On any given day it is only worth as much as he is willing to offer and she is willing to accept. And it DOES change. So why so down on those that want to offer less?

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-27-2012, 01:27 PM
We're not buying cars here. Originally Posted by budman33
That's true... we're leasing them!

The new models can be expensive and unreliable, but there is the thrill of being one of the first to take them out for a spin.

The high mileage ones can generally be gotten for a lot less and usually have a band of dedicated followers who will hype how great they are and defend their reliability and service if someone complains.

Then there are the others, that you don't hear much from, that always provide great service at a great price.
budman33's Avatar
Really?.... You realize you belittle the ladies insinuating they are not mature enough or have enough business savvy to handle it themselves.... Originally Posted by Whispers
well you're here telling them how to run their business aren't you? you give some great advice and some I dont agree with.

so sorry.

if reviews are false information then thats a problem. you had a guy who wanted 3 hours didnt get the price he wanted then came and whined to you. I am so sorry I dont see it your way. this board is as incognito as I wish to go for provider information, going to a further inside clique of guys for real information? no thanks
budman33's Avatar
That's true... we're leasing them!

The new models can be expensive and unreliable, but there is the thrill of being one of the first to take them out for a spin.

The high mileage ones can generally be gotten for a lot less and usually have a band of dedicated followers who will hype how great they are and defend their reliability and service if someone complains.

Then there are the others, that you don't hear much from, that always provide great service at a great price. Originally Posted by ztonk

well I started this terrible analogy so i'll take it one further.

We're not leasing a car, at best we're renting one.

if I show up to the Hertz counter and say,"well I have 24.95 for the ford fiesta, but I see the Ford Mustang GT is just sitting there, can I have that instead."

Is it ok to ask for the mustang? yes

Is it ok for them to tell me no? yes

Is it ok for me to whine about not getting the mustang GT for the fiesta price? NO

BUT if you have frequent flyer miles maybe he will hand you the keys to the mustang.

What I see in this post is that you want to pay regular's prices .. or lower.. without actually becoming a regular.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
well you're here telling them how to run their business aren't you? you give some great advice and some I dont agree with.

so sorry.

if reviews are false information then thats a problem. you had a guy who wanted 3 hours didnt get the price he wanted then came and whined to you. I am so sorry I dont see it your way. this board is as incognito as I wish to go for provider information, going to a further inside clique of guys for real information? no thanks Originally Posted by budman33
So hard up to be on the opposite side that you read things that aren't there. I'm not sure what you see, but I don't see Whispers telling anyone how to run their business. Suggesting a different attitude, a professional demeanor, or even a different tactic. Sure.

well I started this terrible analogy so i'll take it one further.

We're not leasing a car, at best we're renting one.

if I show up to the Hertz counter and say,"well I have 24.95 for the ford fiesta, but I see the Ford Mustang GT is just sitting there, can I have that instead."

Is it ok to ask for the mustang? yes

Is it ok for them to tell me no? yes

Is it ok for me to whine about not getting the mustang GT for the fiesta price? NO

BUT if you have frequent flyer miles maybe he will hand you the keys to the mustang.

What I see in this post is that you want to pay regular's prices .. or lower.. without actually becoming a regular. Originally Posted by budman33

Or you go to Travelocity, Hotwire, or any number of discount travel sites and book for it.

Or you go in at the end of the day, and ask that same question about the mustang still sitting out in the parking lot.

Try to be a bit objective, you're tripping over yourself trying to fit your perceived enemies into the box you would like them in.
Whispers's Avatar
well you're here telling them how to run their business aren't you?

Nope..... You really need to quit imagining things that are not there... Every day you build your case more for being the Village Idiot ya know?

Here I thought we already had one of those.....

you give some great advice and some I dont agree with.

so sorry.

if reviews are false information then thats a problem. you had a guy who wanted 3 hours didnt get the price he wanted then came and whined to you.

Nope.... More fabrication and spin on your part huh? It simply came up in conversation..... Some ladies clueless of how often and to what depth guys are discussing their interactions with them..... But at least with them it is compartmentalized.... You?... Damn man..... you just prove every day that we really misjudged HOW clueless you are...

I am so sorry I dont see it your way.

Apology accepted.... Now open your mind a little and quit looking for a head pat and try READING for the content and message rather then looking for something to argue and you might learn something....

this board is as incognito as I wish to go for provider information, going to a further inside clique of guys for real information? no thanks Originally Posted by budman33
No one suggested you do....

The thing about some of those "cliques"? They are a bit selective in who they share with.....

It's kind of hard to get in with them wearing silk panties...
harkontume's Avatar
Dear Mr. Budman33 or was it 34.. no maybe 19 no I am positive it is Mr. Budman33.

This is beginning to feel like stalking.. Do you sign on everyday and look for Whisper threads?

Kinda creepy in a creepy kinda way.

Hey, I know!! take a day off... think REAL HARD... then post your own idea... start your own thread and show everyone how really smart you are.
Some of y'all might be surprised who wears silk panties around here.

No one suggested you do....

The thing about some of those "cliques"? They are a bit selective in who they share with.....

It's kind of hard to get in with them wearing silk panties...
Originally Posted by Whispers
budman33's Avatar
Dear Mr. Budman33 or was it 34.. no maybe 19 no I am positive it is Mr. Budman33.

