guide line #3

OMFG Jack -- You are gonna get yourself in trouble with that link!!!!!
And I certainly "owe you one"!!!!

Who was this guy who posted in that thread though????
His name was: not JB honest
But he got banned for some reason!!!
Can't freaking imagine. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
hahaha that's great!!!!! n he's pointing me!!!!! Originally Posted by CLAMCHOWDER2000
its not hard to do in GP case

it should be a new milton bradley board game...

every time he uters something today.pretty much

just click back a year in his posts and thrADS

the hilarious part is it only takes about 1 minute

i dont think theres been anyone in history to pull off this much contradictory posting

then you start to think.... who does this ? and this is the guy they pick to oversee shit here? nice...
Wakeup's Avatar
It's very difficult for some mods to remember who they were before they put on the mod hat...unfortunately, that's what often makes them horrible at their jobs...
dearhunter's Avatar
If you post it, you own matter how long ago you posted it on the board.

Can a modtard point you for quoting him in response to a post?

I am pretty sure an Ambassador can't......heh
Wakeup's Avatar
18 days...
rooster's Avatar
It's very difficult for some mods to remember who they were before they put on the mod hat...unfortunately, that's what often makes them horrible at their jobs... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
So wise and profound.....

Hey Wakeup, if this "18 days" prediction doesn't work out quite the way you planned.... I'm gonna remind everyone of it every time you stick your mulish head in here.

And if it does... you can do the same to me.

My money is on you eating a big ol' crow pie (and I want to see you review THAT meal!)
brutusbluto's Avatar
Give wakeup a break, this is his opportunity to prove to upstate ny that he can count backwards.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-14-2013, 02:04 PM
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm taking the over........getting me a free lunch out of this deal.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-14-2013, 02:52 PM
Heh heh
offshoredrilling's Avatar
under would be nice, over is the wise bet
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 11-14-2013, 03:12 PM
are we still talking about guide line #3?.... I'll take over. I don't think they are getting rid of it.
rooster's Avatar
Nah, we're talking when one of the Mods is gonna get a "forced retirement." For some reason, Wakeup thinks he knows something nobody else does. But that's common.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think if you violate your probation in the real world, they may throw you in jail for 30 or 60 or more days..... but the 5 years of probation disappear after you are released. I've heard that anecdotally.... not sure if it's true. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I think your thinking is good about points expiring due to a ban, but they don't drop your probation for violating it.
yeah when you violate parole you go back to finish out your original sentance
Wakeup's Avatar
Methinks the upset mods don't know how the over/under works...

P.S.-I love it when mods get all teenage angsty...the look exactly like the people the try to enforce points on...