Who knows your in the hobby?

Michael_Loomis's Avatar
My best friend knows. Because I went to his house to hang out after I had just came from my first AMP appointment and I was smiling too much and he as like "what's the matter, why do you look so happy?". So I blurted out, "because I just finished fucking this hot little Asian girl!"... He was like "no way!".
PandaBear's Avatar
I think in the end everyone is better off just keeping it to themselves and enjoying the fantasy world of knowing each other by our hobby/provider super hero names. Here cums PandaBear to save the day! Slower than a speeding bike... able to leap large steps... well you get the pt.

I also like the unspoken rules of engagement outside of the hobby world. I've run into few providers from time to time outside of the hobby. The understood quick glances to one another while maintaining privacy are pretty cool and somewhat unique to our little world.

I like my little private fantasy world here. I can come in and out of it as I please. No pun intended.
BS , it's much better knowing a ton of people . That way when the evil mods ban you , it has NO effect , shoot a text and even girls you've never seen know who you are , and take the appt regardless . I'm betting PB still has to give refs 3 yrs later .
PandaBear's Avatar
Actually I don't have to give refs 3 years later rockerrrick. I use P411 so with a simple appt request I get an appt no problem with my numerous provider ok's. ;-)
Where was Claire getting Botox injected and why has no one made a joke about her paying to get a prick in the face? Seriously?!? Originally Posted by junkweed
My hobby life is just that a hobby that I dont feel need to go talking about. Some guys here will tell anyone on here because they crave attention. I hobby because I am single and like sex and dont want to get reputation as manwhore with potential civie ladies I eventually want to establish relationship with. People are very judgemental and then I would have no chance. I only hobby.when not in a relationship.
Everybody and they mama (including my mama lol) knows what I do.
fun2come's Avatar
I only hobby.when not in a relationship. Originally Posted by jackdanielscowboy
and I only hobby BECAUSE I am in a relationship. It all evens out, lol

Everybody and they mama (including my mama lol) knows what I do. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
and you do it so well
I do not do this very much anymore but back in the day I made sure my close friends and immediate family knew, just in case... I am single, no exes or kids so no one to really worry about hurting but myself.....
nuglet's Avatar
Several years ago, while I owned a swinger club, I'd do the buffet and supply shopping the day of the parties.. It was always a kick to see the look on the cashier (male or female).. about $300 of buffet food, 2-3 dozen condoms, 8-10 boxes of douche.. Once in a while, someone would get brave and say something like .. "wow, I wanna go where YOU"RE going".. or something silly like "having a party?",, and my response would be "nah, just me and my girl and a few friends!".. LOL
Well I am not one to care what someone thinks of me whether its friends family or civie, when it comes to stuff like this.

There are a few that know what I do, my best friend who takes care of my kids right now because well she wanted to know where I get my income from when I starting paying all the bills there too, so I told her, but explained that I am not like a SW, so she knows, she doesnt say abything to my face but I am sure she has thoughts and judgements in her head (everyone does, dont kid your self. Everyone judges, its whether you make it known and treat people differently thats the difference.) My mom, I dont keep anything from her really, lost virginity, came home and told mom, drugs told mom, but my mom asked me recently too,
MOM- "where you coming up with all this money?"
ME -" I work mom, its self employeed business,"
MOM - "Yea right, if you wind up in jail......"
ME - "I am not selling drugs or anything mom, trust me I am fine, I will be ok mom"
MOM - "Then tell me what you do"
ME - " Why?"
MOM - "Whats the big deal with me knowing then"
ME - "Mom I am 28 years old, I love you, and I am always honest, but there are just somethings a mother doesnt need to know about her kid"

