ANOTHER shooting

Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Citizens for gun control simply want to save lives. I don't doubt any of them are sincere. Most base their views off of feelings instead of numbers. Tush Hog's plan does make sense because handguns are used in the majority of gun deaths.

I still do not agree with any ban.

Politicians on the other hand, know that too, yet that push bans for other things. They do so, not because it would help curb gun deaths, but because it will get votes. Originally Posted by grean

TushHog's plan is intuitive but flawed.

Where handguns alone have been restricted in any manner by law:
Criminals keep theirs,
The value of handguns still in circulation skyrockets.
Crimes involving handguns increase in number and severity.

The best treatment of firearm crime statistics is "More Guns, Less Crime" by John Lott Jr., available (like everything else in the world short of a happy ending) on Amazon.

Bans don't work. But remember "Exile Texas"?

Politicians, don't start discussions about politicians. I feel like I need a shower just typing the name.
MT Pockets's Avatar

Guns save lives and the right to life, the main reason for the 2A, shall not be infringed.
Nothing else matters, not LTC's who commit violent crimes, etc.

I rest my case. Originally Posted by JohnQ1769
LOL You do know you just posted an example of a Gun-Free Zone as being the first successful defense in Texas against ISIS. I am not trying to make fun of you but come on dude, how did you not know that?
As for LTC owners who commit crimes, that is not even part of the discussion. What is though is states with a higher percentage of LTC's do not have a lower crime rate. I could not care less if you have one, but this myth about it preventing crime is been proven to be flawed.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It works eventually. It’s worked all over the world. We have the highest rates of gun death of any prosperous industrialized country. Get rid of the hand guns and all gun single shot rifles. Criminals can still use hatchets, but they can kill nearly as many people with them.

But it’s not a serious proposal in the sense that we don’t have the political will to do it. We’d rather see 25-40,000 extra people die every year. So it really doesn’t air any difference other than making a lot of people want to live somewhere else. And more of us are packing up every year.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just wow sad really , no real understanding of history ( just ask the Jew's how well gun control worked out)
  • grean
  • 06-07-2019, 08:53 AM
It works eventually. It’s worked all over the world. We have the highest rates of gun death of any prosperous industrialized country. Get rid of the hand guns and all gun single shot rifles. Criminals can still use hatchets, but they can kill nearly as many people with them.

But it’s not a serious proposal in the sense that we don’t have the political will to do it. We’d rather see 25-40,000 extra people die every year. So it really doesn’t air any difference other than making a lot of people want to live somewhere else. And more of us are packing up every year. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

There are over 100 guns for every man, women and child in the United States. There's 350 million of us and counting.

Pandora's box was opened a long time ago.

It's absurd to think it could ever be closed. Who's going to give their means of defending themselves up first when it's almost certain that criminals will never do so?

Legal gun ownership doesn't affect the gun deaths very much at all. Yes half the people that committed suicide did so with guns. THE OTHER HALF DIDN'T. If a gun isn't available, and someone wants off the ride, they will get off some way or another.

Most others are committed in communities that have long been given up on by the rest of us. Invest all the money wasted on gun control non sense in those communities. That will have a greater effect on gun deaths than banning legal fire arms.

No one gave two shits when school shootings were happening almost daily in the inner cities.

Now, on the other hand, legal gun ownership has prevented countless people from becoming victimized and murdered.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Just a complete failure of imagination. You can't even imagine a country without guns. Incredibly scary. 90+% of the world lives without personal ownership of guns and is much the better for it, but ordinary people in our country can't even conceive of the concept. Just incredibly disheartening.
  • grean
  • 06-07-2019, 09:29 AM
Just a complete failure of imagination. You can't even imagine a country without guns. Incredibly scary. 90+% of the world lives without personal ownership of guns and is much the better for it, but ordinary people in our country can't even conceive of the concept. Just incredibly disheartening. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I do not need to imagine it. Look at Venezuela.

2012 - Venezuelan citizens are no longer allowed to own guns.


How's it working for them so far?
  • grean
  • 06-07-2019, 09:50 AM
Would the Dallas mother who shot the guy who attempted to carjack and kidnap her kids in the back seat, last year, been better off without a gun?

Her kids sure as hell wouldn't have been.

Would the mother of 4 in Florida, just two weeks ago, have been better off without a gun when she had to hold an intruder at bay for 13 minutes while the police took theit time to respond?

Ask any of the 12 victims in Virginia if they'd liked to have had a gun, if not to prevent their own death, but of their other co workers lost that day.

You can't. They are dead.

Mutual assured destruction has held two superpowers at bay thus far.

Making good men helpless will never make bad men harmless.

Bad men who know they may be harmed may think twice about harming others.
LOL You do know you just posted an example of a Gun-Free Zone as being the first successful defense in Texas against ISIS. I am not trying to make fun of you but come on dude, how did you not know that?
As for LTC owners who commit crimes, that is not even part of the discussion. What is though is states with a higher percentage of LTC's do not have a lower crime rate. I could not care less if you have one, but this myth about it preventing crime is been proven to be flawed. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
No, you missed the point. A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. Simple.

