what is ECCIE actually used for?

Iaintliein's Avatar
I tend to agree with your opinion. But here's an alternative theory: ECCIE is a cleverly disguised longitudinal survey by two graduate students working toward PhD's in Abnormal Psychology. It's a research gold mine! Originally Posted by Chevalier
Yes, indeed! I recall someone on the old board, a lady but maybe not a provider who openly posted about mining the site for a book. It's all here, not just a cross section, but a bundle of bell curves intersecting at a single point. . . sex. It is the great unifier.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Good, honest opinion.

I do not agree with #3 though as far as having actual true friends on the site. If those are you friends, maybe you should rethink you definition of a friend!

What Eccie is SUPPOSED to be used for is exchanging intel/info between hobbyists and providers with each other to help make informed decisions about scheduling with individuals. Also, discussing hobby related topics in an adult manner weighing in where you can, hopefully providing guidance or at least substance to a subject others question and learning from others that have been there in any situation that has come up.

A couple of things I would like to see go away (but never will):

After a provider has posted in a thread about the subject and then there are those guys who post "Oh, you are so beautiful, can't wait to meet you, I bet you are a good fuck", but has nothing to do with the subject of the thread.

Someone just comes on a thread just to belittle a person who happens to post in it, again nothing to do with the subject of the thread. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
As opposed to what definition? Befriending arrogant, posturing assholes from work, posturing, hypocrites from church (if I went)?

Some, of the most grounded people I've ever encountered are here. Sure there are flakes, but some of the ladies I've met here are the most genuine, no BS, down to earth people I'd ever hope to meet.
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 11:42 AM
lol tu che
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 11:43 AM
This is the third thread she has posted about this "situation" with whoever that fella is.
Agenda much?

Sad thing... for a second there I thought you had potential. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
nope re read lol its actually another person
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 11:50 AM
As opposed to what definition? Befriending arrogant, posturing assholes from work, posturing, hypocrites from church (if I went)?

Some, of the most grounded people I've ever encountered are here. Sure there are flakes, but some of the ladies I've met here are the most genuine, no BS, down to earth people I'd ever hope to meet. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
its not even the flakes that bother me, its the people who want to talk smack all the time but the moment someone snaps back they start bullshitting lol its retarded.

its sad really, most of the people i've meet on eccie are and i quote ECCIE BITCHES, Most

i have meet some great people from eccie also, some that are just cool to hang out with outside of the hobby. but as i said people like Jason, and Chanson and his (from his mouth) ECCIE lackies this are people i'd happly break in half
NearHauteRed's Avatar
As opposed to what definition? Befriending arrogant, posturing assholes from work, posturing, hypocrites from church (if I went)?

Some, of the most grounded people I've ever encountered are here. Sure there are flakes, but some of the ladies I've met here are the most genuine, no BS, down to earth people I'd ever hope to meet. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Actually, who I was referring to was the guys on this site, not the ladies. I meet real friends generally through other friends, none of which are co workers or other church members, at least not the church I go to which is home asleep after a late Saturday night! But since you brought it up, most of the providers are good people, however, the question you have to ask yourself is, "would I have met them or would they actually have anything to do with me if I was not paying them to like me?". If the answer is anything but yes, then I rest my case, if it is yes, good for you, perhaps you could share the times you just got to hang out most of the day with your provider friends and/or go see a movie, ballgame, ect. with no money exchange.
I heard that 85% of all statistics were made up. Originally Posted by L.A.
86.73815%, to be exact!
Bestman200600's Avatar
eccie = match.com without the BS
I heard that 85% of all statistics were made up. Originally Posted by L.A.

I can with great authority state that it is actually 93.68%.

And compared to most motorcycle forums, this place is Chucky Cheese . . .
NearHauteRed's Avatar
eccie = match.com without the BS Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Actually, the BS exists and is prevalent, what site are you on?

Eccie: guaranteed to spend money, 2-4 bills to rent her for the hour per donation rates for providers, definite clock watchers, may or may not get what you want out of a session, but you will get off 95% of the time.

Match.com: you spend some but not as much money and can walk away without having to pay a travel fee to the lady. Definitely no clock watching and depending on mutual interests, you do not have to see if she can fit you in on her schedule and pay another 2-4 bills for an hour each and every time, and if you spend the night together, it will not cost $1500-2500.
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 03:06 PM
eccie = match.com without the BS Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Wait rofl that's just silly
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 03:08 PM
Actually, the BS exists and is prevalent, what site are you on?

Eccie: guaranteed to spend money, 2-4 bills to rent her for the hour per donation rates for providers, definite clock watchers, may or may not get what you want out of a session, but you will get off 95% of the time.

Match.com: you spend some but not as much money and can walk away without having to pay a travel fee to the lady. Definitely no clock watching and depending on mutual interests, you do not have to see if she can fit you in on her schedule and pay another 2-4 bills for an hour each and every time, and if you spend the night together, it will not cost $1500-2500. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Lol that was fun to read lol
bojulay's Avatar
Most of your problems seem to have come from posting your phone# for
all to see, just my advice but I wouldn't give out my number until after
the guy is screened and appt set.

If some half witted f-tards are blowing up your pm just stop receiving
pms from them, don't give a dunce any power and he will just sit
in the corner with his pointed hat and mumble to himself.

Gotta be proactive girl not reactive, you know it, you know it,
especially round here.

Right attention good, wrong attention bad,
rarefy the mechanism.
bojulay's Avatar
Oh, and eccies primary function is the approximation of
keeping both parties honest, and like most third world
governments it sort of works most of the time.