Do Muslims immigrate to a country or invade it?

As much as I hate to say this but I hope you have 24 hour surveillance and protection because by posting this pics you just have angered a lot of Muslims. Whether you know it or not there are Muslims on this site. Although I don't agree with Muslims acting out violence towards anyone - you may have put others on here in great danger. I suggest you take those photos down and apologize before you get some innocent people on hurt. Do you know realize that if you were in a Muslim country those cartoons would mean instant death ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I think you just made every bodies case concerning what is wrong with Islam.
That's it. Real of feigned, you're too stupid to listen to anymore. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Real of feigned? I'd throw you $5 every post you can go without a fuckup.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I think you just made every bodies case concerning what is wrong with Islam. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I am very sorry if you can't see the analogy- keep in mind if you keep pulling on a tiger's tail don't be shocked if it turns around and attacks you - we know how sensitive these people are over their religion so why add fuel to the fire? Why can't we just leave Muslims alone - why do we have to bully the Muslims ? Let's just leave them alone and allow to practice their religion in peace. Al queda and ISIS were all our creation.
Is this wewee clown for real?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Is this wewee clown for real? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Look IIF I don't know if you have an agenda against me or not but yes I am serious - either we are Americans and we accept all races and religions or we are a country full of bigots - make your choice.
Look IIF I don't know if you have an agenda against me or not but yes I am serious - either we are Americans and we accept all races and religions or we are a country full of bigots - make your choice. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
. We are having problems with a radicalness in this country, not a religion. Terrorism is under the guise of Islam, they don't really represent Islam. Below is a link to a video of Muhammad Ali talking about Islam. I found it interesting. I agree with what he says.

Some gratuitous humor (that will piss off our Muslim loving brethern)

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you speaking of these images WEd19k?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look IIF I don't know if you have an agenda against me or not but yes I am serious - either we are Americans and we accept all races and religions or we are a country full of bigots - make your choice. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
We are allowed to be Americans, as long as we shut up. Right, God Fearing Christian? We can speak out, as long as we know it won't upset anyone else. Right, God Fearing Christian? Is that what America is all about, God Fearing Christian?
Look IIF I don't know if you have an agenda against me or not but yes I am serious - either we are Americans and we accept all races and religions or we are a country full of bigots - make your choice. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Another person with poor reading comprehension and inability to form logical conclusions. Too bad WTF isn't here, he'd make the argument that we are already a country full of bigots. Of course, in his world, everyone is a bigot.

Gawud I miss that dumb son of a bitch.
This is what the Dimmicratic Party will look like in a few years... LMAO&LOLing Ozombies...

I admit I have a agenda against Ozombies... But I have a REAL BIG AGENDA against atheist quoting, mosque inviting, victim whining "eminence front" Christian claiming cry babies. Call a MOD and shut the FUCK UP. You could get your head right and grow a pair... Have a blessed day!
Budman's Avatar
As much as I hate to say this but I hope you have 24 hour surveillance and protection because by posting this pics you just have angered a lot of Muslims. Whether you know it or not there are Muslims on this site. Although I don't agree with Muslims acting out violence towards anyone - you may have put others on here in great danger. I suggest you take those photos down and apologize before you get some innocent people on hurt. Do you know realize that if you were in a Muslim country those cartoons would mean instant death ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
DSK you are one restarted cock sucker - I really want to call you something else but the Christian in me won't let me stoop to your level you POS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
That will get you killed as well. You should really consider not posting you are Christian.
That will get you killed as well. You should really consider not posting you are Christian. Originally Posted by Budman
He called him a 'restarted cocksucker'

But he wants to call him something else, the christian in him is holding him back.

Call him what you want dillhole, nobody up there to give a shit about it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
. We are having problems with a radicalness in this country, not a religion. Terrorism is under the guise of Islam, they don't really represent Islam. Below is a link to a video of Muhammad Ali talking about Islam. I found it interesting. I agree with what he says.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Mojo thanks for posting that video of Ali- clearly that is why he is regarded as the Greatest of All time- I agree with him 100 percent- all religions are good until you have the fanatics abuse the religion for whatever reason(s). I really like how Muhammad Ali didn't demonize any religion or group of people and showed respect for all faiths- muslims should learn a lesson from Ali.
Mojo thanks for posting that video of Ali- clearly that is why he is regarded as the Greatest of All time- I agree with him 100 percent- all religions are good until you have the fanatics abuse the religion for whatever reason(s). I really like how Muhammad Ali didn't demonize any religion or group of people and showed respect for all faiths- muslims should learn a lesson from Ali. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
They certainly aren't. Religions make a slave out of people. You're a horrid wretch who is worthless without a deity's sacrifice that absolves you of perceived sins that started back in a garden, with a tree of fruit and a talking snake. Get real, man.