KC community going down hill/eccie insiders support it

mrkcmo's Avatar
Though Ari would agree that she and I don't meet eye to eye on some subjects I would tend to agree with her completely on this subject.

This website exist solely to provide a convenient forum for providers and hobbiest alike to exchange information. If a specific member (provider or hobbiest) is providing no real value to that end goal then I would say its time to ban that user.

There will always be room for disagreements in our healthy conversations but when the maturity level of the posters drops to that of a 10 year old then it is time for the 10 year old to be put in the corner...permanently!

Just my two cents! (Happy to join another board if ECCIE is unwilling to police and monitor its members!)
So Fritz, is there any realistic chance that specific individuals could be banned from making posts in a particular region? Originally Posted by ez2plz
Short answer - probably not. The number of modifications needed to make the database and underlying code that generates the infrastructure of the website to allow these types of restrictions would probably be cost-prohibitive, considering the number of regions that ECCIE currently has residing on the website. It can be done, however, if the owners would agree to do so.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Look, folks. There's a simple solution already available. Add them to your 'Ignore' list. You get the exact same value from their comments but no longer waste your time reading them.
Or ya know.........don't click on the links. I know it will take a LOT of backend engineering and recoding but I think we can probably resolve this without having to put anyone on ignore.
Look, folks. There's a simple solution already available. Add them to your 'Ignore' list. You get the exact same value from their comments but no longer waste your time reading them. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Ha ha I was writing mine while you were writing yours.
All these "out of towners" have just as much right to post here, as we have the right to ignore them

I say, just exerrcise your right...plain and simple
All these "out of towners" have just as much right to post here, as we have the right to ignore them

I say, just exerrcise your right...plain and simple Originally Posted by vkmaster

I already ignore them, and will add them to my ignore list, but we shouldn't have to sit here and get mugged every day by a bunch of abusive idiots with inflated egos and poor social skills. There should be some positive recourse to put an end to it, plain and simple.
Omg I'm being annoyed by something that takes literally zero effort to avoid. Big brother hep me hep me!
Fastcar's Avatar
Remember that it only takes one of them to change a lightbulb. They just hold the bulb and the world revolves around them.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
All these "out of towners" have just as much right to post here, as we have the right to ignore them

I say, just exerrcise your right...plain and simple Originally Posted by vkmaster
+1. Censorship is not the answer. Either drown out their messages with opposing views, or better yet, just ignore them.

Personally, I kind of enjoy the back and forth.... at times.
boardman's Avatar
Actually, this isn't a review. It's a biography. Originally Posted by fritz3552

Roger Waters started his NA tour here in Houston last night. Now that was a performance worthy of a review. Fucking Awesome! It doesn't look like he'll be making it to KC though. Too bad.
I know the feeling... My good reviews are turned bad by negitive comments that are just opinion most made by people who havent met with me. I advertise eccie and ask my regs to join and they get accused of the review being fake. Why would they feel like they should continue using eccie? Respect is a big thing and behind a computer some members get to feeling like woman haters lol i dont think thats what this board is about.
Wakeup's Avatar
I have reviews...

P.S.-Starting threads like this just makes us keep coming around...it's having the opposite effect of what you're wanting...just sayin'...
Bristal's Avatar
I agree that the tone lately sucks, I have discussed this with Ari and others. I do however believe completly in free will and free speech. On any OPEN forum it is up to the members to determine the tone. I see complaints about the mods interfering TOO much and now it's not enough? It's not their job to keep the topics chipper and pleasing. You want to turn this into a "vote off the island" board and say who can post where and kick people off threads? That is a slippery path I want no part of. You can't have it both ways and you will never have everyone happy. This is FREE and ANYONE can post, take either away and it will tank. Buy your own forum and name it "Happy Hooker's", then invite only who you want. I think we should all just make a personal decision on how to proceed and not try a mass revolution of the system. Leave, stay, post, don't post, bitch and whine or don't. The board will evolve and members will move or things will get better. It's our own little hooker society.
boardman's Avatar
I agree that the tone lately sucks, I have discussed this with Ari and others. I do however believe completly in free will and free speech. On any OPEN forum it is up to the members to determine the tone. I see complaints about the mods interfering TOO much and now it's not enough? It's not their job to keep the topics chipper and pleasing. You want to turn this into a "vote off the island" board and say who can post where and kick people off threads? That is a slippery path I want no part of. You can't have it both ways and you will never have everyone happy. This is FREE and ANYONE can post, take either away and it will tank. Buy your own forum and name it "Happy Hooker's", then invite only who you want. I think we should all just make a personal decision on how to proceed and not try a mass revolution of the system. Leave, stay, post, don't post, bitch and whine or don't. The board will evolve and members will move or things will get better. It's our own little hooker society. Originally Posted by Bristol

Well done Bristol