How does one justify being charged for multiple pops?

kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-09-2012, 03:18 PM
I mean just now getting it? Originally Posted by rocketride
You just now got it, I thought so. Well, keep working on it with a little practice, you will learn to understand things faster.
That's your prerogative, I'm not telling you that you have to tip just saying it is good gentleman etiquette when done. It's like giving to charity (never expected) when done, it is a very nice thing and I am sure well appreciated. Originally Posted by kSoze
Fucking YAWN you're a broken record,one nobody cares to listen to!
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-09-2012, 03:27 PM
But, who continues posting after hearing my broken record? That'd be YOU! So then, that would be you a NOBODY right?
You mean just now getting it?
Go figure I can comprehend huh?
You're welcome for the correction wouldn't want you to look .........! Originally Posted by rocketride
Originally Posted by rocketride edit by MISSkSoze
I mean just now getting it?

Nice editing of my words MISSkSoze. Are you soooo uninspired you can't even come up with your own? Or spell the ones you manage to come up with,even when they're at a 2nd grade level?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-09-2012, 03:36 PM
Would you like an autographed copy of the record? You seem to be a BIG fan.
Sure you can spell your own name?
I've actually noticed the trend of guys leaving after one pop ... I'm like "I'm not done yet"!!
I've actually noticed the trend of guys leaving after one pop ... I'm like "I'm not done yet"!! Originally Posted by Eva Damita

I am generally done after one if it's a one hour ordeal. I did get three on Saturday although the middle one was a silent nut (you get right to the edge and it's cum time but nothing comes out and your dick goes soft like you did nut, hate those). But that was not a one hour ordeal.
TMI homer!
TMI homer! Originally Posted by rocketride

That's King Homer RR and if the King wants to talk about his royal seed then the King will talk about his Royal Seed.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-09-2012, 04:16 PM
a silent nut (you get right to the edge and it's cum time but nothing comes out and your dick goes soft like you did nut, hate those). Originally Posted by homer13
That's King Homer RR and if the King wants to talk about his royal seed then the King will talk about his Royal Seed. Originally Posted by homer13
Yeah RR mind your own business let the king talk about his royal seed or lack thereof.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
I think it's time for me to weigh in. Everyone has valid points, but I'd like to add one that hasn't been addressed.
The reason I called it a sensible pricing structure is that, in my personal experience, multiple pops means I'm going over the hour, and by more than just a few minutes. So if I wanted one pop, it would cost me $200, and I'd get up to an hour. If I wanted multiples, it would be $250, but she wouldn't be watching the clock. I've had numerous multiple sessions that ran as long as twenty-five minutes over. Somehow I always felt bad for giving a donation based on 60 minutes and taking nearly 90; conversely, I never felt gypped if I didn't use the full 60. I honestly don't know why, but there it is.
This might be one of those YMMV issues where no one's right and no one's wrong.
I think it's time for me to weigh in. Everyone has valid points, but I'd like to add one that hasn't been addressed.
The reason I called it a sensible pricing structure is that, in my personal experience, multiple pops means I'm going over the hour, and by more than just a few minutes. So if I wanted one pop, it would cost me $200, and I'd get up to an hour. If I wanted multiples, it would be $250, but she wouldn't be watching the clock. I've had numerous multiple sessions that ran as long as twenty-five minutes over. Somehow I always felt bad for giving a donation based on 60 minutes and taking nearly 90; conversely, I never felt gypped if I didn't use the full 60. I honestly don't know why, but there it is.
This might be one of those YMMV issues where no one's right and no one's wrong. Originally Posted by Chicago K9
Now that is an entirely different situation and makes more sense. An hour is an hour until it's 90 minutes.
Now that is an entirely different situation and makes more sense. An hour is an hour until it's 90 minutes. Originally Posted by homer13



One thing that can't be concealed or disguised on the board for very long is posting style and persona. Didn't take long for yours to reveal itself. We did expect your return.
Of course when you eventually get busted and banned we also know you'll be back again.
I will now handle you just like I did your other accounts. Just like that you are now invisible poof!


Chicago K9

Now that you've clarified that the term "multiples" equates to extra time then that is definitely a different matter. $50 for an extra half hour to pop again is a damn good deal. I also don't feel gypped if I'm the one who cuts the session short.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's your prerogative, I'm not telling you that you have to tip just saying it is good gentleman etiquette when done. It's like giving to charity (never expected) when done, it is a very nice thing and I am sure well appreciated. Originally Posted by kSoze
It's like giving to charity?? You mean I can deduct it on my tax return?

I totally agree that tipping is a "nice thing" to do but totally unwarranted in my opinion. $200-$300 an hour is a very fair price for one hour of fun. If you or anyone else believes that it is "good gentleman etiquette" to tip on top of that, go for it. I would do it only under very rare circumstances, but certainly not as the norm.