Farmers Daughter's Avatar
I have not personally viewed this thread but only heard via word of mouth from a few reliable friends. They were warning me and to make sure I was not who was being spoke of.
I have not personally viewed this thread but only heard via word of mouth from a few reliable friends. They were warning me and to make sure I was not who was being spoke of. Originally Posted by sativajane
So, if you haven't personally viewed this thread, I can only assume it appears in the Men's Lounge. Are you admitting that you have gentlemen offering you private information from the Men's Lounge? If so, you need to make their names known to the board owner and administrators. Not that long ago, another member here in Nebraska was given a thirty day suspension from ECCIE for not revealing the names of gentlemen that gave her ROS information. I can appreciate that you want to protect your sources, but the owner takes such a violation very seriously, and their indiscretion will be of great interest to every single person involved in this business.

And, I wonder how this effects those gentlemen that write things in the Lounge believing those comments will not be disseminated to persons without the same level of access which they enjoy . . . I doubt they would find their fellow members to be "stand up" gentlemen in this instance.

Bottom line: If such a thread does in fact exist within the Men's Lounge, I can see how this may be a serious infraction not only of the rules of the board, but of discretion - encompassing all involved.

Just something to think about.

Of course, please accept my apologies if such a thread does not exist in ROS, as I would have no way of knowing for certain - however, it seems that the information contained in this thread, taken as a whole, indicates (at least to me) that there is a better chance of such a mention (thread) in the Men's Lounge than not.

Why else would you have referred to it as a "thread", several times above, otherwise?

- Jackie
Yes I would go BBFS if I felt safe. Originally Posted by jaja133
I can see your points and I understand if it was a regular who you felt safe and knew well. that is pretty much left up to the providers preference but just for any random and offering service to all is a high risk game which I'm not willing to take. To each their own and we all have our own comfort levels. Getting tested should come hand in hand with the hobby and now to think of it there are regulars who I do trust and have the upmost comfort with. If I ever consider to cross that threshold I have a select few I would give the okay to. Originally Posted by sativajane
I have not personally viewed this thread but only heard via word of mouth from a few reliable friends. They were warning me and to make sure I was not who was being spoke of. Originally Posted by sativajane

Are you fucking kidding me?


I wasn't going to add anything to the above sentence I wrote, but I am now. just made the DNS list for any lady who is smart. But, I'm sure you'll find a way around that. have a select few clients you'd BBFS? That scares me. You think that your clients see only you, you're the only one they sleep with? Plus, you've said on the board that you have a boyfriend, so how would your boyfriend like it knowing that you're BBFSing a few select clients if you decide to go that route?

I just don't understand what people are thinking sometimes.
Omahan's Avatar
I have not personally viewed this thread but only heard via word of mouth from a few reliable friends. They were warning me and to make sure I was not who was being spoke of. Originally Posted by sativajane
What forum contains the thread about BBFS. I would like to take a look and see what started this . Why didn't you just post your question in that thread?
Omahan's Avatar
So, if you haven't personally viewed this thread, I can only assume it appears in the Men's Lounge. Are you admitting that you have gentlemen offering you private information from the Men's Lounge? If so, you need to make their names known to the board owner and administrators. Not that long ago, another member here in Nebraska was given a thirty day suspension from ECCIE for not revealing the names of gentlemen that gave her ROS information. I can appreciate that you want to protect your sources, but the owner takes such a violation very seriously, and their indiscretion will be of great interest to every single person involved in the business.

And, I wonder how this effects those gentlemen that write things in the Lounge believing those comments will not be disseminated to persons without the same level of access which they enjoy . . . I doubt they would find their fellow members to be "stand up" gentlemen in this instance.

Bottom line: If such a thread does in fact exist within the Men's Lounge, I can see how this may be a serious infraction not only of the rules of the board, but of discretion - encompassing all involved.

Just something to think about.

Of course, please accept my apologies if such a thread does not exist in ROS, as I would have no way of knowing for certain - however, it seems that the information contained in this thread, taken as a whole, indicates (at least to me) that there is a better chance of such a mention in the Men's Lounge than not (appearing).

Why else would you have referred to it as a "thread" above otherwise?

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Exactly what I was thinking!
This thread has taken a very strange turn.......
I have not personally viewed this thread but only heard via word of mouth from a few reliable friends. They were warning me and to make sure I was not who was being spoke of. Originally Posted by sativajane
If this were a thread from the gentlemen's lounge then wouldn't the person that gave the info already know who the provider is???
Or are you getting info from another provider that is saying they got it from a hobbyist?

No matter really, It all sounds like a bunch of hear say bull shit. Someone just trying to stir up crap (they have done a good job), or perhaps its the one saying the crap that is doing the deed and trying to find out if anyone else knows.
I'm sorry, I can't just sit on my fingers and be silent on this one . . . What concerns me most about this thread is this fact: The OP (Jane) states she has an issue with BBFS and states emphatically that she is concerned for safety in post #1. However, by post #27, we find that Jane has given forethought (premeditation) to whom she would have BBFS with, if she chooses to "cross that threshold".

Aside from the issues that will arise if there is indeed a thread of this nature contained within the Men's Lounge, at this point, based on the statements of the OP, THIS ENTIRE THREAD SEEMS INCREDIBLY DISINGENUOUS, IMHO.


I'm sorry, but things just are not adding up. I've seen some pretty fucked up threads in my time, HELL, I myself am guilty of starting a few as Omahan (a former mod) and a few others can attest - LOL - but really, c'mon people! I have to agree with Elena on this one when she says, "Are you fucking kidding me???". What is it with this forum lately, is there something in the water in Nebraska? Is it a full moon???