That didnt sit well, but she let it go. Mom was in the adult entertainment business, her mom was a go go dancer, my moms sister was in adult entertainment, so they all know where the money is, and well honestly if you told people that truly know me they probably wouldnt show a shocked face, lol theyd probably say "ohhhhh, now it makes since, yeah that sounds like shayla" lol But I dont flaunt it around, its not my ego booster which is what some I think use this for, its something I like to do and I dont have to cook or clean for you the perfect relationship lol
Now when you come to associates and new friends and all that its always in my head that I dont need to tell someone so they can let everyone know, not to mention people hate, espcially if your making better money or you piss someone off and they fucking out you, THAT is what I dont want to deal with......
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Don't worry Ton.. I mean Knotty, I won't say a thing!

well damnit!
thanks to this thread,everyone on this site knows i hobby now.
guess ill have to get my birth certificate legally changed from Knotty to some generic stupid ass name , like Tony or some shit Originally Posted by knotty man
AcesHigh's Avatar
This is a great thread. Personally, some in my family know and several close friends know as well. Have a good friend who occasionally hosts gang-bangs so all those guys know although I don't participate. I have helped them find the right women, though, and enjoyed that process.

I am fascinated by some of the women who are on this board... Scarlett, Jenn's Lolli and especially Claire She Blows. Their views of life are really, really appealing to me. They have to be awesome in bed, because on this board they are very sexy.
  • Annef
  • 09-11-2013, 09:47 PM
This is a great thread, Iron. I once told a woman I did not know that well. We were in the process of becoming friends, and I had just started doing this and felt a little like a cowboy or some sort of a famous outlaw. Moreover, its gets very lonely not being able to share such a large part of your life with anyone. We were out one night, and I got a little drunk and told her. She literally ditched me in the bar and never responded to one of my texts or phone calls after. You would have thought I had told her I had just murdered someone. Since, I have been a lot more careful. I have a couple of close friends and a sister I have come close to telling. It's rather easy for me not to as I make some of my money from freelance writing and some from this. So, I can easily explain travel and having money without having a steady job. I might one day soon, but there is just such a strange aura around this whole thing. There are two major narratives, as far as I can tell, being told right now about the profession. The narrative of cash falling from trees and the whole glamorous call girl image and, of course, the down and out, childhood abuse, self-medicating on alcohol, drugs and quick infusions of cash story But, in reality, the experience is not much like either one of those things. It's quite the middle class existence for most women, decent money, but not enough to really live conspicuously, just paying bills and doing what you need to do and all the rest.

I think most women are curious about doing it. I was. And, then one day, I quit a job without having another one because I was used to being the boss and my then boss had no idea what she was doing. And lo and behold, despite two degrees and a hell of a lot of experience in my field, I could not find a job making that sort of money, at least not in New Orleans. I mean, that's the story, but the real subtext is that I had always been a little bit curious, otherwise I would not have made such a seemingly erratic jump. But, one day, I did. I just did it. I just put up an ad on backpage. That was all I knew, and I had to research to find that marketing outlet. I'm still to this day shocked that I actually went to my first appointment. And, still to this day, shocked that I felt neither ashamed or terrible about it after it was over. I felt powerful. Was an experience. I feel very gutsy for doing it. I didn't start out in the swinging scene or know anyone, eve,r who had done this. One day, I just up and decided to do it. Well, kind of. I did a copious amount of research about how to screen (at first I screened without knowing about references. Oh man, the amount of hangups I got when asking for full names and places of employment, and just in general how to go about it.

And honestly, after a day like today where I got up at 9, went for a leisurely 30 mile bike ride around Austin, stopping for a lunch and a couple of glasses of wine here and there, before meandering slowly back, I don't know why every woman doesn't do it. Sometimes, it's kind of awesome!
Guest082318's Avatar
Fun to pick smart and edgy peeps that Trees unlikely to ever meet again, call them perfect strangers, and tell a lot of information, entertain questions: men, women, peeps that are young and hip and hot, and the dowdy too. Learnt more from their reactions, and questions from any other source.

Twice it has led to peeps deciding to become providers. Once it led to hiring two providers for attending a naughty party. Once it led to a woman who Trees has seen many times, who has committed herself to fucking "better and more deeply" than a provider ever could. Her words not Trees.

Strangers. Perfect Strangers.

19Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees
You'd make a great wing man.