The DEMS won't stop this world destruction nonsense.

rather than argue semantics, Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Ahhh....The final back off of being unable to support your ridiculous earlier statement.

So fuck semantics and support your statement of Trump racking up the highest deficit in history in 2018. Until then most of your other bullshit falls under the blanket of you can't support it either.
lustylad's Avatar
Wangs having a tough day. Originally Posted by bambino
Hey, Wang is a chinese name. Chung is Viet, I think. I sense he's not a big fan of the Chinese.

if the sex workers in China are reflective of the Chinese ladies here, count me OUT! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Better find another nickname, unless you're trying to annoy him.

Joke time...

Q. - Why are there no phone directories in China?

A. - Because there are too many Wings and Wongs. You might Wing the Wong number!

lustylad's Avatar
not really.. the Government creates most of what is spent, through sales of treasuries. and Trump's government has created more Fiat money than any other President in history.. how do you think taxes are cut, while spending is way up?

if you said "increased productivity", try again. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Ummm, no. When the Federal Reserve sells Treasuries, it is borrowing funds to cover the budget deficit. This actually reduces the money supply. When it buys Treasuries (bonds, bills and/or notes) - that's when it is creating more fiat money.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hey, Wang is a chinese name. Chung is Viet, I think. I sense he's not a big fan of the Chinese.

Better find another nickname, unless you're trying to annoy him.

Joke time...

Q. - Why are there no phone directories in China?

A. - Because there are too many Wings and Wongs. You might Wing the Wong number!

BAAAAHAHAHAHA!! Originally Posted by lustylad
there was a plane crash that killed some chinese passengers or a chinese pilot? I forget which.

there was a list of names posted with chinese names in certain order and it was funny and and not funny at the same time. don't remember how that went.
lustylad's Avatar
there was a plane crash that killed some chinese passengers or a chinese pilot? I forget which.

there was a list of names posted with chinese names in certain order and it was funny and and not funny at the same time. don't remember how that went. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Hey dilbert - if you can't remember the joke or whether it's even funny or not.... DON'T POST!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hey dilbert - if you can't remember the joke or whether it's even funny or not.... DON'T POST!! Originally Posted by lustylad
It was funny, but I don't remember how it went. lol! it was something similar to wing & wong joke you posted except it used peoples names

I can't post it cause I don't remember how it went. I'm pretty sure its somewhere on the internet.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I already posted a link in another thread. grean is correct. you want to blame Congress, but the President signs spending bills into law. you are deliberately bullshitting the issue. Reagan was a big spender, remember him? big tax cuts early, but by 1986 he was spending big and raising taxes, along with promoting the biggest amnesty bill ever seen (Simpson-Mazzoli).. Republicans continually trip over themselves, and trip some more trying to pretend like they don't. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Reagan was dealing with a democratic house during his 8 year term. He had a republican senate for short period of time. there were compromises made with democrats here and there.
Chung when did this thread become a deficit spending thread??
I started it about the loony left wanting the spending of TRILLIONS on dollars on the global warming should be against being far right and all.
Why did you derail this thread Chung...start your own Trump trashing thread.
P.S. Your posting rants and the trashing of Trump doesn't fit your being far this Bill Kristol??
I didn't read much about your rage during the 8 yrs. of the Obummer record deficit spending...must have been before you were a born again on the far right...Hummmm.
Hey dilbert - if you can't remember the joke or whether it's even funny or not.... DON'T POST!! Originally Posted by lustylad
It was funny...the guy in the video reminders me of Phil Hartman...RIP
It was funny, but I don't remember how it went. lol! it was something similar to wing & wong joke you posted except it used peoples names

I can't post it cause I don't remember how it went. I'm pretty sure its somewhere on the internet. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sum Ting Wong with you if you can't remember a good joke. I expect you do better next time Dilbert San, lol.
It was funny...the guy in the video reminders me of Phil Hartman...RIP Originally Posted by bb1961
I remember seeing that reported on national tv when it first happened. A prime example of no vetting by the media.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The out spends there income by billions , so again OPM , Just look to Cailli Damn
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Is that right Chung....THINK AGAIN!! Originally Posted by bb1961
In 8 years Obama ran a deficit of $6.785 trillion. According to budget projections, Trump will add $6.2 trillion IN HIS FIRST TERM. In Obama's last 4 years in office, the deficits were $679 billion, $485 billion, $438 billion, and $585 billion. In 2017 under Trump the deficit was $666 billion. $779 in 2018. Estimated to be $1092 TRILLION in 2019 and $1101 TRILLION in 2020.

Obama took over with the country in the middle of the worse recession since the Great Depression and was forced to run a huge deficit in order to get us out of it. Trump took over an economy that was in good shape and still finds it necessary to run huge deficits.
Hotrod511's Avatar

In 8 years Obama ran a deficit of $6.785 trillion. According to budget projections, Trump will add $6.2 trillion IN HIS FIRST TERM. In Obama's last 4 years in office, the deficits were $679 billion, $485 billion, $438 billion, and $585 billion. In 2017 under Trump the deficit was $666 billion. $779 in 2018. Estimated to be $1092 TRILLION in 2019 and $1101 TRILLION in 2020.

Obama took over with the country in the middle of the worse recession since the Great Depression and was forced to run a huge deficit in order to get us out of it. Trump took over an economy that was in good shape and still finds it necessary to run huge deficits. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The article you didn't read in the link says otherwise...
What was his GDP speed??
The economy under Obummmer SUCKED!!
Who controls the spending...the DEM Congress you worship. I know your TDS doesn't allow you to mention an economy Obummer could only dream of...
Keep trying to bullshit yourself...cause you ain't bullshitting anyone else.