By Now, Everybody Knows the Covid Vax Is Dangerous and Ineffective, No?

Poor phrasing, but yes Trump's greatest legacy to America was Operation Warp Speed, which helped provide vaccines against the deadly COVID-19 virus in record time. Those who diminish the vaccines diminish the legacy of Donald Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
No it isn't. Trump's greatest achievement as President was exposing the enemy. This Vaccine has caused more problems than it's worth.
First of all, it's not a vaccine. A vaccine is a live virus or a dead virus. Remember, they changed the definition of a vaccine to make it qualify. The COVID shot is poison. Most who took it have Stockholm Syndrome, though more are starting to admit their mistake. The COVID shot is an albatross around Trump's neck. We have all witnessed more deaths among the people we know since the COVID shot rollout. Someone famous "dies unexpectedly" every day. The death rate will escalate for the next several years. The globalists want you dead to reduce carbon. The COVID shot was designed to achieve this goal. Now it's food shortages and economic kaos. The carbon they want to eliminate is YOU.
First of all, it's not a vaccine. A vaccine is a live virus or a dead virus. Remember, they changed the definition of a vaccine to make it qualify. The COVID shot is poison. Most who took it have Stockholm Syndrome, though more are starting to admit their mistake. The COVID shot is an albatross around Trump's neck. We have all witnessed more deaths among the people we know since the COVID shot rollout. Someone famous "dies unexpectedly" every day. The death rate will escalate for the next several years. The globalists want you dead to reduce carbon. The COVID shot was designed to achieve this goal. Now it's food shortages and economic kaos. The carbon they want to eliminate is YOU. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
I used the word "Vaccine" for lack of a better term. But you're right the Covid Jab is not a Vaccine. In fact I think it's a chemical agent designed to sabotage the bodies natural defenses.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think somebody from a lab analyzed what was in the vaccine, might've been Moderna. they didn't like what they found. it was stuff that shouldn't be in a the so-called vaccine. I don't recall who it was that wrote the article.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No, you are royally protected. Maybe time for a second booster? I'm getting my third as soon as the Omicron booster comes out. Originally Posted by Tiny
At least it makes for a good laugh
ICU 812's Avatar
Every dose of the covid vax eliminates a substantial part of the immune system and releases the killer spikes. The nRNA variety torques your DNA so you kids will be messed up. Chances of getting Covid are higher if you take the vax, just as was predicted by s Dutch virus guy.

Is there any non-braindead argument on any of these points? Originally Posted by Scottferd
All I really know about vaccines and immunization is that I can't get Polio, Measels, Whooping cough, Diphtheria or Cholera . . .AND ABUNCH OF OTHER STUFF.

So, why have I and others, gotten Covid of one sort or another even though we have also gotten three or four shots?

Even President Biden?

Oh, and "Monkey Pox' is the next thing on the panic horizon.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes, more people know the vaxx is poison. Better yet, more are talking about it publicly.

EU Parliament Member Drops Nuke on Universal COVID Vaccine Campaign – “This is the WORST Crime Ever Committed on Humanity”

This week, a top European leader furiously denounced the universal Covid vaccination “campaign” as the “biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”

Speaking to members of the European Parliament, German MP Christine Anderson condemned the global public health response to Covid-19 and the vaccination programs that were implemented to coerce individuals into taking the experimental jab.

In the end, it won’t even be close, Anderson claimed: Covid vaccines and their forced coercion will go down as the worst medical crime ever committed.

Keep in mind – she’s from Germany. Now that’s saying something.

From Anderson:
“This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and, moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No, you are royally protected. Maybe time for a second booster? I'm getting my third as soon as the Omicron booster comes out
Judging by recent news, royally fucked seems more appropriate
I think somebody from a lab analyzed what was in the vaccine, might've been Moderna. they didn't like what they found. it was stuff that shouldn't be in a the so-called vaccine. I don't recall who it was that wrote the article. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've read a few articles associated with the chemical make up of the "Vaccine" too. I think it's Graphene Oxide is what they are most concerned with. I've attached a short a video on some of the research associated with Graphene Oxide and the Vaccines and the PCR Nasal swab.
Sorry, I've been busy with real life. You know making more money and fucking hot women, but aren't a bunch of y'all bashing the vax the same ones the were kneeling and raising your hands to praise Frump for Operation Warp Speed in developing them?

Me, I just hope that bambi sparkles is back in time to celebrate me kicking the bucket from the vax and my body being burned. rubbing his nose in more false, BS he posted about it. But at any rate, it seems we have some new non-democratic comrades here to urge on Frump's loved ones...the uneducated.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And the smart ones, since smart and educated clearly aren’t synonymous, rejected a rushed to market “vaccine” regardless of who it was developed under.
Getting harder for folks to advocate for these injections. Only 7% of parents are injecting their kids with this dangerous bioweapon. Booster shot participation continues to drop to an all time low. Many vials are being disposed of due to lack of demand. Many prominent leftists on this forum have not participated in this thread (Yssup Rider, Lucas McCain, etc.). Information about the harm these shots cause continues to leak out. The shot advocates are slowly but surely losing the narrative about the need for these shots. If Democrats wanna continue taking these shots, please, be my guest. Now the Democrats are lining up to take Monkey Pox Shots. Who knows what garbage is in those things. Will the left ever wake up and realize that the globalists want us all dead to reduce carbon?
ICU 812's Avatar
I feel that we all were lied to by professionals who diod know, but saw a government program with an unlimited moon-shot budget for the Big-Pharma.

Both president Treump and then President Biden were lead to believe that the Covid Vaccines would solve the pandemic by health professionals. As executives, they followed the recomendations of their professional advisors. We all did.

I am pissed off about this, but it is not either of the presidents that I am pissed off at. I think that Faucci and others should be held accountable for this public health failure. Pergery comes to mind as well as a few other things.

And anyway, why is there not a real vaccine available yet? Why are we told to get more shots and still mask up again?
ICU 812's Avatar
This thread is discussing what is now an endemic health issue . . Covid is no longer a pandemic emergency.

So "they" are trying to make Monkey Pox the next emergency just before thew midterms.

With all the Bull $h!+ we all have gotten since March of 2020, I can't help but be skeptical.
  • Tiny
  • 07-29-2022, 07:20 AM
I feel that we all were lied to by professionals who diod know, but saw a government program with an unlimited moon-shot budget for the Big-Pharma.

Both president Treump and then President Biden were lead to believe that the Covid Vaccines would solve the pandemic by health professionals. As executives, they followed the recomendations of their professional advisors. We all did.

I am pissed off about this, but it is not either of the presidents that I am pissed off at. I think that Faucci and others should be held accountable for this public health failure. Pergery comes to mind as well as a few other things.

And anyway, why is there not a real vaccine available yet? Why are we told to get more shots and still mask up again? Originally Posted by ICU 812
There are a number of real vaccines available that provide good protection against hospitalization and death, if you’re willing to get vaccinated and boosted. . The question is why don’t we have specific vaccines for the latest Omicron variants. And the answer is that the Biden administration isn’t willing to push the FDA to approve the vaccines, like Trump did.