When Life Happens... How do you handle it?

Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 08-12-2010, 08:01 AM
...For a NEW Thread Category...Perhaps we could call it...."Letting Cooler Heads Prevail..."

There is ABSOLUTELY no WAY (at least that I have found) to avoid Life's lil catastrophes OR just REAL LIFE issues from bleeding over and/or totally Fing up an appt...As mentioned before, Cancels are INEVITABLE...
Its the LAST minute OR NCNS that really up both guys AND gals alike...

I like the way both parties gave their perspectives, (RESPECTFULLY, I MIGHT ADD)...Johnny admits that he didnt read all of the text...and CAITLYN explains the entire process/sequence of events that caused the 2 bumps/cancel...Perhaps this can serve as a preventative tale to others who share an incall to Sync up their schedules/COMMUNICATE....AND, I would imagine that Johnny (and hopefully all of the rest of us SAPS) will read the whole text(s) from the gals...
There simply is NO WAY around the fact that Johnny had already left to navigate traffic...and while THAT is TOTALLY between Johnny and Caitlyn as to how they deal with making that right...
To tie this up and put a lil Bow on the Story, IF yous two
kids DO get 2gether....A FULL acct is in Order....

SIDE NOTE to Gonzo (and anyone else who has trouble following and keeping up with The DANNIE's Wit):
Gentlemen, you should know by now...when it comes to something Dannie serves up on here...You have GOT to dissect it from ALL angles...This lil PHILLY simply LOVES to throw double meanings/synonyms/oxy-morons/ etc...
I can only imagine her sitting back and watching our reaction to one of her multi-layered posts and laughing at how long it takes us to unravel her true intent AND how MOST of us MISS MOST of what she is really sayin....
IN SHORT, Dannie loves the tongue in the cheek...
OK...I just distracted my OWN Dam Train of thought..

Hey, its a thread like this that Soothes the wounds of some of the Petty SHIITE that has a tendency to rear its UGLY head on here from time to time....

I would like to think Dannie is a "think-outside-the-box" kinda woman. No pun of course. I love subliminal messages!
berkleigh's Avatar
"In 3 words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: IT GOES ON...!"
I just re-read all the posts here and I did not see flames of any kind. Am I missing something? I don't see anyone getting dog-piled here. All I see is very reasonable discussion for a change.... Originally Posted by Dannie
no shit. Are ya'll sick or something? All this civility is soooo boring.

Caitlyn just illustrated an important thing to know when using the boards as leverage. He or she who posts first is the one who will be believed. If this guy came along now and posted his own thread, he would be persecuted. I have known some gals who post alerts before a bad review comes out to circumvent the blowback.

Personally, I do not like guys or gals who use the board as a threat. It does not mean shit. Tell the person making the threats to go pound sand. Guys will still see girls and girls will take their money. Girls will get more business, even if the publicity is bad - ask LMM, sxyjade, charli knox, magen sunshine, etc..

Hmmm. Just noticed a trend in those names. Maybe you have to be blond to have negative publicity still be good for you. I will have to get a grant to study this theory.
Here is one that I like, Dont take things so seriously. Just move on.
ziggy48's Avatar
I had Doctors, Dentists and many others bump an appointment back and finally cancel.
I've had Flights bump all day to finally cancel.
Things are what they are.
Control what you can and accept what you can't.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I have no issues with Dannie; at least, none that I'm aware of.
no shit. Are ya'll sick or something? All this civility is soooo boring.

Caitlyn just illustrated an important thing to know when using the boards as leverage. He or she who posts first is the one who will be believed. If this guy came along now and posted his own thread, he would be persecuted. I have known some gals who post alerts before a bad review comes out to circumvent the blowback.

Personally, I do not like guys or gals who use the board as a threat. It does not mean shit. Tell the person making the threats to go pound sand. Guys will still see girls and girls will take their money. Girls will get more business, even if the publicity is bad - ask LMM, sxyjade, charli knox, magen sunshine, etc..

Hmmm. Just noticed a trend in those names. Maybe you have to be blond to have negative publicity still be good for you. I will have to get a grant to study this theory. Originally Posted by cpi3000

Wow, now that's what I call real useful information...facetiously speaking...
rachet3375's Avatar
Had a meet set up with a provider, she gave me directions to her incall. I get to the parking lot and call for room #, no answer, uh oh. Call again and straight to voicemail, box is full, DAMN IT! Move her to my flake list and try for plan 'b', 'c', 'd' it is now 10:00pm, give up and go home. Next morning she texts me sayin she is sooo sorry and would love to give me a make-up session one hr for 1/2$. I say ok and do it one more time. She makes up for it in a most spectacular way even explained to me the bit of drama that led to the cancallation. I have seen her several times now and she is one of my ATFs. Life does happen and you just need to make the best of it.
For what it's worth.. I was the guy that was scheduled the day your daughter broke her wrist. I was extremely impressed with how considerate you were when you called and I completely understood. You're a sweetheart in my book!

Thank you!!