Not sure why you keep focusing on LTC's?

Look at the crime rates in cities/states with strict gun controls, e.g. Detroit, Baltimore, D.C., etc.
New York City
TexTushHog's Avatar
New York City Originally Posted by 1sdavis

Exactly!! I spend quite a bit of time in NYC. It is much, much safer than Dallas.

Murder rate in NYC in 2018: 3.4/100,000 in population.

Murder rate in Dallas in 2018: 12.5/100,000 in population.

Four time that of NYC!!

When I'm in Dallas, I think I'm in one of the the safer areas -- near Uptown close to Downtown (Quadrangle area). And I can't think of a single NYC neighborhood that I think isn't safer than my neighborhood in Dallas.
Ask any of the 12 victims in Virginia if they'd liked to have had a gun, if not to prevent their own death, but of their other co workers lost that day.

You can't. They are dead.

Making good men helpless will never make bad men harmless. Originally Posted by grean
That is the way liberals want it. They naively think the police should be the only ones to have guns, but they don't know that the police don't have a duty to do anything.

Grean, I read this article about the Broward Coward, the POS cop who didn't do a damned thing when a shooter was going how wild and killing 17 people. See the link:

The officer is being charged with negligence and perjury and maybe the perjury charge will stick, but I think the worst of it was reading the comments. Time and again, people were posting that the police have no duty to protect the citizens they are supposed to be serving, and I looked some of these cases up, and here is what I found.

Here are links to those cases:

The following was from the Warren case. Warren was one of three women who were raped and sexually abused for 14 hours after calling the police.

In a 4-3 decision, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts' dismissal of the complaints that "the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists".

Does that make any sense to you? It's typical of federal judges. They almost always rule for government employees no matter how stupid they have acted.

Even if Warren's lawsuit found police breached their duty, they would be protected by qualified immunity. In essence, qualified immunity says that if 1 in 100 officers would have acted in the same way, they cannot be sued. We really don't have a Constitution in this country because if you sue for a civil rights violation, the courts say, "Yep, your civil rights were violated, and we know you paid six figures in legal fees, but the government employees have immunity so no money, but thanks for bringing this to our attention."

Did we the citizens or our representatives make up this law allowing government employees to pretty much do to the public whatever they want? Of course not. Federal judges came up with it all on their own.

The Supreme Court has twice waived qualified immunity out of 64 cases. One of the two cases that made it through, and the Supreme Court actually reversed a lower court ruling, was the Tolan case.

Do you remember John Edwards, the malpractice attorney who almost became VP in 2004? He sued and won a case against a doctor for causing a baby cerebral palsy although later evidence showed quite definitively that the doctor did nothing wrong. His payout was $6.5 million.

Robbie Tolan was shot in his own front yard by police who mistakenly put in the wrong license number and thought he was driving a stolen vehicle. After seven years, the final settlement was $110,000.

So the police really have no duty to protect the citizens. Even if you have a case where the police clearly breached the broad duty of protecting the public and you sue them for breaching that duty, the overwhelming odds are your case will never make it to trial. Even if by some miracle you make it to court and win or get a settlement, the payout will be paltry.

The idea that the police are in existence to protect citizens is a scam then. They exist to serve the government: collect revenues via tickets, drop off subpoenas ETC.

It's pretty clear then that if you want protection, you have to rely on yourself and can't really rely on police.

It makes me wonder about the liberal's POV and what sexually abused women like those in the Warren case are supposed to do. You can't own a gun; you call the police and they do nothing, and the courts bless the police doing nothing. Is the liberal position that women should just sit back and enjoy being raped then?
In the comments section of the ZH article, a poster named savyindallas (is he local?) posted this

Way too many cops out there just like him. They will plug you with a gun 17 times because they see you reach for your cell phone. Could have been a gun-right? Pussy cops. Cowards. These cops are pyschos. mentally disturbed. Those that aren't psychos are lazy and worthless. All they do is bitch about being underpaid and drink coffee and donuts.

They are good at giving traffic citations, code violations. Some are good at arresting men (regardless of who is at fault ) for domestic disturbances. Others are good at arresting minority punk blacks for possession of weed. Too lazy to go after the real dope peddlers.

A small percentage or good, honest , decent and hardworking. My experience as a prosecutor for 9 years is that those who are really good are driven out of the Department.They tend to make the lazy cops look bad. can't put up with that. I spent far too much time fighting them as I did the bad guys. Came into prosecution thinking cops were great -left thinking most were lazy scum. --and don't forget the all out crooked, corrupt cops. Plenty of them , I assure you.

Sorry for those who disagree. That is my take.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Where are the Nazis boys when you need them,, ,,, The first thing Hitler did was to control the media and make gun owner ship illegal . Before he walked into Poland ,Hungary etc
Veneuzela same , many many examples in history ,, the liberal socialist don't like history, for the reason there ideas fail time and time....
Sophistry. Name a single, known politician who has proposed repealing the 2nd Amendment? Slippery-slope argument coming soon.