And, it isn't ONLY this thread, in the last couple of days I have seen a provider all but give out the exact address of her incall, another begin a character assassination of herself . . . the list of questionable discernment while posting is almost endless.

Someone needs to get a hold on this forum before it causes clients and professionals alike real problems, in real life!

Think people! THINK!

And by the way, Jane, regarding the original post (#1) - NO, the risks between performing BBBJNQNS vs. BBFS are NOT the same, Google it. As I mentioned, the topic has been beat to death all over this board, which is why I didn't jump into the thread prior to when I did, thinking someone would at least mention as much. I believe, if memory serves me correctly, there was even a discussion here in Nebraska's forums on the same topic in the not too distant past. Look, I'd Google it for you, but I feel that my coming off like a bitch with the use of the word disingenuous to describe this thread may be enough of my being sanctimonious for one day. And, I'm REALLY not meaning to be (sanctimonious) - I'm REALLY just calling it like I see it, based on what you've written.

I apologize if it seems as though I am attacking - but there is a lot that has come to light here in this thread that effects everyone in the endeavor (and possibly not limited to just effects of a few reputations on the board); a frank, coherent explanation from you addressing these issues would go a long way . . . in several regards.


- Jackie

I am curious as to why you changed most of the wording in a post after I had quoted you. Post number 24.

For me, that confirms that the thread you speak of is from the men's locker room.
It is from the mens forum hence my sarcasrtic comment abt wonder what started this thread.
It is from the mens forum hence my sarcasrtic comment abt wonder what started this thread. Originally Posted by cobraguy
If it is indeed from the Men's Lounge, Cobraguy, then as far as the board is concerned, I would imagine Jane would receive the same sanction as every other lady (and there have been more than a few) that has been in this exact same position / situation - which in the past has been a 30 day suspension from ECCIE. And whomever leaked it to her deserves the same, that is, if she names them or if they are decent enough to step forward. I've seen this play out on ECCIE probably a dozen times or more, and it always ends pretty much the same when the owner and admins become involved.

What I have a feeling will be completely lost on many, is that it really has little to do with the rules here on ECCIE or a "vacation" from the board, etc. - The rules exist to maintain DISCRETION. Discretion that should exist at all times, without question in this business. In that, in many ways, the rule(s) just mirror real life as it relates to the profession, you break the "code" - you suffer a loss. A loss of business, credibility, etc. - there are consequences for being indiscreet.

That is the greater offense that has occurred, and no metering of any sanction by this board will fix the damage that has been done. Nebraska is a very small market comparatively and frankly, the lack of discretion here in what was in the very recent past, a intricately tight knit community of true gentlemen, really surprises me. You know, maybe someone "played" Jane just right, maybe this whole thing was contrived . . . but to me, as a working professional that tours Omaha and Lincoln from time to time, what gives me greatest pause is the violation of what should be the most basic tenant of this endeavor - and that is to treat things that are private, as private.

A lack of discretion on any level hurts everyone, of course, on the board - but, it easily translates into real life . . . Once lines are crossed here, lines in the real world become fuzzy for some - and that leads to people getting hurt. Emotional pain from a lack of discretion when a wife finds out about a secret that should have been kept, physical pain when a lady is beat by a pimp or S/O because her business dipped or she suffered cancellations that can be ultimately traced to a board scandal . . . Financial hardship if someone is arrested or issued a citation due to an indiscreet moment . . .

Many of you might not pause to think about how intertwined this board can be for some with their REAL LIFE, after all, it is all just anonymous names and electrons on a screen. But suffer a loss of discretion in a small community like this, and possibly traveling ladies think twice before putting your area on their tour. Perhaps, Apres Vous and other large Agencies stop sending their ladies through . . . and, ultimately, LE finds the holes in the armor and knows which people are willing to talk out of turn - to maintain that discretion which should have been assured . . . Lives are disrupted and ruined as a result.

For the longest time, for me, Nebraska was an escape where I KNEW, without a doubt, that I would be treated with respect and dignity, where people expected and offered true privacy - and they knew how to keep things to themselves. Nebraskans kept a secret.

Now, I doubt it is only me that wonders how, or why, or how far, things may have changed.

And that's terribly sorrowful.

It is very late, please forgive me any grammar or spelling errors.

- Jackie Devlin
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
Wow, and the eccie mob is out with pitch forks and looking to burn someone on the stake.

1. I never once said I am going to, have, or planning on providing BBFS with any clients along with
swallowing. Was simply saying that I understand the point of view some have on the issue and
looking at it from both sides. I personally still sit on the side of the fence of not providing or making future
plans to.

2. I have every right to edited my post. I was on my mobile and had to correct somethings I said
so people wouldn't disscet every single word or error. We all can't be perfect like the queen bee on
this site, "Madam" .

3. I'm sorry but I'm not going to publicy out anyone and bring any of this BS onto their doorstep.
I know some follow it as a religion but honestly I find no problem with people looking out for
anothers. It may be breaking rules on the site as some see it but its not like we abide by all the rules ourselves in everyday life. Hell we are providing and engaging in illegal services.

4. When I spoke of the topic I may have use the wrong word in saying thread. That is the info and
word I got but it maybe a post or a brief discussion on the topic,ROS of a review.

I wanted to see the how people feel and why some feel so strongly about one and not the other. Some think one is utterly disgusting and the other is perfectly fine. I was trying to have a healthy discussion about it and not a shit storm . Let me just close my mouth and not say anymore before I the ECCIE Police come down on me and throw me in handcuffs.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This thread is temporarily closed for review.