OK I have had it with Racism in hobbying

choice, it works both ways. Originally Posted by TexRich
Wow, a brutha can't get a break it seems. But as the above wrote, you have a choice who you decide to see. So it's only right they have a choice. I mean, it looks like you have a penchant for the latinas. I could argue that your racist because you don't like me because I'm white.

No, it aint right to be racist. And I'm sorry. This reminds me of when I was in costa rica. The costa ricans beg me to shop in their stores, they even follow me down the street. One time i went into a store and there was a clean cut american black couple there. The sales clerks completely ignored them and put the sales pressure on me. I looked over at them, they were browsing without any pressure to buy, but not me. Because I'm white they assume I have the most money. So the black couple get to shop in peace and I don't.

For some reason people have this assumption that blacks don't have money. It's horrible and not true. HOWEVER, I have talked to waitresses who say blacks do not tip. So perhaps the cute women in the club don't want to waste their times with the bruthas because they think they won't get a good tip??

Personally, I think Irish people are the biggest tight wads. But thats just my own experience.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Maybe you're picking the wrong ladies? I don't know your type, but I've never heard from you, and I see black, yellow, brown, white, tan, pink, blue, etc. I have the same standards of behavior and respect for all gentlemen, regardless of color. As long as you're respectful and seem like a person that would be enjoyable to me, I don't discriminate (except for age and mod status, sue me :P). Maybe you're attracted to very young ladies, or lower-budget-friendly ladies, or something else that is typical of a pimped lady? Maybe try expanding your horizons and trying a different type of lady? Just some ideas. I certainly don't mean to lay blame on you, but perhaps you are your own worst enemy in that your selection is faulty. In no way do I mean any disrespect. Just trying to help. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Having a choice in a free society can sometimes be rough if you're not on the winning side of being selected. Some people are truly color blind. Perhaps that's more than their choice but also reflects a more open-minded view but folks that choose the other path have that right. The laws pretty cut and dried re when you can and cannot use race as a criteria. Jobs: No. Promotions: No. Public schools: No. Who you marry: Yes. Who you're intimate with: Yes.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I can't empathize, but would not want to be turned down because I'm white. However, I've been told by a white woman i asked out that she doesn't date white guys. BTW, what's it called when black providers turn down black clients?
TexasFlip's Avatar
I see black, yellow, brown, white, tan, pink, blue, etc. I have the same standards of behavior and respect for all gentlemen, regardless of color. As long as you're respectful and seem like a person that would be enjoyable to me, I don't discriminate (except for age and mod status, sue me :P). Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Seriously, you wanna feel better, go see Traci. I walked in as a brown, balding, fat, short guy and walked out feeling like Brad Pitt.

Joking of course..I'm more yellow than brown
I've experienced the same thing as the OP. You just learn to except it and roll with it. I look at it as more of personal preferences then racism. There are providers out there I will see and then there are some out there I won't. I'm not discriminating against the ones I won't see because there isn't anything wrong with them, just for whatever reason they don't appeal to me. And on the flip side of it, there are providers who wont see me for a variety of reason (race, age, don't have references, etc). I'm no one special enough that every provider in the world has to make themselves available to me, so if they don't want to deal with me then I go elsewhere. I know it can be frustrating, but don't take it personal. Instead take it to another provider and let her help you rid yourself of that frustration!
Use P411 and get pre-screened.
Read the profiles.

Do you have a Jack? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I know a Jack!
ibechill's Avatar
Damn dude go see Traci Brooks!
It's not a hobby-related thing. It's a life thing. Welcome to the real world. Racism has always been around and always will be. There is nothing we can do to change that no matter how much we huff and puff about it. It happens-get over it. Have a coke and a smile and go bang a chick who likes the mandingo. For every woman who won't fuck you, there are probably 20 who will. Eenie meenie miney mo.....
Randall Creed's Avatar
If the best (or the only thing) you have to say to this recurring situation is 'get over it', I respectfully say to you....SHUT THE FUCK UP. Please. Why? Because it sounds like bullshit. Condescending, insensitive bullshit, to be more specific. Again, respectfully. I'm not trying to be the old Rambro Creed, here. I wanna set the old 'Rambro Creed' in the corner over there, but this subject makes him come out. I see him taking a couple of steps OUT of the corner, and I'm trying to wave him back into it [OK, he's backing up, going back into the corner. Alright...cool. I got it under control].

