Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of know a subject and speaking from ignorance....

Old people want younger folks to subsidize their healthcare. The system we have now does not cover the costs. So why shouldn't younger folks want something out of the government? I don't want the government to subsidize my healthcare, and young people have been trained that if they want something, they go to government.

Do you have a problem with oil companies being subsidized by the government. Duh, YES! I have a BIG problem with that.

Think about how wack that sounds to a woman...the GOP talking points are that Exxon needs those tax breaks , yet they demonize her for wanting birth control pills? Exxon should receive NO tax breaks from government. It's one thing for a woman to want birth control pills, it is another thing to demand that someone else pay for them.

Like I said this is a losing issue for the GOP. More women than men vote. This rallies younger voters. Folks that may not have voted. The old folks were going to vote the GOP anyway. This fires up people that were likely not to vote. Both parties are demagoguing this for power and control Nothing more. And Rush will stay rich, and in a few weeks, this will all be forgotten. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, why must you change the subject and then congratulate yourself on your intelligence. This thread is about Rush, not subsidies to oil companies.

But I answered your questions anyway, even though they are irrelevant. No need to thank me, I'm here to serve.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Regarding your title...Rush acting like a prick....correction he is a prick, why should today be any different

Regarding Bush's picture, hopefully that is not someone he sent to fight a senseless war. Originally Posted by vkmaster
First, as you pointed out, it ain't an ACT with Rush.

Second, don't get your hopes up.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Obama was just hitting on her.

I would to.

That college pussy is nice and wet.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If that's the case, Your Assholiness, it means that the President finally did something I can agree with.
Let's look at what Rush "accomplished" this week:

a) alienated even further a crucial block of voters--women and independents

b) caused an exodus of several long-time advertisers, as well as a possible boycott of the remaining ones

c) made Boehner, Santorum and Romney look sniveling in their half-hearted rebuke of his comments

Along with Olympia Snowe's decision to retire and Bob Kerrey's decision to run for Senate, this was quite a 48-hour period for the GOP, with self-inflicted wounds to both their presidential and Senate majority hopes. And all Obama had to do was place a phone call. Sweet!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 11:56 AM
Let's look at what Rush "accomplished" this week:

a) alienated even further a crucial block of voters--women and independents

b) caused an exodus of several long-time advertisers, as well as a possible boycott of the remaining ones

c) made Boehner, Santorum and Romney look sniveling in their half-hearted rebuke of his comments

Along with Olympia Snowe's decision to retire and Bob Kerrey's decision to run for Senate, this was quite a 48-hour period for the GOP, with self-inflicted wounds to both their presidential and Senate majority hopes. And all Obama had to do was place a phone call. Sweet! Originally Posted by TexasT

The people that worship at the feet of Rush do not have a clue
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by WTF
Speaking of know a subject and speaking from ignorance....

Old people want younger folks to subsidize their healthcare. The system we have now does not cover the costs. So why shouldn't younger folks want something out of the government? I don't want the government to subsidize my healthcare, and young people have been trained that if they want something, they go to government. But they the form of Medicare. You do not pay in near what you will take out. Not only that folks in large companies get a huge tax break on their income that people self employed do not. Like I said, you do not understand the issues.

Do you have a problem with oil companies being subsidized by the government. Duh, YES! I have a BIG problem with that. Good, we agree.

Think about how wack that sounds to a woman...the GOP talking points are that Exxon needs those tax breaks , yet they demonize her for wanting birth control pills? Exxon should receive NO tax breaks from government. It's one thing for a woman to want birth control pills, it is another thing to demand that someone else pay for them. Are you fucking kidding me, Sean Hannity was crying about this saying that we should pay for his kids football uniforms last night. The stupid SOB . I already pay for his kid to play sports in the form of taxes. If a company does not want to play by the rules, they can get out of the innsurance business. Women should be able to get birth control as long as men get viagra.

Like I said this is a losing issue for the GOP. More women than men vote. This rallies younger voters. Folks that may not have voted. The old folks were going to vote the GOP anyway. This fires up people that were likely not to vote. Both parties are demagoguing this for power and control Nothing more. And Rush will stay rich, and in a few weeks, this will all be forgotten.
Yes he will stay rich but he will back down if his advertisers start to leave. That is the tipping point in a capitalist society. And I use that term loosely. lol

WTF, why must you change the subject and then congratulate yourself on your intelligence. This thread is about Rush, not subsidies to oil companies.

But I answered your questions anyway, even though they are irrelevant. No need to thank me, I'm here to serve.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I said Rush was an idiot. I brought in the oil companies to show the hypocrisy.

Now get out there and keep fight the good fight!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you're saying, if you don't like the new rules the government has set for you, you can get out of the business. Why does government keep getting to change the rules?

And I haven't taken any Medicare or SS money. Even though I'm close, I doubt if there will be any for me. And I don't care, I've learned to take care of myself. And I don't want to subsidize someone else's fucking, through taxes or insurance premiums. It's an optional activity. And that goes for Viagra and its kin, as well.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-03-2012, 02:35 PM
whatever Lush is, his sponsors are pulling their advertising $$. Where have we seen this before?

Enter the learning curve once again leading to the wall ... BOOM!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 03:12 PM
So you're saying, if you don't like the new rules the government has set for you, you can get out of the business. Why does government keep getting to change the rules?

And I haven't taken any Medicare or SS money. Even though I'm close, I doubt if there will be any for me. And I don't care, I've learned to take care of myself. And I don't want to subsidize someone else's fucking, through taxes or insurance premiums. It's an optional activity. And that goes for Viagra and its kin, as well. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
But insurance companies do pay for viagra. My point is, "Do you blame women for wanting to have their fucking insured?" Simple point.

I subsidize all these families who have 7 kids that Rick santorum and Mitt Romney are playing to. I do not have any kids yet pay 20k a year in school property taxes.

We all subsidize shit we do not want to subsidize. The military is way to big from wtf the framers had in mind, yet half the population has no problem subsidizing it.

I could go on and on...

I could go on and on... Originally Posted by WTF
If you're planning on going "on and on," please stick to their RNC talking points. Otherwise they will not know what you're talking about!
whitechocolate's Avatar
Rush was obviously very turned on by the woman and was thinking with his very very little head again when he made those sexual remarks about her. He has no followup capability!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-03-2012, 03:45 PM
If you're planning on going "on and on," please stick to their RNC talking points. Otherwise they will not know what you're talking about! Originally Posted by bigtex

yeah, call Gretchen, she can email you the list
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 07:34 PM
Rush should have stuck to the issue and not attacked a woman.

He looks like a bully and an ass for doing so.

This lady is not a public figure.

It was not a smart move politically on his part.

I'll not get into the insurance part.... Originally Posted by WTF

In his statement on his website on Saturday, Limbaugh said, "For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke."

I'm sure Rush will take your criticism to heart, WTF, while he is counting his gazillions of dollars in his mansion on the beach in Florida.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Somebody finally got Lush Bimbo to realize he is not immune when it comes to losing advertisers.

I'm sure he saw the fall of Glenn Beck and someone told him to do some damage control. He definitely had "advice" from those who pay him because, for the very first time, he backed away from his incessant misogyny.

I was amazed he felt compelled to open an avenue to defend the rest of his hateful rhetoric as though it were satire instead of the mean-spirited criticism he usually slings.

Some pretty big advertisers flexed their muscles and made statements and "the Lush" caved like the loudmouthed, over-bearing coward he is.