This is beginning to feel like stalking.. Do you sign on everyday and look for Whisper threads?

Kinda creepy in a creepy kinda way.

Hey, I know!! take a day off... think REAL HARD... then post your own idea... start your own thread and show everyone how really smart you are. Originally Posted by harkontume


last time I checked I am allowed to have an opinion. A poster gave me sage advice that instead of attacking another persons opinion, to just post my own and then walk away and let other people post theirs. At the end of the day and when a new person reads they read all our opinions and then they have their own. Did I multiquiote and attack Whimpers opinion? no

Did he multiquote and attack mine?

Don't like my opinion? fine, I didn't fucking ask you to
Whispers's Avatar
Some of y'all might be surprised who wears silk panties around here. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Rayon has a similar feel and is very affordable....

Some of us here are not spoiled!
I don't haggle about rates. Ladies have the right to set them where they want.

And, the average rate may be different depending upon the providers' location (for instance, Little Rock may be different than Dallas).

That does not prevent, however, the hobbyists from banding together and agreeing that they will not see any lady who charges above a certain price point. Supply and demand would seem to dictate that after a while, the ladies charging above that price point will lower their prices in order to pay their bills. I should think if the hobbyists manage to do this, the lack of business will be felt fairly soon; within a month I would think.
Whispers's Avatar
That's true... we're leasing them!

The new models can be expensive and unreliable, but there is the thrill of being one of the first to take them out for a spin. Originally Posted by ztonk
Gotta Love it!
Some of y'all might be surprised who wears silk panties around here. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

I tried silk sheets for a while. Do they make silk undies for men?
I don't generally haggle regarding rates once they've been communicated, but honestly, I'd probably see more ladies if I felt like they would be receptive to it. Not that I'm trying to be cheap, but every lady has a value I'm willing to pay, and I don't see why it would be insulting or rude of me to say: "Hey, could you do $120 for 30 minutes"

Sometimes I just don't want to spend the extra cash, or I can't take it out of my account without getting asked questions, and that's all I have on me. It's not like I'm going to quote half a stated rate or something, but how do I know that the lady doesn't find that acceptable unless I ask.

It's like today, I have $40 in pocket right now - yeah I have more cash, but I'm a married guy and it's not that simple. It's not enough for anything significant, but if there was a nearby provider who would see me for 15-20 minutes french with that, I'd do it without hesitation for the right one. As is, my $40 will likely be spent on something else. Most providers I've seen don't generally post a 15 minute french rate or something like that, and I know it's generally frowned upon, so I won't haggle, but does it really hurt for me to offer when it comes down to it? If the lady says "no", I'll just respond, "Thanks for the consideration anyway. Maybe another time. Have a good day!"

Yeah, some guys might be disrespectful, but you probably don't want to deal with them at a full rate anyway -- ignore the jerks. I don't see why it seems to be so taboo to some people.
Rates seem to be a real issue lately. I understand Whisper's thinking that making an offer for service at a lower rate should be OK. The problem noted in a current thread on this subject in SA is that most if not all of the guys making the request for lower rates are complete assholes. It is one thing to politely offer $200 to a companion who normally gets $250, it is entirely another to link that offer with insults, name calling, boorish behavior, and harassment of the lady. Anyone who engages in those activities or condones them in the spirit of the free market are assholes, plain and simple.

I think the concept of being reasonable and polite apply wherever you choose to shop for personal services. I don't expect Whisper's technique in the SC's is to berate the ladies or run them down. I suspect he makes an offer he can afford and lets them make the decision. What is so difficult about that? There are plenty of options, why get hung up on only one?

Simple respect in the process will get what you need. As a business owner, the asshole client got my attention last.And oddly enough, almost always the asshole was paying my lowest rates for service yet expecting the same level of service as everyone else. Like I said, an asshole. Assholes don't value time at all. They will gladly spend more time arguing an issue or price than the time is worth. The problem is they start to take up your time is well, and I learned I have to value my own. So I started hanging up or walking away. Nothing quite like having someone grovel because their business is halted and I stopped work because the owner decided to go into asshole mode. They always seem to have a conversion moment while I am loading my tools in my vehicle to go see the next client that values me. It really should be the same for the ladies. They need to concentrate on those clients who value them and ignore the rest. You can work on expanding the base of those who value your service through a variety of methods, but deciding you are just going to deal with the assholes never works out profitably. At least that was my experience.

Simple respect in the process will get what you need. As a business owner, the asshole client got my attention last.And oddly enough, almost always the asshole was paying my lowest rates for service yet expecting the same level of service as everyone else. Like I said, an asshole. Assholes don't value time at all. They will gladly spend more time arguing an issue or price than the time is worth. The problem is they start to take up your time is well, and I learned I have to value my own. So I started hanging up or walking away. Nothing quite like having someone grovel because their business is halted and I stopped work because the owner decided to go into asshole mode. They always seem to have a conversion moment while I am loading my tools in my vehicle to go see the next client that values me. It really should be the same for the ladies. They need to concentrate on those clients who value them and ignore the rest. You can work on expanding the base of those who value your service through a variety of methods, but deciding you are just going to deal with the assholes never works out profitably. At least that was my experience. Originally Posted by Rover14
As they say 2% of your clients create 98% of your problems. Dump the 2% and your problem's solved.