Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well you’re right about that, my mistake, what I meant to post was contempt

The possible perjury charge will come during the Rick Dearborn testimony.

Please take a couple of atta boys out of the cult coffer, you truly deserve them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

why do you keep putting yourself through such emotional turmoil only to be let down time and time again?

so many posts with might, may, could ..

could you be wrong? might you be biased?

Dims: "We tried to overthrow the election but it didn't work. On the way to thwarting us, President Trump committed obstruction of treason." Whaaaaa?????
Dims: "We tried to overthrow the election but it didn't work. On the way to thwarting us, President Trump committed obstruction of treason." Whaaaaa????? Originally Posted by gnadfly
very good
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Who is "we"? Who is "us"? You're conflating the public with the lying press.

The public is sophisticated enough to know the media lies every day - and candidates who are constantly lied about are under no obligation not to lie to the liars. Originally Posted by lustylad

Point taken. I was referring to his constituents when I wrote "we". I was not separating the two. I do understand the media itself has an agenda. At least portions, or hyper partisan segments, of the press. What is the media, the press, a blogger or just a talking head?

I remember a time when those running for office were given the benefit of the doubt. With brazen lies from the new Trump (hate even typing his name) era, it's still hard to get used to. This is the new normal. A new millennium.

Just make shit up, deny it at all costs- when presented with the truth, still deny. Show the video. Then just forget you ever said it. No integrity at all in modern GOP politics. It's not grand anymore.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Dims: "We tried to overthrow the election but it didn't work. On the way to thwarting us, President Trump committed obstruction of treason." Whaaaaa????? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Topic is lyingdowski not deep state bullshit
Jaxson66's Avatar
Lyingdowski for Senate

The most striking moment of Corey Lewandowski’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday came near the end of a long day, when the former Trump campaign manager was surprisingly open in revealing his disdain for the truth. For much of the testimony, Lewandowski alternated between filibustering by slow reading the Mueller report and filibustering by saying he was under White House orders to be silent. He clearly delighted in stymying House Democrats, even as he used the hearing to tease his potential run for Senate in New Hampshire. (During a break, Lewandowski tweeted out a link to the website for a brand new super PAC, “Stand With Corey.”)

At the end, though, came a few key moments when Lewandowski was made to all but openly confess his own lies. This critical portion of the hearing was a disaster for Lewandowski and showed why Democrats should be champing at the bit to hold more hearings like this one, rather than fulminating and hand-wringing over whether they are even taking part in an impeachment inquiry. Lewandowski’s confession should, at minimum, preclude him from ever being booked on a television news program again and in a sane world would instantly doom his nascent Senate run.
better than a dead pecker

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yeah what's the use of running away, he's a dead meat anyway even if he's a CHL holder.
lustylad's Avatar
What's CHL? Is that part of little andy's Schutzstaffel?

lustylad's Avatar
Just make shit up, deny it at all costs - when presented with the truth, still deny. Show the video. Then just forget you ever said it. No integrity at all... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You shouldn't be so harsh on the New York Times!
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2019, 04:11 PM
LL- well written. !!!
Lewandowski caught in lies at House hearing

The trump loyalist May have committed perjury today at the House Hearing on Obstruction of Justice committed by the squatter in Chief. I’m betting Hannity doesn’t allow his viewers to see this video. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I’m watching to see if Barr actually does his job and charges Lyingdowski with perjury or will he continue his obstruction for the trump party.

That deep state bullshit you’re swallowing is toxic, be careful. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well you’re right about that, my mistake, what I meant to post was contempt

The possible perjury charge will come during the Rick Dearborn testimony.

Please take a couple of atta boys out of the cult coffer, you truly deserve them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Topic is lyingdowski not deep state bullshit Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Apparently the topic started out with trying to falsely pin perjury on him, then when shown that shit didn't stick, you went next with contempt. Go ahead keep lowering your bar on what you can charge him with. It's happened to you repeatedly with Trump. Always that next gotcha to grab onto, that quickly is shown to be false and fizzles.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Most striking thing about the hearing, imo, was that retarded fat-fuck teletubby looking douchebag’s inability to even control his own party. What a shitshow.
Most striking thing about the hearing, imo, was that retarded fat-fuck teletubby looking douchebag’s inability to even control his own party. What a shitshow. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The Democrats don't know what they are doing that's why it's a shit show. They should have all their eggs laid out in a basket and they don't. A two year investigation was like a huge box which contained another box and that contained yet another box until at the end you have a very very tiny box which is empty like all the rest. It's so sad they are trying to make a case out of virtually nothing, lol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dims: "We tried to overthrow the election but it didn't work. On the way to thwarting us, President Trump committed obstruction of treason." Whaaaaa????? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yeah, they’re trying to nail the President on obstruction of injustice.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Apparently the topic started out with trying to falsely pin perjury on him, then when shown that shit didn't stick, you went next with contempt. Go ahead keep lowering your bar on what you can charge him with. It's happened to you repeatedly with Trump. Always that next gotcha to grab onto, that quickly is shown to be false and fizzles. Originally Posted by eccielover
I believe I corrected my post, I made a honest mistake claiming perjury. I meant to say Contempt. Google that.

There’s lots more gotchas coming. unlike Benghazi, emails and deep state bullshit. All the way into the election year.