Seeing a police officer

I saw a cop in the funky town years ago..
Heres what happened..
He told me he was construction and kept seeing me tthen after the 5th time he wanted to date me aske me to go play pool etc etc etc... he was tall great looking and built ex navy seal.
But I declined everytime but flirted with him then one day he is on the phone with me talking I hear sirens and he says I'll call you back I have to arrest someone real quick I said HU????? He said oh I'm a cop.. WTF Your lying no I am not and turned on the siren for me.. I stopped answering his calls and refused to see him one day I am laying on my couch my phone rings for the 6th time I decide to answer it and tell him no more visits. And he says are you ok you have not answered my calls and I said yeah and was about to turn him down and he says OPEN YOUR door I say WHAT? He says Im at your door ..I say YOUR LYING..and he knock YEP...he is standing in full uniform at my door WTF?
I say WTF? He said I was worried you were hurt so I came to check on you...
yeah a few short months later I moved to

He ran my plates and got info from office and everything trying to find my covernment name YEP SURE DID
I THINK that MAY be a really good account of what can happened but I don't understand it!!!! Ahhhhhhh! This is why punctuation is SOOOO important people. Even just the basics convey pause and quotations so the readers effort is focused on the main idea instead of piecing together sentences.

Sounds like a bad experience though. Sorry you went though that MH. Not trying to be mean. I completely understand how passion can make the fingers fly.
This is so damn funny. I was to take a lady out to lunch yesterday and she saw my ID badge issued by the police department and walked off and left me. I have several good friends that are cops. Thinking back three different ladies have been with me and met them. One lady was asked to move a cop car while we were volunteering. We all three laughed later when I told the cop she didn't have a valid driver license. Two weeks later she and I got pulled over when I was driving to fast. It was the same cop we spent the morning with. The two of them were laughing to beet hell. Last May a lady and I stopped to have lunch with a police friend of mine. Several years ago while volunteering I made a date from a squad car. The cop and I had been discussing my hobby. The next time I saw him he asked if the date went off good. That ID card I has has gotten me out of several tickets.