Charge backs

It is disgusting that people would use the clean hands thing against you. Little fuckers know the laws and know they can get away with it. You jerks aren't even being supportive. Probably just giggling with your hand in your pants. "hehehe..stupid bitches!" Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
Calm the fuck down. They're just trying to help her. What these guys do is shitty. Unfortunately, when women or men get ripped off in the hobby we usually have no recourse. That is just a fact of life. Ask the guy who told the cops the lady had shorted him on time and ended up getting arrested himself.
KatieKatie's Avatar
The jerks and fuckers are the jerks and fuckers who take advantage of and steal from providers. Yes there are jerk and fucker providers too.

You calm the fuck down.....wait a few seconds....that makes you want to lose your shit right? Talking directly to people like that in person usually gets you punched in the face.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 01-09-2013, 08:55 AM
You calm the fuck down.....wait a few seconds....that makes you want to lose your shit right? Talking directly to people like that in person usually gets you punched in the face. Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
Whoa... You do need to calm down and stop being so sensitive. People talk like that to each other all the time and I've never seen anyone punched in the face. You've got some anger issues, huh?
The jerks and fuckers are the jerks and fuckers who take advantage of and steal from providers. Yes there are jerk and fucker providers too.

You calm the fuck down.....wait a few seconds....that makes you want to lose your shit right? Talking directly to people like that in person usually gets you punched in the face. Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
Even if you were as horrible and rude in person as you are on the boards I would NEVER even consider punching you in the face.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
I afforded him several opportunities to pay up in a cordial manner of course and no response. I gave him two weeks to pay up until i reported him on all of the appropriate sites. Should i make one one here? I really don't want this to be a big deal i just wanted to know what did people do if anything when this type of thing happens.. ( i guess when you don't suspect it was coming).... That's all..

Thanks for every one's input though.. Appreciate it anyways...

Have you offered him an alternative to make things square? If so, did he not respond or offer any reasonable explanation (not that there is really a good one).

An established client? That surprises me, except nothing surprises me. Originally Posted by RickO'shayRabbitt
I afforded him several opportunities to pay up in a cordial manner of course and no response. I gave him two weeks to pay up until i reported him on all of the appropriate sites. Should i make one one here? I really don't want this to be a big deal i just wanted to know what did people do if anything when this type of thing happens.. ( i guess when you don't suspect it was coming).... That's all..

Thanks for every one's input though.. Appreciate it anyways... Originally Posted by Tylus_amore
I think you should report him here. I would do it in the woman's only area to decrease the drama.
sky_wire's Avatar
Time to close it....
Hooligan_'s Avatar
This thread is starting to be come epic!

ROFL are you seriously getting mad at something you arent even involved in? i think someone needs to smoke a splif, and watch cartoon express

the way that you talk to us " johns " kinda makes me want to spend my money even faster. dont get too all high and mighty on us.. We pay for Your services.
True, there are some scamming bastards out there, but the majority of this website are a good bunch of guys... count your blessing while you have them
KatieKatie's Avatar
I am not high or mighty. I was not talking about the good ones. I was talking about the rare shit heads. This thread should be in the providers only area. I am pretty sure I have already said there are jerk providers too. I haven't attacked anyone directly and a few of you have to me. This is ridiculous and I do not waste my time fighting on the internet.

Anyways....OP, I have gone back and forth with thinking about taking credit cards and this has made up my mind. Next time you have a sensitive issue it is better for you to post it in the provider only area and let everyone else read it on the leaks.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
Okay, i had no idea it would be this thread would get so evil it was just a question.... i had never a charge back or an issue so i wasn't sure where to post it. I mean it shouldn't be a argument over the good providers versus crappy ones or good clients and bad ones. It really just had to do with the fact of legally what were my options and was there a way around the fee's when he wasn't a "sex" but in the hobby type deal...

not a us against them type thing. The hobby doesn't exist without providers or clients etc..etc.... Just wondering how to avoid pitfalls like this one but it's simple no more credit cards/ debit cards for clients and i'll write it off as a business loss simple as that.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
also where is this ladies only area you speak of?
Tylus_amore's Avatar
Okay one more thing and i'm done... why does everything that could cause controversy have to be posted in the providers only section? we can't discuss legal issues without it becoming a thing? It really shouldn't be that much of an issue keep the subject relevant to the topic... Advice on what to do when this happens or how has provider/ client settled up after being shorted. A couple of clients i have had shorted me but would call back hey I forgot to.. and I would go back and get it or they would have it next time not every client is secretly trying to rob or hurt us.. ( unless you are into that type of thing) lqtms....

Typically the ladies keep their reports of issues with guys and their handles for their eyes only in the ladies only area.

I think this thread does have a useful "public" use, aas it explains to a lot of people one more reason why credit cards may not be a good idea in the hobby.

And despite the comments about "no sex" was involved and it was a purely legit business encounter, do you really think a judge or a jury is going to see it that way? And yes, I have heard of cases where a jury was used in small claims court.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
oh okay thanks...

Typically the ladies keep their reports of issues with guys and their handles for their eyes only in the ladies only area.

I think this thread does have a useful "public" use, aas it explains to a lot of people one more reason why credit cards may not be a good idea in the hobby.

And despite the comments about "no sex" was involved and it was a purely legit business encounter, do you really think a judge or a jury is going to see it that way? And yes, I have heard of cases where a jury was used in small claims court. Originally Posted by tigercat