Red States vs. Blue States

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Your continued reliance on the Obama phone meme convinces me you really are pretty ignorant to the realities of his Presidency. Originally Posted by Doove
really the "Bush phone". A update of a Reagan land line deal.

NY has been a mess since Hugh Carey was governor back in the 70's Originally Posted by cowboy8055
I would go back farther, mmmm Rocky. maybe longer.
Rockefeller Republican - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rockefeller Republican (often termed "moderate Republican") refers to a faction ... Party who hold moderate to liberal views similar to those of Nelson Rockefeller. ... "moderate Republican" and, pejoratively, "RINO" (Republican In Name Only).

NYS has never had a good Governor in my life time that I know of.

Doove would be surprised who I liked and did not like as president in my life time.

Clinton was ok only. (want to know why)(errr bet not) I have good and bad to say about all from IKE on. errrr other than Obama, and LBJ, all bad in my point of view.
pyramider's Avatar
The per county display is not correct. Harris County Texas is far from liberal. Houston makes up 98% of Harris County and its conservative.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2012, 06:01 AM
I respect the presidency. The obama phome gave us an insight into a mindset of expectation, and abuse, of freebies, and a faith that voting for obama would continue continue such policies. Originally Posted by lostforkate
But as OSD points out (even while he continues to use the same meme that you do), Obama didn't start the policy of insuring that people had free phone service. That's been in place for decades.

To my knowledge, Obama hasn't changed one single policy relative to lowering the standards by which people might qualify for assistance - whether it be food stamps, section 8, HEAP, Bush phones etc. And no, giving the states more lee-way in how they handle welfare did not do that.

The increased numbers in the rolls is due strictly to economic factors, not from any additional tweaks that came from the Obama administration.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The per county display is not correct. Harris County Texas is far from liberal. Houston makes up 98% of Harris County and its conservative. Originally Posted by pyramider
That is the same problem for Monroe county NY. Rochester and a few towns are blue. most of Monroe is red.

But as OSD points out (even while he continues to use the same meme that you do), Obama didn't start the policy of insuring that people had free phone service. That's been in place for decades.

To my knowledge, Obama hasn't changed one single policy relative to lowering the standards by which people might qualify for assistance - whether it be food stamps, section 8, HEAP, Bush phones etc. And no, giving the states more lee-way in how they handle welfare did not do that.

The increased numbers in the rolls is due strictly to economic factors, not from any additional tweaks that came from the Obama administration. Originally Posted by Doove
meme, guessing you never been told "you owe me" by someone on welfare.

I will not tell you all on welfare are bad. But most on it are.

And under Oblama, we have all the ads to get folks on the tit.

Romney lost for being a RINO. for many years now the party has been a RINO itself.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2012, 09:31 AM
Romney lost for being a RINO. for many years now the party has been a RINO itself. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Romney lost for being an amorphous blob of a candidate.

He took so many positions on so many issues that i really doubt he had any idea of what he would have done if elected.

To be honest, i get the sense that if he won, he'd have been like the Coyote after catching the Road-Runner. Once he got it, he had no idea what to do with it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
now that is as dumb as the Bush is dumb line.

just remember in a way the Democrat party picks the Republican to run. So many republicans refuse to vote.
pyramider's Avatar
Every candidate is every election should have to publish what he/she/it stands for in black and white. Not something on the web that can be changed with a couple of keystrokes.
jokacz's Avatar
I put Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney in the same category. They were put up by the powers that be in the Republican party because they had no chance of being elected. They were a pain in the ass for them to have hanging around so they were put up as sacrificial lambs. Remember the Republican debates? There was only one credible candidate among them, John Huntsman, and he had no chance. I think less than nothing about potential Republican candidates, but all the real ones sat this one out.
I agree on that Jok , in my mind its just a handoff of the office now, its fixed and stacked on both sides .

I would like the republicans to totally step aside, give this guy all the votes he needs to pass, whatever, and put the democrats totally in charge and responsible.
Just rip off the bandaid and lets get this shit done,
I dont like the slow drip, I can survive and adapt to any system once theres clarity

and would like to see ALOT of people experience what they think their clamouring for..

I totally agree with the OP on the splitting up the country part, I would even walk away and move to whereever to rebuild from scratch, basically been doing that anyways, just dont have an option where I KNOW I can live within the system I like
the diference between people that have actually BUILT and RUN a business
is that they personally have to write checks OUT of THEIR OWN BANK ACCOUNTS.

Since they donot have the unlimited funds or accsess thereof, like the government,
they naturally are gouing to have to be mindfull of their balance.

if you know that when your moneys gone, ITS REALLY GONE, you tend to watch it and make decisions on how to use it better.

the true VALUE of the dollar gets lost because the people that write the checks dont experience any personal reprocusssions from their decisions.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Romney lost for being an amorphous blob of a candidate.

He took so many positions on so many issues that i really doubt he had any idea of what he would have done if elected.

To be honest, i get the sense that if he won, he'd have been like the Coyote after catching the Road-Runner. Once he got it, he had no idea what to do with it. Originally Posted by Doove
Demographics are probably the biggest reason why Romney lost. The demographics of this country have moved away from republicans. They've lost the Hispanic vote, lost the single women's vote, never had the black vote. Combine that with only 32% of people identify themselves as republicans (38 for dems) according to exit polls. Have fun trying to win a national election with that to contend with. So now 30% of people don't identify themselves as rep or dem. I find it amusing that almost a third of the voting population doesn't want to be associated with either party. Obama was vulnerable and could have easily been beaten had demographics been more favorable to republicans. Much different 30 years ago when Reagan went against a vulnerable Carter and crushed him. Heck he won NY both times. Can anyone imagine a republican presidential candidate winning NY anytime soon. And with the Hispanic population growing substantially it will likely get worse for republicans.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There you go again - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As Carter went on the offensive against Reagan's record regarding Medicare, Reagan replied with "There you go again." In 1984, Reagan's opponent Walter ...

it was not in Romney to say........... ?????????

I hope Doovie enjoying the links

mmm one to piss him off

Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush ...
2 days ago – November 08, 2012. All Audio & Video » · Listen to it Button. BEGIN TRANSCRIPT. RUSH: So three million Republican voters stayed home on Election Day. Three ... They did lose the white vote, but Democrats didn't get it.

well per the link. callers to the show. rather let ship sink than another RINO

If it was not for Palin, not sure I would have voted for McCain. Republicans do not have a party. The tea party is like Regan " I did not leave the _____ party, the _____party left me" . Problem Regan went dem to rep. But we have no where to go.

now that makes it hard to win

As a republican, I do not believe in the Republican party. But I voted Romney. And it was easier than voting McCain. I did not need a nose plug this time. But I did not vote in the primary this time. By the time it got to NY, nothing to vote FOR
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2012, 02:51 PM
If it was not for Palin, not sure I would have voted for McCain. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The idea that you voted for McCain because of Palin is truly frightening.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
so is the fact anyone ever voted for Obama if you want to use that logic

but you did
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Regan was the last time I voted for prez, and it felt good to me I voted that way then. All after that was a WTF

I rather have tricky dicky again over Oblama.