Holder to Resign!

boardman's Avatar
I didn't know eccie went back that far.

Ed Meese, Huh?
Eccie, No
Lib democrats, Yes

Ed Meese
Meese became Attorney General in February 1985, holding this office until August, 1988, when he resigned due to his role in the Wedtech scandal. The report of special prosecutor James McKay cleared Meese of criminal wrongdoing, but criticized him for ethical lapses, especially regarding bribes to Israel not to attack an Iraqi oil pipeline which benefited associates of the Attorney General.
They all seem to get caught up in some alleged scandal or another, and then blasted from the other side.
Holder admitted his career was over when he fumbled the Mark Rich pardon screening. It should have been, but Barry Soetoro committed the largest affirmative action miscarriage in the nation's history by rescuing this shyster's career. Upon assuming office, Holder decried America as race cowards, declared he would help Barry close Guantanamo prison within one year, and attempted to prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a common criminal in a New York City court, actions that even the collectivist Democrats could not stomach. Lofty heights of incompetence, ensconcing him in the pantheon of race baiting fools with Hank Johnson, Corrine Brown, Maxine Waters, and other slobbering idiots clamoring for justice, to settle 400 year old grievances with English and West African tribal slave traders. Fools like this should be doomed to stapling posters to telephone poles in South Chicago and Harlem instead of being leaders of a productive society.
boardman's Avatar
Eccie, No
Lib democrats, Yes

Ed Meese

They all seem to get caught up in some alleged scandal or another, and then blasted from the other side. Originally Posted by camouflage
I'm just sayin'.
Making a declarative statement like that around these parts will get you labeled an idiot. You have to be very specific or very very vague.
It's what all the cool kids are doing.
Ya gotta love Ramirez.................

Moooo-an! Originally Posted by bigtex

Your call works on Elk AND Democrats.

Be sure you identify your target before pulling the trigger. You don't want to accidentally bag another member of the Austin Reacharound Crew.

(Bigkotex smilicons added for emphasis)
rioseco's Avatar
I hope the replacement AG for Holder is better, but I doubt it.

He complains he was treated worse than any previous AG..what about Ed Meese?
He was vilified by liberals constantly.

Also, Holder wants to work to "restore" relations between the police and minority communities. That implies they used to be better, but contradicts the liberal narrative of horrible police mistreatment of minorities in the sordid history of America!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Obozzo says his lap dog E.H. worked hard to strengthen the voters rights act so ALL were insured access to the polls.....W.T.F ?
Then why didn't this whiner prosecute the "Not so New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation and violation of the very same voters rights act ???

Just another example of crime and corruption, the byproducts of the "homos for hope and change" administration.
pyramider's Avatar
What is Janet Reno doing?
What is Janet Reno doing? Originally Posted by pyramider

I'm sure she's sitting on Billary's face.
The reason Holder is resigning is because he saw the testimony presented to the Ferguson Grand Jury and figured it was time to bail while there was still time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ya gotta love Ramirez.................

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
THATS FUCKING GREAT WHIR-lie-Turd! maybe you should start a NEW thread on this identical subject!

JCM800's Avatar
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1176570 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A new thread with just a link to this one?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Obozzo says his lap dog E.H. worked hard to strengthen the voters rights act so ALL were insured access to the polls.....W.T.F ?
Then why didn't this whiner prosecute the "Not so New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation and violation of the very same voters rights act ???

Just another example of crime and corruption, the byproducts of the "homos for hope and change" administration. Originally Posted by rioseco
Indeed, AG Eric 'The Quitter" Holder was very partisan during the reign of Lord Obama.

Be sure you identify your target before pulling the trigger. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'll take the one toward the back!