Why is it that

Still Looking's Avatar
[quote=LynnPL;1310324]If you will wash your wee wee can I wash your balls? We cant forget those.

Oh please tell me your coming to Texas?!

Note to self: Check flights to NY & Philly
punisher's Avatar

Hands have many, many germs on them. Why do you think there are signs in every bathroom in the free world telling employees it is the law that they wash their hands before returning to work? Contact surface transmission of disease is very common way of transmitting disease. All you have to do is touch a door knob with pathogen that transmits this way and then rub your eye or touch a cut and you are now infected. I’m not a doctor, but maybe even more germs on one’s hands than on Oilfield’s little Oilfield lol. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I agree with you, hands are the most dirtiest and most used part of your body. Just like you Olivia, I am not a doctor, but I did stay at the Holiday Inn Express.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
So Im not allowed to post in a city I plan to visit and get to know anyone? Hmm oh yea.. I forgot when a provider posts anything on the board its a threAD.. funny I post all over this board but ok. Only men are allowed to say anything in reguards to your post? hmm

Dude lighten up, your post was actually dumb and I was trying to be funny, Sooorrry.

Next time I'll use this instead of bugs.. pathogens, resident bacteria, ecoli, staph, Streptococcus .. Originally Posted by LynnPL
No threAds are actually ok in here per management. Would you be posting in Houston if you weren't planning to visit our fair city?...just saying.

I get the dirty wee wee reason for the CBJ. I think we rode that horse to death already. How about some others reasons.
  • LynnT
  • 05-20-2011, 09:12 AM
No threAds are actually ok in here per management. Would you be posting in Houston if you weren't planning to visit our fair city?...just saying.
Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Yes, I pop on different areas of the board on the regular. I dont always post everywhere but I snoop. And yes sure I am posting more because Im coming there. Why wouldn't I? I thought that was one of the reasons of this board..

I dont post for it to be a threAD, I just would of started my own nonsense threAD in coed if that was my intention.. Just sayin' I posted cause I run my big mouth. he he

I thought my posts were funny but apparently you didnt. Sorry.

Ok carry on with cbj.