HPV Vaccine - Why is this even controversial?

If there was a vaccination for stupidity I would recommend it ..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-05-2013, 09:45 PM
I know it is government required. So because the government requires one vaccination, we have to allow the government to require all vaccinations?

Your comprehension is really, really deteriorating. Your like the guy who responds to a person who comes up to you and says, "Help! The bank is being robbed!" To which you reply, "Don't worry about it. It's been robbed before."

You just like government control, CBJ7. That way you don't have to think and evaluate options. That was never your strong suit, anyway.

You still haven't told me how you know I would have gotten polio if I hadn't had the vaccination. How do you know that? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

apparently your brain got it ..... evaluate options"

A. Get a shot that prevents future generations from disease

B. Get a disease because I was block headed

gee, lemme think .....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So why don't I get the choice? Why should I have to turn over my free will to the government? All vaccines have side effects. Sometimes they are fatal. Why not let my doctor, my family and me decide what vaccines I need, rather than the government?

Why are you so willing to force your opinion on me, and conform me to your standards? I thought you were pro-choice?
So why don't I get the choice? Why should I have to turn over my free will to the government? All vaccines have side effects. Sometimes they are fatal. Why not let my doctor, my family and me decide what vaccines I need, rather than the government? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your arguments have nothing to do with the HPV vaccine.

This isn't about YOUR choice. YOU are too OLD to get it. You already have HPV, like 90% of adults in the world.

It is useless unless given to all or nearly all children for a couple of generations. That is what is needed to eradicate it.

So, SOMEONE has to decide for the children - either their parents or the government. That is the ONLY question.

In this and other threads you have made it clear you are not a Bible thumper. Well, the Bible thumpers are opposed to it because they would rather have the disease present as a threat in order to scare kids into abstinence.

And to support their position, they will trump up bogus studies that the HPV vaccine doesn't work or poses some kind of health threat. And paranoid people like you accept that hook, line, and sinker. Find a CREDIBLE study that the vaccine is dangerous.

The bible thumpers are doing great harm to their kids and other people's kids. If this was some faith-healing asshole trying to pray away a ruptured appendix, I assume you would have no problem with the government intervening and taking the child away for an operation before the child died.

The HPV situation isn't much different. it just plays out over a longer time scale. The children of some Bible thumpers are going to develop oral cancers 25 or 30 years down the road because in 2013, their asshole parents would not let them get vaccinated in order to scare them into abstinence. The child could turn out to be an atheist or agnostic. But they are paying for someone else's religious beliefs.

So, just understand whose side you are choosing. Your stand is not a principled libertarian stand. If it were, you would be more concerned about the child suffering for the religious beliefs of the parents.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's amazing how statists like to tell Libertarians what they should believe. Don't try to tell me how Libertarians are supposed to think. I think for myself. I identify with the Libertarians, but I will disagree when they are wrong.

Libertarians, by and large, believe that parents want better for their child than the government does. It is highly arrogant of the government to usurp the authority of parents en masse, absent any showing of incompetence.

You are playing into the police state/statist mind frame. You are no friend of liberty. What will be the next mandate? What is next that the government will decide is good for us, and will force us to comply? Why, it's as absurd as banning large soft drinks. Government would never be that stupid . . . wait a sec, you say they are? God help us!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
gritsboy's above posts are the textbook example of how not to think critically. Adhere to the dogma of "free thinking" even if it precludes thinking.

The paint will dry after while and then you can walk out of your corner.
It's amazing how statists like to tell Libertarians what they should believe. Don't try to tell me how Libertarians are supposed to think. I think for myself. I identify with the Libertarians, but I will disagree when they are wrong.

Libertarians, by and large, believe that parents want better for their child than the government does. It is highly arrogant of the government to usurp the authority of parents en masse, absent any showing of incompetence.

You are playing into the police state/statist mind frame. You are no friend of liberty. What will be the next mandate? What is next that the government will decide is good for us, and will force us to comply? Why, it's as absurd as banning large soft drinks. Government would never be that stupid . . . wait a sec, you say they are? God help us! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You are too dumb to think for yourself , it is why you belong to a organization. If you thought for yourself you would be a independent.
jbravo_123's Avatar
6 year olds should be able to drink and chain smoke cigarettes. Oh and drive. A 6 year old driving drunk would be pretty hilarious.
It's amazing how statists like to tell Libertarians what they should believe.
It's amazing how Libertarians like to tell everyone what they should believe.

Don't try to tell me how Libertarians are supposed to think. I think for myself. I identify with the Libertarians, but I will disagree when they are wrong.

Libertarians, by and large, believe that parents want better for their child than the government does. It is highly arrogant of the government to usurp the authority of parents en masse, absent any showing of incompetence.

If a parent withholds the HPV vaccine from a child because the parent thinks the threat of disease will scare the child into abstinence or because the parent thinks that disease is God's punishment on sinners, then that parent is engaged in child abuse and is, by definition, incompetent. Of do Libertarians think that is OK to do that to a child?

You are playing into the police state/statist mind frame. Bullshit. I am skeptical of government. But unlike you I am not knee-jerk opposed to everything government does. SOMETIMES government is right.

You are no friend of liberty. What will be the next mandate? What is next that the government will decide is good for us, and will force us to comply? Why, it's as absurd as banning large soft drinks. Government would never be that stupid . . . wait a sec, you say they are? God help us! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is another bullshit comparison. A ban on large soft drinks affects YOUR rights directly and is a good example of government overreach.

But the opposition to the HPV vaccination is NOT based on what the government can do to the bodies of adults. It is about limiting the control that adults can exercise over the health of their children. It is about control over third parties, not yourself.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2013, 06:13 PM
if it ever dawns on COF this doesn't include his tired old ass he'll blame it on the Geritol buzz he had going when he posted it.
Wonder how many times his kinfolk have put out a silver alert on him.
Cpalmson's Avatar
#1 Science is NEVER settled, period, dot, end of discussion.

#2 NEVER trust the government. This is the same government that wants to spy on you. Why? Because they can. Fuck the government.

#3 It is just a bandaid, feel good measure.

#4 If we keep vaccinating for every fucking thing, guess what? The human immune system will weaken to the point of not being able to protect against common viruses and infections. If anything in this country, we over medicate. You know, the best thing for a kid is to eat some dirt, get filthy, etc. There's a reason why nature functions the way it does. By vaccinating, we are interrupting the natural process of life. Part of that natural process is people die, and yes, tragically at young ages.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Or maybe the parents are concerned about the side effects, or don't trust the pharmaceutical companies, or don't trust the government, or maybe, just maybe, they think that, as parents, they should be in charge of their child's medical care.

You, however, ExNYer, fall victim to every line the government spouts. You will be a good soldier for the police state.

And Libertarians DO NOT tell you what to think. We just want the right to think for ourselves without your interference by force or fraud.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2013, 10:30 PM
did anyone mention eradicating Polio over several generations
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You still haven't told me how you know I would have gotten polio had it not been for the vaccine, CBJ7. I'm waiting.