Covid vac proof

myren1900's Avatar
The vaccines do not stop the virus 100%. But the risk of getting infected isvmuch lower than if you are unvaccinated. Many people in the US, in particular in the South, are still unvaccinated, and while a person infected with the original COVID-19 virus would infect 2.5 people on average, the new Delta variant is much more infectious. A person with that variant will on average infect 3-4 other people. This leads to a much higher infection rate. The good news is that if you get infected in spite having got acvaccine, your case will likely be less serious than if you did not. It may save you a week or two in the hospital and a lot of suffering, not to mention significant medical expenses.

Here is a link to more info:

Whatever your gamble is, Good luck !

1. Nobody is being forced to get the vaccine.
2. You are 8X less likely to contract covid if you are vaccinated.

Holocaust indeed.
Address a few points: I agree with you even though you were being sarcastic myren. There should be no laws infriging on poeple to wear helmets or set belts. These are actually newer laws as society has learned to allow their freedoms to be infringed upon the government along with people, will take evey freedom you will allow.

Who does it hurt if I do not wear a helmet riding a motorcyce? How are you harmed? Only the rider and that is his or her choice, it is called freedom try it some time. Make a choice on your own fruition instead of having others tell you how to live.

So, minor infringements such as wearing a mask are okay according to your argument. Btw there is no law requiring one to wear a condom while seeing a streetwalker. But yes one should have that freedom, we all have the freedom to screw up and to do dumb things as long as what we do deos not infringe on another persons rights. We should have the freedom to ride in our own boats without a life vest if we so chose. But a store owner should also have the right to hav epolicies on their property of wearing shirts or shoes or not. We should not tell each store how t run its own business. I respect others and their rights to do things I consider wrong as long as I am not infringeed upon. Not everyone has to live your way not everyone will live your way nor think how you expect them to. Accept that fact and you will find yourself in fewer debates.

It is never okay to force another to do what you think is best when what they do does not infringe your rights. I am a lover f freedom, I beleive prostitution shoul dbe legal, what right does anyone else have to tell a lady what she can an cannot do with her body. But I am consistent in my beliefs of freedom I do not think others should think my way or live my way. I respect your right to be free and different.

Shownuff it is far too easy to debunk your point of view, lol. Once you ropponent has resorted to insults and degrading behavior you know you have been victorious in your debate. So, thank you for concedeing.
Joe Blows if you believe coercion is not a form of forcing vaccinations you my friend just are a hater of freedom. Cannot go to a saints game without a vaccination or proof there which one buy for $1.25 on the internet. You can no longer work at an establishment if you are not vaccinated? That is not forcing?

The Jewish people were not forced to die in World War II Germany, they were just asked to please step into the ovens.
I said I wouldn’t be dragged back into this but so be it computer”wise”……
You’re right …usually when one resorts to insults yeah it could be debated that they’ve lost the debate…but on this one issue …no….with all the data and with what’s going on….this ain’t rocket science….do some reading that myren gave the link to.
Those who choose to not vaccinate at this point…are playing stupid
Now I’m officially done !!
Jews did not have a choice. You do. What you actually want though is to not have consequences for your choice. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
When starts comparing masks and vaccines to the Holocaust. They have truly lost the argument and any credibility their argument might have had.

This is better debated in the political forum where all heights of ignorant positions are taken.

Anyone with sense that feels that repercussionless freedom is acceptable has taken the idea of liberty to a bitter end. You ride on a public highway you accept the government’s rules of the road. That’s the cost of society.

There’s a pandemic which to date has killed 650,000 Americans in about 17 months and is still going. Be free to continue to possibly be a vector and spreading the disease is the height of irresponsibility. Masks are that inconvenient and doesn’t infringe on your freedoms nearly to the extent of laws against public nudity (which is far more restrictive).

