Did Texas "Re-open" too Soon?

I don't think Texas re-opened too soon -- and am in the camp that is concerned the shutdowns, if continued too long, could easily result in even more human misery than would be the case if a three-month (or longer) extension were dictated. Besides, it would only take so long for the lid to blow off of society. The economy isn't like an engine you can shut off, come back a few months later, hit the "start" button, and everything is just hunky-dory once again.

To the question of why the covid-19 case rate might be so much higher in NYC than in London, I believe there are a couple of likely reasons.

First, the fashion industry in New York hosts dozens of trade shows and employs a very large number of people; substantially more than the same industry in London. Mostly owing to the fact that the US's economy is about 6-7 times larger than Britain's, its footprint is much larger.

Thus, a large number of people travel between Milan and NYC on a regular basis. And since thousands of low-income Chinese workers, many from Wuhan, have worked for years in the Milan garment factories, it isn't surprising that a number of covid-19 cases started occurring there very early in the course of the pandemic.

Second, a vastly greater number of Italian nationals and Italian-Americans live in the NYC area. Their population number in NYC may be an order of magnitude greater than in London, or possibly even more. Many people of Italian descent have relatives in multiple cities and travel on a semi-annual or at least annual basis to visit them.

Of course, the fact that Mayor de Blasio was publicly urging people to get out and go to plays, restaurants, etc. -- right up until virtually the eve of the shutdown orders -- sure didn't help matters.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Tomorrow gyms in Texas will reopen. Limited to 25% of capacity. Locker rooms will not be open. Social distancing will be in affect. Not sure if masks will be required.

If there was ever a place where the virus could potentially be spread, gyms would be high on that list in my opinion.

I plan to be there if I can get in. Due to my age I am rather high risk but you have to draw the line somewhere as to what may or not be safe. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah. I don't really get why gyms are opening up when you consider how easy it would be to catch virus cooties. I definitely miss going to the gym but I'll be leaving that alone and I'll just get fat as fuck and lose it all later in a month when I am comfortable going back to the gym. Fuck that shit. Other than an airport, that's 2nd to the last place I want to be now.
LexusLover's Avatar
Due to my age I am rather high risk but you have to draw the line somewhere as to what may or not be safe. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
"Age" per se is not the "high risk" factor. It's the ailments/conditions customarily found in older folks that reduce the effectiveness of the immune system to resit the virus naturally. My take is ...

.. customarily those who regularly appear at gyms are in decent, at least, physical condition, desire to maintain that condition, and their immune system benefits from their lifestyle, which includes regular exercise and diets to assist in the ability to exercise (which includes weight and blood control in the diet).

BTW: If you haven't gotten the memo .... magnesium (100% of your daily requirement ... usually found in multi-vitamins (check em)) which WILL ACCUMULATE in the system if overdosed AND Vitamin C which will not accumulate in the system if "overdosed" .. and I increased my C from 2,000 mg a day to 8,000. I introduced my main physician to vitamins and unsweetened Black Cherry juice. His "hay fever" subsided and his feet don't hurt as much after surgery.
Tomorrow gyms in Texas will reopen. Limited to 25% of capacity. Locker rooms will not be open. Social distancing will be in affect. Not sure if masks will be required.

If there was ever a place where the virus could potentially be spread, gyms would be high on that list in my opinion.

I plan to be there if I can get in. Due to my age I am rather high risk but you have to draw the line somewhere as to what may or not be safe. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I went to the Gym Friday. I don't live in Texas but the Gym I went to no one wore a mask and they had sanitation stations with pre moistened towels to wipe down equipment after each use, which is good practice anyways. Although it wasn't crowded, I noticed people didn't talk to one another and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I hope over time people will loosen up a bit and feel free to socialize.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Gyms are pointless other than for ogling the ass of some hottie. There’s better workout to be had in the woods or your back yard, even the toughest military training (rangers/sappers/etc) don’t include lifting weights.
bambino's Avatar
Gyms are pointless other than for ogling the ass of some hottie. There’s better workout to be had in the woods or your back yard, even the toughest military training (rangers/sappers/etc) don’t include lifting weights. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Actually a high rep, low weight routine is great for building lean muscle, which is good. Muscle is good because it increases your metabolism. Combine that with core exercises and cardio and you’ll be in good shape. You don’t need a gym.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I went to the Gym Friday. I don't live in Texas but the Gym I went to no one wore a mask and they had sanitation stations with pre moistened towels to wipe down equipment after each use, which is good practice anyways. Although it wasn't crowded, I noticed people didn't talk to one another and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I hope over time people will loosen up a bit and feel free to socialize. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Interesting information. Were there any restrictions as to using machines that may have been within 6 feet of each other?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Actually a high rep, low weight routine is great for building lean muscle, which is good. Muscle is good because it increases your metabolism. Combine that with core exercises and cardio and you’ll be in good shape. You don’t need a gym. Originally Posted by bambino
It all depends on one's goals. There is no way I could duplicate my gym workout outside the gym. In a "normal" workout I hit 18-20 machines in about an hour with weights up to 540 pounds on the 45 degree leg press machine. Definitely overkill but it's what makes me happy.