Where was I? Ok, yeah...yeah. If that's all you have to say, if that's all you have to add to the thread, please, PLEASE.....just let it ride. Don't say anything. It doesn't help. Again, it comes off insensitive and condescending. It's like telling a drowning man to 'get over' help not arriving in time. I dunno if that's a good analogy, but.....just let it go if THAT'S what you want to say in these threads. Again, STFU....respectfully. Please. Or think of something better to say.

I respectfully say to you....SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Again, STFU....respectfully. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Yea, that's respectful. Maybe the "get over it attitude" comes from the zillion threads that oh....say you, for example...have already posted on about this topic.

For as many folks who get tired of being discriminated against, there are just as many who get tired of hearing about the shit. No offense to anybody but damn...this horse has been dead for as long as I can remember-and then some. The folks who it applies to probably don't read these things, and probably don't care if they do. These threads and gripes are not going to change a damn thing-said person discriminated against still won't be getting the pussy they want-so go find another one.

So now you, respectfully...oh nevermind. I don't need to get spanked.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, I MEAN it in a respectful way. The INTENT is to be respectful. Just saying.

Oh, yeah. I had something else to say as well. Got sidetracked.

This subject keeps coming up for a reason. It keeps coming up because it continues to have enough of a pulse to go on living. For those that say 'get over it', to me, you're feeding the pulse. The people that practice racist ways should be made to feel uncomfortable doing it. They don't need reassurance ON ANY LEVEL that it's OK. If they see that no one tolerates their actions, then I think it would make them feel uneasy.

Say you walked (or drove....who walks anymore) by a homeowner who still practices slavery, something that could rival the early 1800s. A whip, plantation, the whole 9. Would you just walk on by and not remind him that slavery was abolished 150 years ago? Sure, slavery in this day and age is a crime. Racism, I don't believe is TECHNICALLY a crime. Regardless, it's looked down upon, even by those who aren't on the side being oppressed. It's not condoned by the majority of people. It's not ROOTED ON by the masses. You have those 'pockets of resistance' who still want to be racially divided. Do you want to reinforce them by saying to the victim to 'get over it'? Do you want to give the oppressor any inkling that his or her actions have any degree of acceptance?

If you don't want to see me, feel that way because you don't like my character or you think I'm a psycho or maybe even that my dick's too big (I know...yeah, right). Don't let it be for reasons that are silly and just void of intelligence or perspective.

Am I making sense here? If not, I'll try again.

Well, I MEAN it in a respectful way. The INTENT is to be respectful. Just saying.

This subject keeps coming up for a reason. It keeps coming up because it continues to have enough of a pulse to go on living. For those that say 'get over it', to me, you're feeding the pulse. The people that practice racist ways should be made to feel uncomfortable doing it. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Ok, #1, it's going to go on until the end of time.

#2. You seem to totally miss that fact that people who are racist don't give a flying fuck what you or anybody else thinks about it. They think that their views are the right ones, and because they think "their views" are right, what do they have to feel uncomfortable about? Get a grip on reality-they are NOT going to feel uncomfortable. They are going to do nothing but sit back and laugh their asses off at the folks getting bent out of shape. They get a kick out of folks getting their panties in a wad over it. So those who "react" are the ones actually feeding the "pulse" and being forced to feel uncomfortable. But you just can't see that, can you? Sometimes you gotta drink some prune juice and let that shit go.

You are doing EXACTLY what the racist folks want you to do. Once you figure that out and let that shit roll off your back like water on a duck's back, you will be a much better person.

Respectfully, of course...

Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, I don't click on every thread I see. On some I look at the title and go, "Mmmm....nevermind"

Give it a try.

Bloodhound's Avatar
Rambo, STFU and get over it! We can always depend on you to voice your thoughts on the black man man being put down! People like you that can always be sure to play the race card make me wanna puke. Your a big a racist as anybody. Blacks can be racist as well as whites and you sure fit the bill.