This gets brought up frequently about Eccie, and the answer is HTTPS is useless on this type of forum.
The forum is open, you do not need to log-in to view contents of the forum. You only have to log-in/have an account to post a comment or thread or ad, etc.
AGAIN, HTTPS is useless and does not fit this type of forum/BB system as it is designed and maintained by the owners.
Nobody snoops on this site, people lurk on this type of site.
Originally Posted by jframe2
Boy, that statement takes the cake.
Without HTTPS, you can be spied upon by your ISP, and by anyone anywhere in the net in the path between you and ASPD's servers. If you're using WiFi, you can be spied upon by bogus WiFi hotspots, which has happened quite a few times. There have even been cases where third party hackers have managed to play games remotely with routing at network service and send traffic through servers in remote countries.
Even if you can't "insert" yourself into the network, if you're using an open WiFi hotspot, anyone within range can passively monitor your traffic with easily available free software.
Any of these people can see your password, userid, see any PM's as you read or write them, see which posts you're reading, etc.
You're vulnerable to people who are out to get you in particular, or to people who are after eccie in particular.
There are more and more cases of criminals who monitor traffic in general looking for information to steal. They're usually after things like bank account information, but they're improving their processes and finding more and more information to use in nefarious ways all the time.
It may not really be that big of a risk in this particular case, but it is real, and it does happen.