A question for my fellow African Americans.....

gimme_that's Avatar
NBA policy only affect me if she's fine as fuck. Then I will try to still test the waters. Usually the reason is maturity and tact and personalism why black ladies don't see other black men when a pimp is not involved. They are more used to our tendencies and can read people well. I won't beg a chick.....or plead my case as to why I'm a "safe black" to see in my Bryant Gumble voice. But I will talk to them long enough to be curious to ask why. Usually the black ladies will let you vent briefly too. Then I thank them for their honesty and consideration and tell them I regret we won't have the chance to meet. I bid them farewell....hang up......then they usually call or text back.

With the white ladies it sorta feels different. Like I feel like the hobby client form of Martin Luther king........singing kumbaya and hummiing negro spirituals holding hands trying to make a way for my people.....

Sorta makes me feel like the house negro.....with special house priveleges. So I don't like this route mostly. Most white ladies with an NBA policy as sticklers for it.

Ok I'm bullshitting a little here. But if she's fine.....Ima at least try. Lol
gimme_that's Avatar
Actually I had a good session with her and the agreement she asked if I didn't write a review or mention her name as someone I seen- now this was her reasoning - she said she likes all races, but she put NO AA for business reasons- I was baffled and said how could this be good business when you are losing money from potential clients- these were her exact words: "I have way more White clients than any other races and many of those white clients have told me they would not see me if I see black guys...."

Now to all you racist white hobbyist trying to keep white women from seeing Black clients and threatening to boycott them if they see Black men- I give you a big FUCK YOU because behind closed doors they see us anyway.
. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yep I've been privy to this treatment also. I ultimately saw her and other and had fun, but it was unsettling to know they couldn't quite be themselves on board and advertising because they are playing slave and don't want to be lynched financially by her NBA pro white clients..........
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... carry on.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Not sure if this applies but I have some close AA male friends in the hobby.

Those guys all say they won't pay to see a AA lady. They see them in civie life for free so only wanna pay to see caucasian ladies.

I personally think those fellas need to show sistas love
Not sure if this applies but I have some close AA male friends in the hobby.

Those guys all say they won't pay to see a AA lady. They see them in civie life for free so only wanna pay to see caucasian ladies.

I personally think those fellas need to show sistas love Originally Posted by Shep3.0
You're right, it doesn't apply.....Personally, I don't bother if I see no AA because I just don't care about those hoes enough to give a damn. It's to easy too find someone else on this site. Even ones that look like the no AA ones, lmfao!
Not sure if this applies but I have some close AA male friends in the hobby.

Those guys all say they won't pay to see a AA lady. They see them in civie life for free so only wanna pay to see caucasian ladies.

I personally think those fellas need to show sistas love Originally Posted by Shep3.0
And that is when my NBA policy kicks in:

"No Broke Asses"
tornado82's Avatar
I once had a provider ask what race I was when I called. I'm not sure why she wanted to know that, but she still saw me so it didn't really make a difference.
Nurseguy76's Avatar
Boy if there is one thing that engenders emotion and spirited debate is that of race relations. It goes to show you that race and culture is the third rail in America. When it comes to the hobby do I get offended anymore about NBA policy? Phuck NO!!! My life is too busy and complex to try to rationalize the business practice of providers and pimps. Are there some hot ladies that I would like to see with an NBA policy? Sure, but I'm not giving my hard earned money to her or her management. There are so many providers to choose from that the few that have posted NBA policies never affected the quality of my hobby experience.

What I have noticed are the ones that advertise as NBA "tend" to be younger (19-25) regardless of race. Also there seems to be some discrepancy in ads based on website. There are providers that will post as NBA on Eccie but on their P411 or TER showcases there is no preference. For me personally I wish the UTR NBA girls will own it on their showcase ads. No need to be PC, say that you don't see AA so that I don't waste my time in even contacting you. There are plenty of beautiful ladies that will gladly take my cash...and have a great time.

When I need my PAWG fix I see Carmen Karma.

Melannie Star is on my next to call list LOL.
yohimbebrother's Avatar
it does not phase me at all if a lady has an NBA policy in their showcase/ad, I just move on. there so many beautiful, open minded ladies here on eccie to let the type of bullshig interfere with my fun..
one day in the chatroom, I was having a good time chatting up with a certain "MIXED" lady in the private window for about 10 minutes or so. all was going well until she asked me what's my race. when I informed her that i'm AA, her whole demeanor changed and she didn't want to chat anymore and damn sure didn't want to have a session with me. claiming she had a bad childhood experience with an AA.. I just told her good bye and play safe..

everyone has their preferences in life. I actually prefer to see my AA sista but I do play with sista of all colors.
Over the years 2- 1 of them didn't know I was AA until I opened the door and she said.."oh I normally don't see AA men... She didn't have it posted on her page, I assumed she found out if the hobbyist were AA through screening. Once she told me that she doesn't see AA men I immediately said something to the affect of." Oh no problem I can respect your decision and was about to say goodbye and close the door and she replied -"it's ok you seem nice......(I guess that day Green was more important than Black). The session went ok- that was back in the ASPD days.
There's another provider she's not very active any more- but still post from time to time- she always puts NBA policy in her ADS and she hit me up in chat- I looked at her AD and then told her I was AA- she was for some reason adamant about seeing me and told me she would explain the reason. Actually I had a good session with her and the agreement she asked if I didn't write a review or mention her name as someone I seen- now this was her reasoning - she said she likes all races, but she put NO AA for business reasons- I was baffled and said how could this be good business when you are losing money from potential clients- these were her exact words: "I have way more White clients than any other races and many of those white clients have told me they would not see me if I see black guys...."

Now to all you racist white hobbyist trying to keep white women from seeing Black clients and threatening to boycott them if they see Black men- I give you a big FUCK YOU because behind closed doors they see us anyway.

However, whenever I see a NO AA - I just move on could care less- begging or pleading is out of the question. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
WE that's so funny, watching your recent review video and listening to your voice I thought you sounded like a white dude trying to sound black!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WE that's so funny, watching your recent review video and listening to your voice I thought you sounded like a white dude trying to sound black! Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
yohimbebrother's Avatar
yeah WE, the commentary added some realism to it.
Yeah, that was off the charts, I think WE maybe naturally articulate but the brotha was coming out in the heat of the moment lmfao!
Not sure if this applies but I have some close AA male friends in the hobby.

Those guys all say they won't pay to see a AA lady. They see them in civie life for free so only wanna pay to see caucasian ladies.

I personally think those fellas need to show sistas love Originally Posted by Shep3.0
It doesn't apply and your friends don't represent the entire African American community... In my experience(s) I haven't found it any easier to "get" an African lady than any other race.

And that is when my NBA policy kicks in:

"No Broke Asses" Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Whoa, you can't group us all together. I'm African American and I would never see a European American provider or date a woman of West European descent. NOW, if any of my fellow African Americans wish to insert their African seed into the European gene pool, be my guest! Remember, Shep3.0 is probably of West European descent, honesty isn't their strong suit and his story should be taken with a grain of salt
And that is when my NBA policy kicks in:

"No Broke Asses" Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
I don't think it's a money thing, just a preference. Think of diminishing marginal value. If you worked at subway for a number of years, the idea of a sub-sandwich is less appealing when it comes time to chow down. Although I don't agree with their ideology, I understand. Then again, I am not the type to get "anything" in civvie life so all holes are glorious to me! I think that's the beauty of the hobby. It levels the playing ground and it allows access to "all the colors of the rainbow". Although I am still on my Indian hunt! The last prospect I saw was NBA! Ironically, Lol!