Houston fucktard suing a stripper..

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-19-2014, 01:16 PM
Man, I've been watching WAY too much Judge Judy HAHA!! Originally Posted by Y0yoY0
Fun fact about JJ I heard on the radio this morning, she's a 36D under that robe.

Funny, never thought I'd get to use that info anywhere, but a SHMB pops out the opportunity the very same day!
bojulay's Avatar
My great great grandfather was pretty gullible too.

He loaned Jessie James his wallet one time.

The lawsuit is still pending in court.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Without a promissory note or other signed document, there is no loan when money passes from one hand to another. Been there, done that...family, friends, hos...doesn't matter.

It will be interesting to see if he even gets a judge to hear the case.
Verbal agreements are just as binding as a written one. Though they can be very, very hard to enforce. The only exception is if a written agreement is required by law. And personal loans do not require a written contract. And, as I said earlier, her promising to pay it back is not enough. Both sides have to agree to the terms of the contact before the loan is made not after. Written is best but not required.
Without a promissory note or other signed document, there is no loan when money passes from one hand to another. Been there, done that...family, friends, hos...doesn't matter.

It will be interesting to see if he even gets a judge to hear the case. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Good luck convincing a judge that BOTH parties verbally agreed to a loan...lol...
Without a promissory note or other signed document, there is no loan when money passes from one hand to another. Been there, done that...family, friends, hos...doesn't matter.

It will be interesting to see if he even gets a judge to hear the case. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Incorrect. Firstly, of course it's easier to as retain the terms of an agreement when it's in writing, but the absence of written documentation does not equate to a gift.

The Court looks at all factors: partial repayment, circumstqnces surrounding the exchange of cash, credibility of the parties and anything else they like.

This is a small claims case were the rules of evidence are relaxed, so the court will look at just about anything they like.

The biggest hurdle that I see here is that the Gentlemen claims they were in a romantic relationship. Not that she tricked him etc. and he only asked for things back AFTER the break up.

This case is a loser...but not because he doesn't have any paperwork.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Fun fact about JJ I heard on the radio this morning, she's a 36D under that robe.

Funny, never thought I'd get to use that info anywhere, but a SHMB pops out the opportunity the very same day! Originally Posted by riday

Whuuuuut??? LOL

If I heard correctly, she's the highest paid of all the judges on those shows. Like, by far.

Must be nice!

She's basically retired and just making a shit ton of money continuing to do what she likes to do.
And this is just another case of a reporter trying to grab headlines. The fact she is a stripper means nothing to the merits of the case. and if she was not a stripper this never would have made the news.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Ok, this made me laugh:
Pussy layaway ...
I saw the news clip and still don't fucking believe it! What an embarrassment...grow a fucking pair and keep your bitch ass out of the strip clubs!!
I lol'd at how at the end the lady news achor blurted something out about the "champagne room" then quickly backstepped to cover her ass like 'oh damn did I just say?'
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I lol'd at how at the end the lady news achor blurted something out about the "champagne room" then quickly backstepped to cover her ass like 'oh damn did I just say?' Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Yes - I thought, "How does she know about that? My kinda gal"