No Review No Reference...


Well...I would not throw him under the bus. But I would indicate that he is not le but also doesn't keep his word. That way you let the requester make their own decision but at the same time you are keeping everyone safe. Originally Posted by jazzguy
It's better to give no review at all then to have a great time, lots of smiles and a hug goodbye and look 30 minutes later with a big fat NO and watch the bastard name call and poke at you and there is nothing you can do about it! I at this point let the guy decide if he wants to or not, even a no, as long as it's tasteful I don't mind! Hell what am I saying, I don't expect or ask for a review, if someone really likes you or really dislikes you they just will
I would give the reference the first time and inform the provider about the unfulfilled promise. Then i would contact the reviewer and let him know that I will not be able to be a reference unless he fulfills his promise or ask him that next time be honest in saying that he has no intention of doing a review.