For those who need proof of election fraud....

matchingmole's Avatar
Trump lost due to a shortage of Trumptards who voted....
bambino's Avatar
Trump lost due to a shortage of Trumptards who voted.... Originally Posted by matchingmole
He got a lot more votes than Obama before you add the fraudulent Biden votes.

Lapdog's Avatar
Not enough to beat Biden.

bambino's Avatar
Not enough to beat Biden.

BAHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Lapdog's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To piggy back on your other posts about other subjects, is the Georgia Secretary of State an EXPERT on this subject or just some elected hack? If you want to check, Raffensperger is a politician, a civil engineer, he has a MBA, and he was a CEO but he was never a mathematician or an analyst of anything. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Raffensperger is a REPUBLICAN politician who supported Trump. And Trump supported him in 2018.

“Brad Raffensperger will be a fantastic Secretary of State for Georgia — will work closely with @BrianKempGA. It is really important that you get out and vote for Brad,” Trump said in a tweet before the election that year.

“My job as secretary of state is to make sure we have fair and honest elections, follow the law, follow the process,” Raffensperger said. “I wish the election had been a resounding trumping of the left,” he said. “But It didn’t work out that way.”

Raffensperger did his job as Secretary of State of Georgia. It is his belief that the 2020 election was fair and honest and followed the law and nothing thus far has contradicted that statement. People like you, since the election did not turn out as you would have liked, will continue with the conspiracy theories and vilify a man who did his job.
LexusLover's Avatar
RPeople like you, since the election did not turn out as you would have liked, will continue with the conspiracy theories and vilify a man who did his job. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sounds like 2016! In fact the description couldn't get closer! Sounds like you're a racist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
NCSWIC Originally Posted by bambino
wut? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Obviously, he’s channeling his inner oeb11. Better off for everybody if we just ignore it,

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sounds like 2016! In fact the description couldn't get closer! Sounds like you're a racist. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I fully supported the outcome of the 2016 election. Did not like it but I at no time thought there was any fraud involved in Trump's victory.

I know of very few who contested the Trump's victory in 2016. The fact is that Trump contested his victory, claiming he won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote. As is the case in 2020, no proof, just conspiracy theories.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I fully supported the outcome of the 2016 election. Did not like it but I at no time thought there was any fraud involved in Trump's victory.

I know of very few who contested the Trump's victory in 2016. The fact is that Trump contested his victory, claiming he won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote. As is the case in 2020, no proof, just conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Me too.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Not enough to beat Biden.

BAHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Okay, you obviously admit that there were irregularities if not outright fraud. How do you know it was not enough to beat Biden unless all votes are VERIFIED and recounted? What are you afraid of? Answer this question, if it is proven (remember math?) that Trump won Arizona, are you going to admit that Trump may have been right (again) and the MSM/DNC/Tech have been lying to you?

Remember, your words admit that you know that some things don't smell right. Are you willing to be ass fucked, smile, and pull your pants's all in a day's work.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I fully supported the outcome of the 2016 election. Did not like it but I at no time thought there was any fraud involved in Trump's victory.

I know of very few who contested the Trump's victory in 2016. The fact is that Trump contested his victory, claiming he won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote. As is the case in 2020, no proof, just conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Really? I thought you were smarter than that or at least more honest. Two dozen elected representatives objected to the vote count in Congress. Nearly every major network hinted at something messing with our election. Hillary has still not admitted that she lost. The entire Russian collusion thing about about Trump not legitimately winning the election. How many democrats voted for impeachment? There is your number of "very few."
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Raffensperger is a REPUBLICAN politician who supported Trump. And Trump supported him in 2018.

“Brad Raffensperger will be a fantastic Secretary of State for Georgia — will work closely with @BrianKempGA. It is really important that you get out and vote for Brad,” Trump said in a tweet before the election that year.

“My job as secretary of state is to make sure we have fair and honest elections, follow the law, follow the process,” Raffensperger said. “I wish the election had been a resounding trumping of the left,” he said. “But It didn’t work out that way.”

Raffensperger did his job as Secretary of State of Georgia. It is his belief that the 2020 election was fair and honest and followed the law and nothing thus far has contradicted that statement. People like you, since the election did not turn out as you would have liked, will continue with the conspiracy theories and vilify a man who did his job. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Does saying that Raffensperger is a republican make your argument stronger? Not really. First, how many republicans openly challenge anything that Trump says or does? My argument is that Raffensperger was a CEO and not an analyst. He has not analyzed the election results. What he did was check and saw to it that it looked like all the Ts were crossed and the Is dotted.

Like the example I've used before; I draw $100 from my bank account in the morning. I buy some gas, have lunch, a couple of soft drinks, and someone wants to borrow $10, and they're taking up a collection for a woman who is retiring. Someone asks me how much money I have in my pocket. So, like Georgia, I run things through my head...lunch, gas, $10...I got something to drink...what was the other thing.... and I say that I have ABOUT $42 in my pants. Are you sure? Did you have any money before you stopped at the bank? Oops! Yeah, a few dollars I forgot about. So how much money do you have? I'm not sure but let (the recount) run the figures through my head again (which already gave you the wrong answer once) and you confirm, $42. Wait, no maybe $46.
The question then becomes, if you really want to know then take out the money and VERIFY the amount. That's an audit. Make sure that that piece of paper you feel is a bill or a receipt. Goes back to it again, if you're so confident, why does an audit frighten you?

Like I asked the other, what will you do or say if Arizona proves that Trump won that state on election night?
Lapdog's Avatar
Okay, you obviously admit that there were irregularities if not outright fraud. How do you know it was not enough to beat Biden unless all votes are VERIFIED and recounted? What are you afraid of? Answer this question, if it is proven (remember math?) that Trump won Arizona, are you going to admit that Trump may have been right (again) and the MSM/DNC/Tech have been lying to you?

Remember, your words admit that you know that some things don't smell right. Are you willing to be ass fucked, smile, and pull your pants's all in a day's work. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Hey, Einstein. Interpret anything you want from what I write. It's a free country. The reason Biden is in the Oval Office right now and Trump is playing with his pud in Florida is because Biden is better qualified to lead this country. He's already proven that since he took office. Get a life, and go take your own ass fucking.
bambino's Avatar