Then combine the flexibility the gym workout gives me with the social aspects of working out with others and I would always prefer hitting the gym over a solo workout at home.
I like the gym because seeing other people workout motivates me
Chung Tran's Avatar
In a "normal" workout I hit 18-20 machines in about an hour with weights up to 540 pounds on the 45 degree leg press machine. Definitely overkill but it's what makes me happy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
this is the physical twin to Lucas McCain's "I have 3 advanced degrees", LOL..

you slipped yours in more deftly, so congratulations there
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Age" per se is not the "high risk" factor. It's the ailments/conditions customarily found in older folks that reduce the effectiveness of the immune system to resit the virus naturally. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I certainly agree but I am finding it difficult to find information on deaths of "older" people after eliminating those with previous ailments/conditions. Are perfectly healthy people over say the age of 65 more likely to die from the coronavirus than a healthy person in their 30s or 40s?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
this is the physical twin to Lucas McCain's "I have 3 advanced degrees", LOL..

you slipped yours in more deftly, so congratulations there Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Just saying my gym workous are difficult and impossible to match outside the gym. Whether or not my workouts make me more "fit' overall than others is very debatable. The workouts Bambino described are excellent and can be done in one's home very easily.
LexusLover's Avatar
I certainly agree but I am finding it difficult to find information on deaths of "older" people after eliminating those with previous ailments/conditions. Are perfectly healthy people over say the age of 65 more likely to die from the coronavirus than a healthy person in their 30s or 40s? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The answer to your question(s) will take some time, because currently there is an "investigation" (not Congressional) of the reported deaths initially attributed to Covid19 for the purpose of making a "cause of death" vs. a "manner of death" determination for the purpose of deciding whether it was the result solely of the virus attack or the lethal aggravation of the existing condition prior to infection.

As a preliminary matter the reported "Covid19 deaths" are already being adjusted down as the testing results showing negatives and nonillness infections increasing to the level that the death % is hovering less than 2% prior to any adjustment for "pre-existing condition" deaths.

Example: There were several truck loads of bodies associated with nursing homes that were initially blamed in the news reports for "covid19" without any autopsy (that takes days/weeks sometimes in normal processes for autopsies particularly when lab work has to be conducted on tissue and/or fluid samples).

IMO based on reading and listening to practicing physicians and research scientists .. as opposed to hysterical or agenda driven "reporters" and/or pundits.... if you were healthy through 2019, you will do ok out and about.

Not to get off in the weeds, personally, but ...

... one thing I learned from diving is to adjust inhaling and exhaling rates so that you have a "reserve" of good air ... as you are moving about ... say the gym ... so you can move out of a tight spot without needing to inhale ..

also, I frequently deep gargle with Listerine to the point that I almost always swallow a bit when done .... and I use a sprayer with alcohol on the soles of my shoes (or feet) BEFORE I put my feet into the vehicle (you track what's on the floor at the gym to your car and then to your home. I make my own sanitizer (there is now some fake crap coming across our Southern border along with bogus (ineffective) cleaning liquids) and I use a lot on my hands before I walk into any business ... certainly the gym.

FYI: I didn't start wearing a mask until our loon county judge threatened to have people arrested for not wearing a mask "in public" and even though LE said they wouldn't. I just didn't want some anal LE officer (usually a reserve officer on the weekends) making a traffic stop on me to give me a 10 minute lecture of why I should be wearing a mask when he didn't have one on himself~!.

If you haven't worked out thoroughly with a mask on, you will find it uncomfortable and challenging. You are rebreathing your "burned" air.
Chung Tran's Avatar

Example: There were several truck loads of bodies associated with nursing homes that were initially blamed in the news reports for "covid19" without any autopsy (that takes days/weeks sometimes in normal processes for autopsies particularly when lab work has to be conducted on tissue and/or fluid samples). Originally Posted by LexusLover
true, but those were never officially reported as COVID deaths.

the news splash today is that Texas has a lot more positive cases the past few days.. irrelevant to me, tell me about hospitalizations and deaths. if those are not increasing, the increase in positive cases is GOOD news. it tells me the virus is less of a debilitating mechanism than previously assumed.

tell you what.. if reopening looks like this plan..


don't bother. I couldn't be more uninterested in this kind of Major League Season. everyone looking over his shoulder trying not to break a rule, a half season of games, no Fans. I would rather watch neighborhood T ball then shit like this.
Gyms are pointless other than for ogling the ass of some hottie. There’s better workout to be had in the woods or your back yard, even the toughest military training (rangers/sappers/etc) don’t include lifting weights. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I mostly agree except some machines are a convenient way to exercise some of your weaker muscles that need an intermediate isolation. Plus, I get bored with too many bodyweight exercises and like the diversion of the gym.

Also, if you a rehabbing after an injury, weight machines are good for that.