Why no Black Men?

Ok if I put in my ad don't text ..well they still text
So if they put no black men..you think that well stop them from calling...I don't think so .so what's the point...
bp6570's Avatar
It may stop some from calling but others will try to get through. Elena's point is well taken. If a lady can screen well she shouldn't need to put that in her ad.

My original point was this community percieves itself as enlightened & progressive yet in this case tends to 1950's thinking which is a contradiction.

Many of these answers give the impression that a black man can't be a gentleman & white men are no problem. Both are misguided at best.
KenMonk's Avatar
It may stop some from calling but others will try to get through. Elena's point is well taken. If a lady can screen well she shouldn't need to put that in her ad.

My original point was this community percieves itself as enlightened & progressive yet in this case tends to 1950's thinking which is a contradiction.

Many of these answers give the impression that a black man can't be a gentleman & white men are no problem. Both are misguided at best. Originally Posted by bp6570

I didn't say it worked, just the reason why its there.

Also I don't believe the hobby community considers itself as anything, progressive or otherwise.
If a black guy pops up at my door I don't answer period.. and if they call I tell them I don't see black men period. Works for me
Spyder11's Avatar
Bailey, you don't need to explain yourself to anybody. You don't see black guys and there's nothing wrong with that. You get to choose what you do, not idiots claiming racism and other BS.
bp6570's Avatar
Bailey, you don't need to explain yourself to anybody. You don't see black guys and there's nothing wrong with that. You get to choose what you do, not idiots claiming racism and other BS. Originally Posted by Spyder11
What a sweet little defense...
Spyder11's Avatar
What did I say that was wrong?
If a black guy pops up at my door I don't answer period.. and if they call I tell them I don't see black men period. Works for me Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol

WOW, that's bad business.

Do more thorough screening and you won't have that problem.
+1 MsElena
WOW, that's bad business.

Do more thorough screening and you won't have that problem. Originally Posted by MsElena
The DarkSide's Avatar
+100 Ms Elena, have someone come to your door and can't even treat them like a human being and just ignore them. Like I always said about her business model!
Guess you took that wrong ill kindly tell them I don't see black men over the phone before they leave and I haven't had to do this but I will since my ad always says no black men and since I do screen it hasent been a issue.... I feel no nee to explain myself btw just thought if I know something is untrue id speak up, I don't mind being the outspoken one I don't believe I said anyting ignorant and I just engaged in friendly discussion.
If a black guy pops up at my door I don't answer period.. and if they call I tell them I don't see black men period. Works for me Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
This is what you wrote.

Guess you took that wrong ill kindly tell them I don't see black men over the phone before they leave and I haven't had to do this but I will since my ad always says no black men and since I do screen it hasent been a issue.... I feel no nee to explain myself btw just thought if I know something is untrue id speak up, I don't mind being the outspoken one I don't believe I said anyting ignorant and I just engaged in friendly discussion. Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol

Now you're saying that I/we took it wrong? How exactly did I/we take it wrong? Now you're saying that you haven't had to do this, but yet in your first post you said that you don't answer the door when they show up.

Which story is it?
I'm done I think my last post explained it all they asked what would we do in this situation and I said what I would do.... This is stupid to argue over a lot of well known hobbiest have seen me and know I'm a really honest provider so I don't feel scared to speak on any subject and I'm done with this one seeing as people are blowing it out of proportion. Like I said its just friendly discussion.
KenMonk's Avatar
I had a lady once refuse to see me when I showed up because she said I looked like I would hurt her. I'm 6'3 around 315. She was 5'5 ish 140. SO its kinda like being black right? :P
well, i wont see black women so what does that mean?