OBAMA FUCKS Veterans over without LUBE

phillyintexas's Avatar
If I were you I would withhold anymore comments. Sequestration was the idea of Obama and the hurt has not really hit the military yet. Coming in January the military is going to take a hell of a hit which is why we are all talking about this now. Obama has changed the rules in Afghanistan and our people are dying because of it. Instead of getting gun fire and aerial support out forward commanders are spending their time trying to convince a DOD lawyer why they need to destroy an area. People are dying waiting for support. A number of navy Seals have died because Biden and Obama could not keep their mouths shut about how and who got Bin Laden. Instead of calming people down around the world, Obama is going around pissing people off (Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, England). Obama is not really pro military. The only thing that looks pro military is when he continues a Bush policy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
First of all sequestration was first proposed in the Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011. Which was jointly proposed by the White House and the Republican House -- it was not embraced by the Democratic Senate but was eventually passed with some Democratic support in the Senate.

To say the impact hasn't really hit the military yet is a gross misstatement. I work in DoD and I can tell you the impact started in 2012. We had to stop much of the training not directly related to current mission support and reduce maintenance of many of our systems. FY13 has been much worse. We have had to drastically cut flying hours and also reduce training that was directly related to mission support. Maintenance of many items has come to a complete stand still. We have had a hiring freeze since 2012 which in some cases is having a direct impact on mission. All that said, FY2014 will be even worse than FY2013.

I'm glad to hear nobody else in this country has pissed of the Middle East. I guess they attacked us in 2001 knowing what type of president Obama was going to be.

ROEs that are counter productive is nothing new in combat. Some of the ROEs that I experienced in Vietnam made zero common sense. However, most of the ROEs are suggested and endorsed by the top brass in the DoD to CYA vice being imposed by the White House.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He is trying to wrap up the mess Bush created, and it takes time to clean up after epic misjudgement and foreign entanglements. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I bet you take Robitussin for shits and giggles.

I guess you can look it at subjectively. As Al Jolson used to say, "you ain't seen nothin yet!" What you call hits on the defensive department will pale to what happens next year.

If memory doesn't serve you then you can always go back to Bob Woodward's book, sequestration was Obama's idea. I remember when it first came up how so many conservatives were appalled because we saw it for what it was, an delayed reaction attack on the military.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2013, 10:40 AM
I bet you take Robitussin for shits and giggles.

I guess you can look it at subjectively. As Al Jolson used to say, "you ain't seen nothin yet!" What you call hits on the defensive department will pale to what happens next year.

If memory doesn't serve you then you can always go back to Bob Woodward's book, sequestration was Obama's idea. I remember when it first came up how so many conservatives were appalled because we saw it for what it was, an delayed reaction attack on the military. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Woodard is selling a book

and you're an idiot.
You're a myopic, Kool Aid sotted fool, BJ, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's fingerprints are all over the "mess" you ignorantly ascribe to Bush 43. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Nothing quite as funny as a peter puffer on a hooker board calling someone a sexual predator.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-10-2013, 11:51 AM
Do you think Corpy will grasp what you're trying to tell him, BJ?

Or will he be grasping something else.

I think you've finally learned how to "talk" with Mr. Congeniality... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Perhaps he will see the futility of endless repetition and reform his boring posts.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-10-2013, 11:54 AM
So your last stupid post was just a warm-up. Wow. Are you really dumb enough to believe anger, hate, greed, bigotry, and inhumane acts are limited to white males? Those things know no limits based upon color, race, or most any other human subcategory. Trying to dump all the evils on one group--white males--is no better than claiming all Chinese are evil, or all Muslims are evil, etc. Originally Posted by Old-T
Primarily but not exclusively limited to white males is what I say. Look what a bunch of white jackasses Mandela had to deal with! But it doesn't really matter too much, you people are being phased out. Once Europe and the United States become primarily non-white, we can ignore you assholes.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2013, 12:11 PM
Ah yes, the "we are fundamentally better than you" stupidity again.

Rwanda, The Great Leap Forward, Khmer Rouge, Aztecs, Bataan Death March, India/Pakistan, Eritria, Yucatan caste wars, Hindi caste wars, honor killings, Armenia/Azerbaijan, Arab slave traders....

Shall I go on? Not a lot of "white males" in those.

You are as bad as the other wackos on here. You just hate different groups of people than they do.

By the way, with the continued exponential trends in migration/mobility in not too many generations much of this white/black/hispanic/asian/arab discussion will be moot--but the human race will still categorize people as "us" and "not like us", so we will continue to be bigoted, just with different adjectives.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2013, 12:16 PM
Primarily but not exclusively limited to white males is what I say. Look what a bunch of white jackasses Mandela had to deal with! But it doesn't really matter too much, you people are being phased out. Once Europe and the United States become primarily non-white, we can ignore you assholes. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Essence, is that you?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So Bertie is a socialist, mixed race, moron........welcome to the website Mr. President! (all bow)

Maybe someone should explain to you about how many people are of mixed race in the US. White people, black people, brown people, yellow people, did I miss anyone?
Small note for Philly . . . facts are forbidden in this forum!

Well written and well-stated post. My reference points started with a little jungle outing under LBJ and an "emergency alert callback" as Nixon departed ... and continued up to The Great Conservative God/Actor Ronnie.

You nailed it.
phillyintexas's Avatar
Thanks. I should have known better than to do some research and report facts. My time was from Nixon through the first 4 of Clinton.

Small note for Philly . . . facts are forbidden in this forum!

Well written and well-stated post. My reference points started with a little jungle outing under LBJ and an "emergency alert callback" as Nixon departed ... and continued up to The Great Conservative God/Actor Ronnie.

You nailed it. Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
I B Hankering's Avatar
Perhaps he will see the futility of endless repetition and reform his boring posts. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
That's pure deflection on your part, BJ. Other than you getting your ass "repeatedly handed to you" at #19, #22, and #25 (also at 27, 29 and 37), BJ, there was nothing "repetitive" in those posts.

Nothing quite as funny as a peter puffer on a hooker board calling someone a sexual predator. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
There's nothing more disgusting than seeing a lib-retarded, dim-retard (AKA Ekim the Inbred Chimp) on a SHMB defend a sexual predator that used his position to sexually harass subordinate, female employees.
That's pure deflection on your part, BJ. Other than you getting your ass "repeatedly handed to you" at #19, #22, and #25 (also at 27, 29 and 37), BJ, there was nothing "repetitive" in those posts.

There's nothing more disgusting than seeing a lib-retarded, dim-retard (AKA Ekim the Inbred Chimp) on a SHMB defend a sexual predator that used his position to sexually harass subordinate, female employees. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

LMFAO Gasp away peter puffer if there was ever a lib-retard dim-retard it is you I'm Boring hankering. Just because Bill never let you blow him you diss him.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LMFAO Gasp away peter puffer if there was ever a lib-retard dim-retard it is you I'm Boring hankering. Just because Bill never let you blow him you diss him. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Tsk, tsk, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, how you do lower yourself to defend a sexual predator that used his position to sexually harass subordinate, female employees.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hmmm.... Chimp... Cum-gobbling....lib-retard...deflect...inbred...ra cist...golum...

Must be a Corpy post ...

Yep. that's it! The one that sounds like a BROKEN RECORD!