Pierce is back! But............

Guest010415's Avatar
Little man! You are treading on thin ice there you well hung (eh-em) hunk you!

Sam Davis - he's dead and gone long ago.

Sam Hill - um, Sam Hill has been with one of your favorites AB. I've never seen AB. Perhaps you should ask her who Sam Hill is.

Eddie Lewis - nope. Try again stubby.

Do me a favor? Get off my thread and google penile implants.

You told Loki just one other Handle!

You Started as staff edit by BB: outing removedthere is no end to your lies .

You and that other blonde Arianna cant be believed in anything you say.

No one wants either one of your Lying asses here !! GO AWAY, take her lying ass with you !!

Originally Posted by iggy
Guest010415's Avatar

Here is a link for you. It says age may be a limitation. You might want to check into that before making any type of decision.
Guest010415's Avatar
Not on NR. Site is lame.
USA - never really got the hang of that one either.

Naughty reviews? USAGUIDE?

Why don't we believe you?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
See, the way I see it is ...your not fucking sorry! You are a sorry ass, but you are NOT sorry.

The bullshit emoticons you posted in response to Veronica, who you totally fucking 'wronged' just show a total lack of empathy or consideration.
Then to put forward the idea or suggestion that you had NO OTHER names on this or any other board is just insulting dude!
If you wanted to come clean and fess up, than just get ON WITH IT ! Spill the beans, as in the whole bucket, and just get it all out. THEN, MAYBE, we can all move forward in a positive direction. Until you do, you will be ostracized, criticized, and humiliated for ALL you past misdeeds.

Sorry bro, but 'you done fucked up'! Make it right, or make your way...away...far far away.
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I couldn't have said it better myself. This guy's a clown, who isn't truly aplogetic about anything he has done... He's just sorry that he was "banned".
Guest010415's Avatar
Way to go ronmex! Two whole posts and you know what I'm sorry about and what I'm not.
Didn't I hear you were the one in the Albany area that frequents Trannys? I swear that was you.
Back off chump!

I couldn't have said it better myself. This guy's a clown, who isn't truly aplogetic about anything he has done... He's just sorry that he was "banned". Originally Posted by ronmex
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-20-2014, 06:40 PM
Not hard to figure out who the Lying Blonde is, he confessed to it with her !

As staff edit by BB: outing removed he declared he was finished . He has been a liar form the first day he joined !!!!

While I am at confession, there is just one more I must own up to.
The review on the overnight with Arianna that I did was completely, a fabricated joint effort aimed at pissing off a member of this board. Although completely wrong to do, at the time I did it we felt it was an acceptable form of deceitfulness.
I came up with the idea because I knew the other member of this board would freak out if he thought she and I saw each other.
Yes, I know, not a good idea at all. At this point all my credibility on this board is shot, probably with no way of gaining it back. I deserve that at the least.
So for now, I'm backing out of this life style, and going to focus on other things.

Take care all.

PS - Thank you to the Mod who gave me the opportunity to fess up and come clean. Originally Posted by Frank Pierce
Guest010415's Avatar
Dude. As old as you are you should by now know how to speak, write and spell.

Was my penile implant link helpful to you?

Not hard to figure out who the Lying Blonde is, he confessed to it with her !

As staff edit by BB: outing removed he declared he was finished . He has been a liar form the first day he joined !!!! Originally Posted by iggy
Loki Pk's Avatar
Dude. As old as you are you should by now know how to speak, write and spell.

Was my penile implant link helpful to you? Originally Posted by Frank Pierce
We can all totally see how sorry you really are. Boo fucking Hoo!
You deny any involvement in those other sites but we. ALL KNOW that is complete bullshit. You fucking said so yourself with the whole Arianna shill report. Then all the back and forth with Iggy... You have shown your hand on more than a few occasions.

All I had to do was mention 'little Brooke' from Troy and less than 24 hrs later, Another sock puppet was dreaming about her on a different site. I posted that on purpose... And you bit. The whole multiple names...shill reports...personal attacks....on again off again.
How do you keep it all straight?

FWIW, you can bark at me all day long, I don't care....I live for this shit!
But to tell truth, it ruins it for so many folks. Who would dare to jump in when the flames are flying? Why would they want to...it's far too repulsive to the common man. This isn't a sparring match.
Iggy and I don't see eye to eye on a great many things, but I don't let that stop me from being cordial and 'friendly'...there is a need for the fair exchange of information, which is what we are SUPPOSED to be here for. YOU purposely posted a false report with the SOLE intention of fucking with him. Most of us could care less what drama goes on with others, but the fake reports undermine the dynamic...AND have real consequences for people who may have unrealistic expectations going into a session with a girl. What happens when some NUTJOB flips out because his time was NOTHING like your report.
That's a real danger these girls face everyday, your actions don't make it easier for anyone.

You have said good bye like three times already in this thread alone...figure it the fuck out, bro. Stay or go, who cares? But just stop making it worse already.

brutusbluto's Avatar
Some adults just cant get along....