly as the news reports are saying, but I could see how a tired mind could play tricks on a person and cause something like this to happen. Originally Posted by TinMan

So far, so good. But you don't just fucking shoot in the dark because somebody -- god knows who -- isn't doing exactly what you say. It's the shoot first ask questions later mentality that creates all the problems. The violent crime rate is for all practical purposes at fifty year lows. Yet police are incredibly gun happy. Police haven't been this safe at any time in the past 100+ years. Yet they arrogantly run around causing almost as many problems as they solve with their overly violent tendencies.

I used to think it was just a few bad apples giving the vast majority of good officers a black eye and a bad name. But more and more I'm deciding that's not true. There are a lot more bad apples that I heretofore realized. Maybe even close to a majority. And even those that aren't actively trigger happy or malevolent are guilty of coddling the bad cops and protecting them. And when they do that, they become almost as bad as the bad cops. Until they clean their own fouled nest, a pox on all of them.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-10-2018, 08:55 PM
True Tex, I hope she gets less time than that murderer Roy Oliver if it was an accident.

I hope he chocks on a d!ck in prison!
Now her story is..
-the door was open so she thought her apartment was being burglarized
-it was dark when she entered
-She saw a silhouette and gave verbal commands which were ignored
-She fired twice
-Turned on the lights and called 911 to report the shooting
-She stepped in the hallway and that's when she realized it wasn't her apartment

Chung Tran's Avatar
I am not believing the account of her shooting at a Silhouette in the dark, after he did not obey commands.. and that no lights were on in the apartment. and that the door was ajar. too convenient a tale to come up with, given a 3 day head start.

I bet these witnesses that heard voices, heard the Officer banging on the door to "let me in", who heard the slain gentleman ask "why did you do that"? are accurate.
Yeah this is a PR disaster,they had to clean it up
I hope the investigators are able to prove he was shot right there at the door
And there must be a way to determine how many times her key card was declined...the door ajar my ass!
I guarantee you she would be calling for back-up if that was the case

And how did she miss that big red welcome mat outside his door?Early reports said she put her groceries bags down when her key wasn't working..
What a horrible way to leave earth
Chung Tran's Avatar
I hope the investigators are able to prove he was shot right there at the door
And there must be a way to determine how many times her key card was declined...the door ajar my ass!
I guarantee you she would be calling for back-up if that was the case Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
I think if I was a Cop, and entered "my" apartment whose door was ajar, and saw a shadowy figure whom I feared, I would retreat.. why engage the person at all? he is not going anywhere.. retreat and call in back up.

or am I not thinking like a Cop?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Chung has a point small woman ,big guy But you would think at least turn the light on and or back out.
What ROE s say shoot into the dark at a "shadow" when you have no idea what your shooting ( good thing she didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend staying with her)
Smell test , Door ajar FAIL
Commands FAIL
I think if I was a Cop, and entered "my" apartment whose door was ajar, and saw a shadowy figure whom I feared, I would retreat.. why engage the person at all? he is not going anywhere.. retreat and call in back up.

or am I not thinking like a Cop? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You are thinking like a good cop, not like a punk with a badge.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-11-2018, 09:34 AM
I don't know...

Imagine walking into your apartment. It's weird that your door was unlocked. You're on high alert. You get halfway down the hallway and a guy is just a few feet away from you. He says, "What are you doing?" You pull your gun and tell him to stay where he is. He rushes you, grabbing for your gun in the dim light. In a second or two something bad is going to happen. And it does.

I don't see this as being a cop thing or a female thing, either. As someone who has carried a gun, I try to put myself in this situation. It's a crappy situation, but I can see it being a tragic mistake.
dallasfan's Avatar
imagine what he was thinking. Someone banging on his door in the middle of the night trying to get in, he goes to answer, someone pulls a gun on him and shoots him.

If he had a gun on him it would have been the same tragedy but both may have been shot.

I think the autopsy will reveal the truth of what actually happened.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-11-2018, 10:14 AM
imagine what he was thinking. Someone banging on his door in the middle of the night trying to get in, he goes to answer, someone pulls a gun on him and shoots him.

If he had a gun on him it would have been the same tragedy but both may have been shot.

I think the autopsy will reveal the truth of what actually happened. Originally Posted by dallasfan

What do you think the autopsy will reveal?
dallasfan's Avatar
The distance of the shots, the angle of the shots, where the bullets entered. Gun powder residue. Will tell you whether the victim was up close at the door or down the hallway
Does anyone think that having a gun made that situation worse! Without that both of them would have fine.. Its ironic that the fear that other person might have a firearm makes someone fire theirs! Maybe we have become trigger happy, less trusting and a Hyperekplexic society!
15 hour shift lol. Used to work a 12 hour day shift in a job long time ago you do become complacent. Every 2 weeks we would have to switch to the 12 hour night shift. The police department should be at fault mainly.
TexTushHog's Avatar
What do you think the autopsy might reveal? Stippling or tattooing? I doubt the shot was at that close a range?