Just put on the fucking mask and stop all this stupid whining.
FatCity's Avatar
Anyone that thinks there immune systems is strong enough to resist COVID and make it just as easy as the non vaxxed I can get someone to lick or rub saliva on your front door, car, and mailbox who has caught .. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Here's my dilemma

"covid" outbreak started in the flu season of 2019.

I don't wear masks, I don't quarantine, I do what i wanna do....
In 2021, I have had my face buried tongue-deep in the ass of nearly every provider from New Orleans to Lafayette non-stop every two weeks.
Uh..... either I'm superman or this is a scam.

Show me someone dropping dead AT HOME (not on a ventilator with 10% survival rate in a hospital) and I'll take this seriously
640,000 people have died. If that not enough for you to think it’s serious, nothing will convince you.
myren1900's Avatar
Uh..... either I'm superman or this is a scam. Originally Posted by FatCity
When you show us you can fly then we will believe you are Superman rather than just uninformed or in denial.

FatCity's Avatar
Where it gets confusing (as it relates to this forum) is

- You're terrified by a communicable disease
yet, you're wantonly engaging in sharing body fluids with strangers*
where the 'vaccine' doesn't even stop transmission. You realize according to the 'experts' none of you are fully vaccinated unless you've gotten a booster shot, right?

Do you wear a mask when you hobby, because its a rather cardio-intensive enterprise?
Not attempting to debate 'covid' with anyone here, but its a squared circle to round if you're actively hobbying but worried about spread. Thats counter-intuitive. I would highly respect someone that has concerns about 'covid' and chooses to stop hobbying.

soooooooooooo.... which is it?

* this isn't to say SWers are havens for disease. I would argue they are 'cleaner' than the average girl. Its just willingly swapping spit with someone outside your household.
The vaccines do not stop the virus 100%. But the risk of getting infected isvmuch lower than if you are unvaccinated. Many people in the US, in particular in the South, are still unvaccinated, and while a person infected with the original COVID-19 virus would infect 2.5 people on average, the new Delta variant is much more infectious. A person with that variant will on average infect 3-4 other people. This leads to a much higher infection rate. The good news is that if you get infected in spite having got acvaccine, your case will likely be less serious than if you did not. It may save you a week or two in the hospital and a lot of suffering, not to mention significant medical expenses.

Here is a link to more info:

Whatever your gamble is, Good luck !

Originally Posted by myren1900
That is the sole intention of the vaccine. But some people who are not vaccinated will simply not get Covid19. There is also a significant percentage of people who are vaccinated will still contract the virus and from what my Physician has told me 20% of the vaccinated in his area of practice have been Hospitalized. So it's a whole array of factors that are involved in terms of who gets sick, who gets hospitalized and who will die. The vaccine may play in part a predictor to these stats but nothing is perfect and the vaccine certainly isn't.
myren1900's Avatar
Why is the concept of probability so hard to comprehend for so many people?

Would you be just as likely to play a game of Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber as with one?
Very few things are guaranteed 100%. You can wear a mask, do social distancing and be vaccinated, and still catch COVID and even die, but it is way less likely to happen than if you don’t do any of that.
You can use condoms, avoid street walkers, STG girls and known BBFS providers and still catch a STD, but it is less likely than if you bareback anyone that breathe.
You can even jump out of a 6-story building and survive but it isn’t likely.

Why is the concept of probability so hard to comprehend for so many people?

Would you be just as likely to play a game of Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber as with one?
Very few things are guaranteed 100%. You can wear a mask, do social distancing and be vaccinated, and still catch COVID and even die, but it is way less likely to happen than if you don’t do any of that.
You can use condoms, avoid street walkers, STG girls and known BBFS providers and still catch a STD, but it is less likely than if you bareback anyone that breathe.
You can even jump out of a 6-story building and survive but it isn’t likely.

Originally Posted by myren1900
I think the biggest problem people have is the politicizing of this virus and contradictory information. As far as Probability, I am not sure of the accuracy behind that concept.