i been waiting for you DVT!! so glad you guys are here!!
Well, I finally got over here, posted some reviews I have up on other sites to help out. Hrrm..okay..to be honest I was given a strong hint/urging/incentive to get on this site...LOL. Not that it was needed, but I enjoyed the effort made
@ Heather-muah! Heck, yeah! I really like this site and the interface, but moreover the good, friendly peeps =)
hehehe...was on top of Devynn...now I am under her...think I might just have to do that again soon for real
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Having to admit it is difficult to sign up to another place, but I DID it!

Glad to be here.
THE Divine Ms. D.E.W. welcome sweetie!
My name is What?
My name is Who?
My name is Big Pimpin!

Yes I'm Big Pimpin, I'm the real Big Pimpin all deez other Big Pimpin's just be lying and tripping so won't the REAL Big Pimpin please stand up, please stand up, please stand up!

Aiiiight, aiiight, listen up mu'f*ckers, BP be in da houuuuuuussseeeee! Gladz ta see lots my favrite homies and hoes, u no whut I'm sayin? Since da notorious BP be up in here lets rock dis mu'f$cker, u no whut I'm sayin? BP say peace and love thru out, u no whut I'm sayin?

The notorious B.P.
Welcome everyone...kick back, take your shoes off and start having fun.

chairspud's Avatar
Spud in the house. Posted 1st review on site today, many more to cum!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I made it
Onceler's Avatar
Onceler is present. Sans pic at the moment.

...I just said that...
chairspud, vikki, onceler...Austin's showing up in big way!

Welcome ya'll.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I am here!
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Oh....My....... Its a party now!!! Whooo...hoooooo..... Lets get busy and start being naughty!
~Kisses Jen
  • Booth
  • 12-22-2009, 03:42 PM